Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


PREMO Member

Ukraine’s spring offensive a likely death trap for US, NATO

The planned Ukrainian late Spring offensive could be a death trap for the US, NATO and even America’s Asian allies.

A brigade is normally between 3,000 and 5,000 soldiers. Using the higher number, Ukraine is planning to commit 60,000 troops in the counteroffensive, focused on an effort to break Russia’s control over Black Sea ports other than Sevastopol.

However, it is likely Ukraine will launch some sort of simultaneous attack on Crimea and Sevastopol, if it can.

The offensive is largely the brainchild of US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland. She is the éminence grise in the Biden administration when it comes to Ukraine.

Nuland has not made any secret of her ambition for Ukraine to take back Crimea. Nuland, who is rigidly anti-Russian and anti-Putin, would like to see the Putin government collapse: achieving that in her view requires an absolute victory by Ukraine over Russia, meaning that Ukraine will retake every square meter of its lost land. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky agrees.

Nuland has a long history with Ukraine. In the Obama administration, she supported the Maidan protestors and the overthrow of the legally elected, but pro-Russia, government of Ukraine.

There are secret recordings of her conversations with the US ambassador to Ukraine at the time, deciding who would be best to replace Viktor Yanukovych, who was then president of Ukraine. Yanukovych was elected in 2010 in a runoff between himself and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. Yanukovych originally came from Donetsk; he is now in exile in Russia.


PREMO Member

Putin Surfaces With Speech on the Coup Attempt, Prigozhin Responds, and Has Anyone Seen Victoria Nuland?

Here are my takeaways from the speech.

Putin admits Wagner PMC is in open revolt against Russia’s kleptocratic government. He also admits that the revolt has jeopardized the Russian state’s existence. He predicts that this could lead to civil war. This is some pretty powerful stuff.

Putin’s speech throws a sop to the “heroes who liberated Soledar and Artyomovsk,” note he does not mention Bakhmut to try to keep Russian Army units, some of which have reportedly defected to Wagner, from thinking too much about what is going on.

Over the past 16 months, I’ve repeatedly said that Putin’s goal is not reestablishing the USSR with its Potemkin Soviet Socialist Republics. He wants to bring back the Russian Empire of Nicholas II. Note how he put Prigozhin in the role of Lenin in 1917.

In response, Prigozhin released an audio message.

Regarding the betrayal of the motherland, the president is sorely mistaken. We’re patriots of our motherland. We’ve fought and we’ll continue fighting. All Wagner Group fighters. And none of us is going to turn himself in at the demand of the president, the FSB, or anybody else. Because we don’t want the country to go on living in corruption, deception, and bureaucracy. When we fought in Africa, they told us we need Africa, and then they abandoned it, because they plundered all the money that was supposed to help. When they told us that we were fighting against Ukraine, we went and fought. But it turned out that the ammunition, the weapons, all the money that was allocated for them was also plundered. And the bureaucrats sit there, saving it for themselves, specifically for the day when this happens, when someone marches on Moscow. Now they’re not saving anything — they’re using planes and helicopters to bomb columns where there are civilians. And they’re bombing civilians because they can’t hit their targets. And they’re just hitting whatever they hit. So we’re the patriots, and those who are resisting us are the ones who have gathered around scoundrels.

New Developments​

As my colleague Nickarama reported overnight, there is fighting in Voronezh. Prigozhin’s obvious target is Moscow. The red line on the map is Wagner’s route of march so far.


PREMO Member

Humiliated Prigozhin is sent into exile in Belarus after aborting his Wagner mercenaries' march to Moscow at 11th hour - but his men are treated like heroes as they withdraw

  • Yevgeny Prigozhin has told his mercenaries to retreat to their bases in Ukraine
  • Belarusian President Lukashenko said he had negotiated a deal with Prigozhin, but it is still not clear what he was offered in return for the shock withdrawal
  • Prigozhin was cheered by crowds and received handshakes as he left Rostov

Charges of rebellion have now been dropped against Prigozhin, with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also announcing that no Wagner mercenary will be prosecuted for the insurrection, which saw the group take the city of Rostov and march on the Russian capital in a whirlwind 24-hour advance.

The extraordinary episode has weakened Vladimir Putin's position, according to experts, and all eyes will now be on the Russian supremo to see what he does next.

There has been no sign of Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu since the mutiny started, leading to rumours he has been sacked by Putin.

If these reports are accurate, then the move would be seen as appeasing Prigozhin, who made Shoigu's removal a key aim of his rebellion and has heavily criticised the politician in recent weeks.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin has moved to seize control of the Wagner force, with those who participated in Prigozhin's action retreating from Rostov - where they were treated like heroes by the public as they withdrew.

Members of the mercenary group who did not take part in the action will now sign contracts with the Ministry of Defence.


PREMO Member
Russia mutiny: Rebel Wagner leader 'to move to Belarus' after calling off advance on Moscow to avoid 'bloodshed'

The office of Alexander Lukashenko said the decision to halt further movement of Wagner fighters was brokered by the Belarusian president, with Putin's approval, in return for guarantees for their safety.

The Kremlin said Lukashenko had offered to mediate because he had known the mercenary leader personally for around 20 years.

Chechen troops defend Moscow

Russia had enlisted 3,000 elite Chechen troops to be stationed in Moscow and placed machine guns on its borders, in preparation of private troops entering the capital.

Pro-Russian media reported 13 Russian soldiers were killed as part of the mutiny - but Sky News has not verified the claim.

Earlier, the Russian president accused the leader of the Wagner group of treason and leading an "armed mutiny".


PREMO Member

A New Russian Redline

We all know that those decision making centers are not necessarily located within the geographical boundaries of Ukraine. Does this mean that Russia will target US/UK decision making centers in Poland and Romania? It’s hard to say for sure. It depends on how you define “Kiev regime” and how you determine whether any given “decision making center” is an arm of the Kiev regime. I could argue that by classifying the US/UK as co-belligerents with the Kiev regime this could lead Russia to strike outside Ukraine.

I hasten to add that, for now, this redline applies to attacks on Russian territory. Nevertheless, this does suggest an escalation on the policy level.

End game in the Ukraine war approaches with lightning speed
Doctorow ^
| 20 June 23 | Gilbert Doctorow
Today Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu made an announcement that has not yet been carried in Western media but which is of the most grave nature.
According to the latest intelligence reports, Russia believes that the Ukrainian armed forces now intend to cover their failed counter-offensive in the Donbas by using US-supplied Himars multiple launch artillery and UK-supplied Storm Shadow cruise missiles, possibly in the longer range domestic version, to attack the Crimea.
If this happens, says Shoigu, Russia will consider both the United States and Britain to have fully entered the war as co-belligerents. And Russia will immediately respond to any such attack on its territory by destroying “the decision making centers” of the Kiev regime.
This is a fairly transparent threat to “neutralize” their government apparatus and personnel, logically including President Zelensky.
The statement by Shoigu leaves little doubt that we are entering the final phase of the Ukraine war as a war limited to the geography of Ukraine, and are possibly heading into a wider war with unforeseeable consequences both for Europeans and (finally) for Americans.
The ball is in the court of Washington and London.


PREMO Member

Russian Coup Update: It Ends With a Whimper as Prigozhin Goes Into Exile But Will Anything Ever Be the Same?

For about a day, the world had been held spellbound as Prigozhin’s mercenaries declared war on the Russian Defense Ministry. See Russia Faces Either a Military Mutiny or Coup D’Etat From Wagner PMC Boss Prigozhin, Fighting Against Leadership Underway in Russia: Wagner Group Seizes Buildings in Rostov, Battles Allegedly Erupt in Voronezh and Putin Surfaces With Speech on the Coup Attempt, Prigozhin Responds, and Has Anyone Seen Victoria Nuland? They took control of the city of Rostov-on-Don, and Prigozhin occupied the headquarters of the Southern Military District. As Prigozhin left the building, a crowd formed and began shouting their support for the attempted coup.



PREMO Member

Russian warlord's days may be numbered after standoff with Putin: retired admiral

The fate of Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin has become the source of intense speculation after he reached a deal with Moscow to go into exile.

"The ‘Game of Thrones’ philosophy applies here: If you go for the king, you better kill the king," retired Adm. James Stavridis said of the news of Prigozhin's deal with the Kremlin during an appearance on "Meet the Press" on Sunday.

"Prigozhin didn't do that," Stavridis said. "He now is going to be isolated from the 35,000 fighters that have protected him. He's like a snake whose head has been cut off from its body."

Stavridis' comments come after it was revealed Sunday that Prigozhin, the leader of the private Russian military organization, reached a deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin to go into exile in Belarus after a brief uprising against Russian forces that saw his troops take the city of Rostov-on-Don and start an advance toward Moscow.


Well-Known Member
What percentage of the Russian invasion force was made up of Wagner thugs?
Since their loyalties are in question...wouldn't now be the time for Ukraine to hit the areas where they are based & punch in some embarrassing holes? The Crimea may be in play....


Well-Known Member
What percentage of the Russian invasion force was made up of Wagner thugs?
Since their loyalties are in question...wouldn't now be the time for Ukraine to hit the areas where they are based & punch in some embarrassing holes? The Crimea may be in play....

They rolled into a Russian town where the people knew who they were. Probably thought it was just a military parade.


PREMO Member
🚀 Lost in all the fake news about the Wagner Civil War, the Evening Standard ran a story late last week headlined, “Ukraine May Be ‘Pausing Counteroffensive’, Says Institute for the Study of War.”

According to the article, on June 17th, the Wall Street Journal reported that Ukrainian forces “have mostly paused their advances in recent days” as command in Kiev “re-examines tactics.”

Re-examines. That’s a euphemism for “licks its wounds.”

In its latest update on the war, the Institute for the Study of War, a Washington-based think tank, said these news reports are consistent with their own recent observations of the “scale and approach” of local Ukrainian counterattacks in southern and eastern parts of the country. It added that it still does not look like Ukraine has launched its “main” effort yet.

The rationale for the “pause” was not clear, especially given that it provides the Russians even more time to shore up their defenses.

Headlines this week suggested a new push to lower liberal expectations, signaling nothing is going to happen anytime soon. From The Washington Post, this morning:

From the New York Times, this morning:

Haha, it’s not that the Russians are winning or anything. It’s the GROUND. The Ukrainians are being defeated by dirt.

The Times’ article, which is not paywalled, includes a helpful gigantic infographic with a large, scrollable battle map, pointing out all the different ways the devilish Russians have craftily frustrated the brave Ukrainian CounterOffensive™.

The Ukrainians have unlimited money, weapons, and ammo, and the Russians are — supposedly — isolated under crushing sanctions. Just saying.



PREMO Member

Angered by counteroffensive complaints, Ukraine's top general says the expected mission is 'not feasible at all' with just the weapons his army has now

Gen. Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the commander-in-chief of Ukraine's Armed Forces, told the Washington Post that it "pisses" him off to hear commentary that his counteroffensive operations are moving slower than anticipated. Kyiv's military is currently undergoing several offensive maneuvers along the front lines in the eastern and southern regions and has made small — but, at times, costly — territorial gains in the process.

Liberating Russian-occupied land means clearing obstacles fortifications, including anti-tank ditches, "dragon's teeth" anti-vehicle barricades, minefields, and trench labyrinths and breaking through Moscow's layered defensive lines. Breaching these many obstacles are dangerous and painstaking operations, especially since Ukraine doesn't appear to have all the capabilities that other militaries executing this kind of mission would normally employ.

"This is not a show," Zaluzhnyi said in the recent interview with the Post, which was published on Friday. "It's not a show the whole world is watching and betting on or anything. Every day, every meter is given by blood."


PREMO Member
🚀 Yesterday, the Washington Post slyly ran a fake investigative piece, no doubt dished up by the intel agency, headlined “CIA director, On Secret Trip To Ukraine, Hears Plan For War’s Endgame.”

Hahahaha! A secret trip to Ukraine! On the WaPo’s front page! These guys are so funny.

The sub-headline explained the “endgame” isn’t about winning. “During meetings in Kyiv, William Burns was told of Ukraine’s ambitious goal to retake territory and push Moscow into talks by the end of the year.”

Talks! By the end of the year. In a serious, non-circus world, this sea-change in Proxy War policy about how the war will end would be earthshaking news. Until ten seconds ago, the official Biden policy has been “no deals.” Recent disclosures have shown that Washington has even frustrated and blocked several earlier peace talks.

Before continuing the story, it is helpful to note the clock the Biden Administration is under. The Proxy War must be wrapped up by the end of this year to avoid becoming an election-year issue in 2024. The general rule is that virtuous, exciting, NEW wars are helpful to a candidate’s re-election chances, whereas old, languishing wars of attrition are NO BUENO.

With that in mind, consider this next paragraph from the WaPo’s story:

In preparation for the fall, Zelensky and top aides have begun thinking about how Kyiv can force an end to the fighting on terms that are acceptable to Russia and the Ukrainian people, who have been subjected to a year and a half of violence, forced displacement, atrocities, and food and electricity shortages.

In addition to telling us all about Zelensky’s “secret meeting” with the head of the CIA, William J. Burns — and just what is the CIA even doing in Ukraine, one wonders; and what does the CIA have to do with negotiating a peace deal? I mean, whose war is it anyway? — the paper also told us all about Ukraine’s “secret” new strategy to improve its negotiation position: first move artillery and missile systems near the boundary line of Russian-controlled Crimea; push further into eastern Ukraine; and only then open negotiations with Moscow for the first time since peace talks “broke down” (with U.S. help) in March of last year.

“Russia will only negotiate if it feels threatened,” explained an unidentified, anonymous senior Ukrainian official. More specifically, the strategy is to build up pressure so the war-torn country isn’t negotiating from a position of weakness:

In agreeing not to take Crimea by force, Kyiv would then demand that Russia accept whatever security guarantees Ukraine can secure from the West, said Ukrainian officials.​

Conspicuous by its absence was any mention of getting back the “disputed territories” in Eastern Ukraine that Russia now claims to have annexed into the Motherland. Maybe revealing this change in position was the article’s real goal, to re-set liberal expectations for what might be considered acceptable terms.

Interestingly, WaPo’s story also dropped the nugget that the U.S. intelligence community knew as early as mid-June that the Wagner Group was plotting an armed assault of some kind, according to an unidentified, anonymous U.S. official. Then the newspaper assiduously assured its readers that Biden had nothing whatsoever to do with the Wagner “rebellion,” just like he didn’t have anything to do with blowing up Russia’s gas pipelines.

But … I mean … where’s the old journalistic curiosity? Exactly HOW did the CIA know about Prigozhin’s little civil war ahead of time? Hmm? The WaPo didn’t speculate.

But look at what the relatively-short article did admit:

Ukraine has taken heavy casualties as its troops and armored vehicles navigate thick minefields and fortified trenches across wide-open territory. The challenging terrain has left troops vulnerable to Russian airstrikes and missile attacks. Zelensky has acknowledged that the counteroffensive is going “slower than desired,” and officials have confirmed the destruction of some Western-provided Leopard 2 tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles.

Uh oh. So, I guess things aren’t exactly going swimmingly in the Proxy War. Here is the timeline that one can piece together from this fake news story:

1) Ukraine was losing the “last chance” counteroffensive.

2) The CIA waited for the Wager Group’s rebellion, which came, if you think about it, at a particularly peculiar time, given that Ukraine was losing. Was Wagner’s implosion a deep-state Hail Mary?

3) Then, the WaPo published this story stating, for the very first time, there’s a “secret plan” to negotiate and end to the war with only “security guarantees.” Forget about that stupid “not one inch” business.

Now, I’m just a lawyer, not a deep-state color revolution plotter, but as a litigator I have LOTS of experience with negotiating. And I can assure you with no reservations that telling your negotiating opponent about your secret negotiating strategy ahead of time is NOT a typical move. Loose lips sink ships, and so forth. Usually, giving away your secret haggling formula is not especially helpful to getting what you want.

So. The Proxy War clock is running.



PREMO Member

White House Claims Ukraine Will Be Careful with American-Provided Cluster Bombs

“Ukraine would not be using these munitions in some foreign land. This is their country they’re defending, these are their citizens they’re protecting and they are motivated to use any weapon system they have in a way that minimizes risks to those citizens,” he added.
Cluster munitions are a category of rockets, bombs, missiles, and artillery projectiles that break apart in the air and blanket a large area. The munitions often fail and can devastate civilians.

Humanitarian groups note that unexploded cluster bombs often linger and harm civilians after the conflict. More than 100 countries signed the Convention of Cluster Munitions, promising not to use them. Russia, Ukraine, and the United States have not signed the treaty. Russia reportedly has been using cluster munitions during the conflict.

“Transferring cluster munitions disregards the substantial danger they pose to civilians and undermines the global effort to ban them,” Mary Wareham, the Human Rights Watch advocacy director, said on Thursday.


PREMO Member
🔥 Politico ran a story yesterday headlined, “U.S. Approves Cluster Bombs Despite Humanitarian Concerns.”

After weeks of dithering, on Friday, just before the weekend, the Biden Administration quietly announced it will approve cluster bombs in the United States’ next $800 million weapons package for Ukraine, after all.

Official propaganda minister Jake Sullivan explained that the deadly weapons, banned by over 120 countries and a U.S. law prohibiting export of weapons with more than a 1% dud rate, are now unfortunately necessary, to help shore up Ukraine’s failing counteroffensive:

“We recognize that cluster munitions created risk of civilian harm from unexploded ordnance,” Sullivan said during a White House press briefing. “This is why we deferred the decision for as long as we could, but there is also a massive risk of civilian harm if Russian troops and tanks roll over Ukrainian positions and take more Ukrainian territory and subjugate more Ukrainian civilians because Ukraine does not have enough artillery.”

Who cares whether it’s ethical? Not Joe Biden. His ethic is the relentless utilitarian logic of necessity. Children are the largest group of victims from unexploded bomblets. The use of cluster bombs is widely considered by rights organizations to be a war crime.

Sullivan admitted that, even though the U.S.’s modernized cluster bombs have a 2.35% dud rate, Biden can override the U.S.’s export ban.

Oh, and when Russia did it, it was a war crime. Days after the war in Ukraine started last year, White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked by a reporter about Russia’s use of “illegal cluster bombs” in the Proxy War. “We have seen the reports,” Psaki replied. “If that were true, it would potentially be a war crime.”

That was then! And Putin is evil! So!

The ultimate victims will be Ukrainians themselves.
