Days after the Judicial Proceedings Committee killed this life-saving bill, two teens who attend Henry E. Lackey High School in Charles County were killed due to driver inexperience
Nothing about someone else in the car distracting the driver.
Days after the accident at Lackey, a Gaithersburg youth lost control of his car while drag racing with another youth. The passenger in the vehicle, driven by a 16-year-old teen who had just had his license for two months, was killed in the accident.
Well duh, drag racing.. Shouldn't be doing that! Nothing to do with the driver being distracted, but about the driver knowing exactly what he was doing.. And it was stupid. Instead of having the spirit of Earnhardt going through his veins, maybe the passenger would have gotten him to stop.
This is common sense legislation. If you don’t think so, just take a moment to observe teen drivers getting into a car with their peers and watch as the driver pulls away. Every time I do this, I notice that they immediately start either fiddling with their compact disc player, talking on their cell phones or looking at their fellow passengers either beside them -- or worse talking to their friends in the backseat.
I see just as many adults doing that.. Then you have adults fiddling with the cigarette lighter, putting on makeup, eating their bacon egg and cheese biscuit..
Seems like everything you talk about points at the experience of the driver, not distractions from people within the car. so three things we learn from this:
1) Parent should know who their kids are riding with.. If you don't know or trust them, then don't let your child ride with them.
2) Same as #1, but if you don't trust your child to drive others, forbid it.
3) a Passenger's life is more important than the driver.. We care about the passengers being hurt, but nothing about just the driver.. Right up there with a pro-lifer being pro-death penalty.. if there is a concern about the person's driving ability, they shouldn't be driving anyone around, including themselves!! Again, parents need to take care of it..
So, everything I read in the article really is useless.. And lets talk about enforcement.. Can you easily tell the difference between a 17 and an 18 year old?? Are cops so bored they have the time to pull over these people to check their age if they are car pooling? And like you said, after the have an accident and kill people, it is too late..