Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


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Let them eat potatos!


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US Warns of False Flag Attacks as Russia Targets Civilian Ships Off Ukraine

“Our information indicates additional sea mines in the entrances to Ukrainian ports, and yesterday we observed Russia release a video of the detection and detonation of what they claim was a Ukrainian sea mine,” Mr. Kirby said.

“We believe that this is rather a coordinated effort to justify any attacks against civilian ships in the Black Sea and then blame them on Ukraine in what we would consider… a false flag operation.”

Russian Military Targets Civilian Grain Ships

Mr. Kirby’s comments come just days after Moscow announced it would not renew the Black Sea Grain Initiative. That deal allowed ships to carry grain to and from Ukraine, provided they were inspected by a third party to ensure they were not being used to smuggle weapons.

Ukraine is the world’s fifth largest exporter of wheat, delivering more than 18 tons of food to the world’s nations every year.

Since the deal ended, Mr. Kirby said, Russia has begun targeting civilian infrastructure in Ukrainian port cities in an apparent effort to destroy Ukraine’s food supply, including its capacity to import and export grain. Russian forces are also placing sea mines around Ukrainian ports, he said.

“Russia has already announced publicly that all ships proceeding to Ukrainian ports in Black Sea waters will be considered potential carriers of military cargo, even though they are simply trying to pick up food that will feed people around the world,” Mr. Kirby said.

In otherwords like the dam and bridge attacks we are going to BLAME Russia


PREMO Member
🚀 The Proxy War narrative began to make its big turn this weekend, preparing the political battlefield for the 2024 election cycle. The Wall Street Journal ran a dispirited, full-form, magazine-style piece Sunday headlined, “Ukraine’s Lack of Weaponry and Training Risks Stalemate in Fight With Russia.” The sub-headline ominously explained, “U.S. and Kyiv knew of shortfalls but Kyiv still launched offensive.”

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Ukraine “risks" stalemate! Check out the story’s lead paragraph:

When Ukraine launched its big counteroffensive this spring, Western military officials knew Kyiv didn’t have all the training or weapons—from shells to warplanes—that it needed to dislodge Russian forces. But they hoped Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day. They haven’t.

Oh. So we always knew it probably wouldn’t work. That will be of little comfort to the relatives of dead Ukrainian conscripts who were promised a well-supplied, non-corrupt glorious battle to free Ukraine.

It might not be a great day for Ukraine, but oh! What a glorious day for the narrative! The much-vaunted but now obviously doomed-from-the-start Spring CounterOffense wasn’t a mistake, no, not at all. Western leaders knew Ukraine’s chances were poor, but they hoped “Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day.”

Hoped? From its very first paragraph, the Wall Street Journal pretended like no one ever heard that old trope, “hope is not a plan.”

So, there was no real plan. Just the meat grinder.

And there’s another part: According to the Journal, Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness are not carrying the day. See, it’s the Ukrainians’ fault! They weren’t brave or resourceful enough. And finally, we see blunt admission that U.S. presidential politics are rapidly dooming the Ukrainians’ dependence on weapons and ammunition:

The political calculus for the Biden administration is complicated. President Biden is up for re-election in the fall of 2024 and many in Washington believe concerns in the White House about the war’s impact on the campaign are prompting growing caution on the amount of support to offer Kyiv.

The Journal thinks it’s complicated, but it’s not complicated. The liberals created and honed the anti-war technique, and are fully aware of the damage it can inflict on a presidential campaign. Lyndon Johnson decided not even to try for re-election because he was mired in the slough of Vietnam. Incumbent Jimmy Carter lost in a landslide to a long-shot actor, Ronald Reagan, because Carter was being politically strangled by the vines of a seemingly irresolvable Iranian hostage conundrum.

Ukraine’s needs must yield to the needs of the many. The many democrats. They’re both important goals, but the deep state calculates it’s more important to beat Trump than to keep hold of its bioweapons crack house in Ukraine.

Despite all the relentless propaganda about how Ukraine is about to get F-16’s any day now, how the Patriot missile batteries create an impenetrable force field over the country, and how a gigantic reserve of unused Leopard tanks strain at the leash awaiting Zelenskyy’s order to charge, the Wall Street Journal boiled the Ukrainian problems down to two factors: they simply don’t have enough men to mount a successful attack on Russian defenses, and the wily Russians are beating them senseless from above, using artillery, missiles, drones, helicopters, and planes.

It won’t be long now.



PREMO Member
🚀 Politico ran a revealing story this morning that started with a headline I sort of agree with:

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It’s an overlong article mostly reciting personal interest vignettes about Ukrainians dispossessed or displaced by the war, but it ultimately gets around to the point: Ukraine is one of the world’s few so-called “breadbaskets,” and the fact that it is mired in a narrative-breaking military stalemate and is unable to ship its food is a matter that should be of great concern to the world.

For three quarters of the article Politico blamed that nasty warlord, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

But then, deeply buried late in the article, was this remarkable admission: it’s not just Putin. The Europeans don’t want the grain coming overland very much either:

Widespread dumping of Ukrainian grain onto Polish markets has angered Polish farmers, and the presence of thousands of Ukrainian truckers has strained local transportation companies there and in Romania. In June, the European Union expanded a ban on Ukrainian exports of grain to include Poland; at least until September 15, it will be legal only for Ukrainian grain to transit through Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary to the ports in those countries.

So the world’s grain is facing a double-whammy: a sea embargo by Russia and a land embargo by the European Union. You wouldn’t know that without reading carefully, though. These embargoes have a good chance of creating a whole lot of suffering. Maybe they should wrap up the Proxy War soon.



PREMO Member
🚀 I’d like to hire the thin, neatly dressed, and insanely-strong Ukrainian woman who was helping clear a damaged Odessa church in this accurate, reliable, totally believable, pro-Ukraine Sky News clip. Marvel at her easily carrying over a hundred pounds of dusty bricks in one arm, while holding two large cement blocks in her other hand at the same time!


It’s definitely propaganda. It’s like they have the entire Hollywood props and crisis actor departments over in Ukraine. Wait a minute! Maybe that’s the real reason for the actors and writers strike! The deep state is using them all to make war propaganda.



PREMO Member

U.S. Failed To Track All Military Aid To Ukraine As Criminal Gangs Stole Guns, Ammo From Frontlines

“During the evaluation, we found that the DoD was unable to provide end-use monitoring (EUM) in accordance with DOD policy because of limited U.S. presence in Ukraine,” the report says. “Therefore, we are issuing this report identifying the challenges faced by DoD personnel responsible for conducting EUM and Enhanced EUM (EEUM) when there are limited or no U.S. personnel present in the area the equipment is being used.”

After describing the inability of the U.S. to track all of the weapons it had sent to Ukraine, the report listed several examples of groups in the country obtaining military equipment for nefarious purposes, though the origin of the equipment remained unclear as the report was heavily redacted.

“In mid-August 2022, the SBU [Security Service of Ukraine] disrupted a group of volunteer battalion members who took more than 60 rifles and almost 1,000 rounds of ammunition and stored them illegally in a warehouse, presumably for sale on the black market,” the report said.


PREMO Member

Orbán: Only Western Money Keeps Ukraine War Going – Peace is Up to USA

Instead of keeping the conflict local as during the annexation of Crimea, “the West chose to fight to the last Ukrainian soldier,” Orbán charged, escalating a regional conflict “to a Western, European, and then global level.”

Orbán said that “if there is a war, then it makes sense to talk about peace,” as the war is “depriving hundreds of thousands of people of a full life, including family members, orphaned children, and widows. If the voice of peace is not strong enough, the prevailing public perception among politicians will be that the only solution in such a situation is war.”

“There will be no better conditions for peace negotiations than the present,” Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said Friday following his meeting with Turkish foreign minister Hakan Fidan. “Yesterday’s conditions were better than today’s, and tomorrow’s conditions will be worse than today’s,” Szijjártó said. Budapest still believes “there is no (military) solution” for the conflict.


PREMO Member
Zakharova claimed Russia has never refused negotiations on the war in Ukraine. “Even when we understood that they were unlikely to bring any added value, we always gave such a chance to partners or the situation in general,” Zakharova said.

However, “the Kiev regime withdrew from the negotiations it had asked for” in April 2022, Zakharova said. “Several rounds took place, and then they stopped responding to the documents and materials that we sent at their request. In September, they were legally banned from negotiating with our country,” she said.

“We are extremely grateful to our African friends for the fact that they really – not in words, but in deeds – value peace and want to do everything in their power, even without being in any way participants in all this long-term drama, but, indeed, having open hearts and understanding what this can globally lead to and is already leading to,” Zakharova said.



PREMO Member
Ukrainian units are now ditching plans to attack Russian positions head-on using complicated Western maneuvers and are instead wearing the enemy down with artillery and missile barrages, the Times says.

Analysts told the Times that Western allies of Ukraine pushed for the Ukrainian military to adopt more aggressive offensive tactics.

Western allies believe that a protracted conflict would further deplete Ukrainian ammunition supplies and play into Russian hands, the report says.

But having received only weeks of training, it said Ukrainian forces were reverting to more familiar methods.

"The problem was in the assumption that with a few months of training, Ukrainian units could be converted into fighting more the way American forces might fight, leading the assault against a well-prepared Russian defense, rather than helping Ukrainians fight more the best way they know how," Michael Kofman, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace told The Times.

Some Western equipment is also proving ineffective. Western battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles gifted to Ukraine were not able to get through the rows of Russian mines on the front lines, slowing down their much-anticipated counteroffensive.



PREMO Member
🚀 I’d sarcastically say “nobody ever saw this coming,” since we all saw it coming, but corporate media’s new, improved Ukraine narrative is that they always knew the Proxy War would end this way, because the Ukrainians are bad at war, and because NATO was too stingy with its very best weapons.

The New York Times ran the story yesterday headlined, “Ukrainian Troops Trained by the West Stumble in Battle.” Yikes. The sub-headline added more context: “Ukraine’s army has for now set aside U.S. fighting methods and reverted to tactics it knows best.”

Well that ought to do it.

Keep two things in mind as this story continues. First, remember all the braying laughter from pro-Ukes all year long, as they bragged until our ears bled about the one successful Ukrainian military action late last summer repelling the Russians from a single advance on Kiev that in hindsight looks like it was always a feint. It is now more obvious than ever these war boosters are execrable scumbags, because of the second thing.

Second, remember all the unfortunate, ordinary Ukrainians whose war-torn country has been used as the Deep State’s ashtray, and who were sold out by their elected leaders and an Eastern European culture of corruption that allowed the country to be hawked to the highest bidder. We pray for them, and will gladly share our last cracker.

The Times quoted Michael Kofman, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace who recently visited the front lines, who explained that Ukrainians are just too stupid to understand modern warfare. Plus, everybody knew it wasn’t likely going to work:

“Arguably, the problem was in the assumption that with a few months of training, Ukrainian units could be converted into fighting more the way American forces might fight, leading the assault against a well-prepared Russian defense, rather than helping Ukrainians fight more the best way they know how,” Kofman explained.
The Western-trained brigades received only four to six weeks of combined arms training, and units made several mistakes at the start of the counteroffensive in early June that set them back… Some units failed to follow cleared paths and ran into mines. When a unit delayed a nighttime attack, an accompanying artillery bombardment to cover its advance went ahead as scheduled, tipping off the Russians.
In the first two weeks of the counteroffensive, as much as 20 percent of the weaponry Ukraine sent to the battlefield was damaged or destroyed
Military experts said that using newly learned tactics for the first time was always going to be hard

Haha! It was always going to be hard! That’s what they always told us, right? They always warned there wasn’t enough time to train the Ukrainians properly. Right?

So there’s that. And there was another narrative reversal. Remember back when they laughed and predicted Russia would be out of ammo and manpower in no time? Consider this ominous line from the article: “President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has increasingly signaled that his strategy is to wait out Ukraine and its allies and win the war by exhausting them.”


Try to keep up, dummies. At this point, the narrative has spun around to the reverse opposite of what they were telling us ten minutes ago. It used to be our strategy to wear down the Russians. Now it’s Russia’s strategy to “exhaust” Ukraine plus all of its NATO allies. And now Vladimir “V” Putin — oddly now including his middle initial — does have a strategy. So after all he’s not just a mindless, bloodthirsty warlord bent on destruction at all costs. And not only does Putin have a strategy, but — per the New York Times! — his strategy is working.

According to the old, now discarded narrative, the Russian people are totally sick and tired of Putin’s lack of a strategy for Ukraine and this endless war, and corporate media assured us that the Russian troops also hated Putin so much they were ready to defect and join the Wagner uprising. Remember that one?

But the “Wagner uprising” doesn’t look much like an uprising anymore, not in hindsight, since the Wagner forces are now happily threatening Poland — and thus NATO — along Poland’s border with Belarus, and Wagner is single-handedly capturing the entire continent of Africa. For Russia.

There are only seven continents. So.

The so-called “Wagner uprising” now looks like it was yet another successful Putin strategy to dupe the hapless CIA out of $3.2 billion dollars in U.S. taxpayer dollars, I mean failed bribe money, that is now sitting around earning interest on deposit in the Russian treasury.

Those Wagner boys are pretty busy, considering they were just brutally suppressed after an alleged failed coup attempt:

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Do you suppose the CIA’s botched billion-dollar bribe violated sanctions? Maybe the CIA needs a special prosecutor. How many bad calls does the agency get before we fire them and get a new CIA? Or … can the CIA even be fired anymore? Whose CIA is it anyway, these days?

But I digress.

The New York Times’ point was: the Ukrainians are following their own strategy now. So if it fails, guess what? It won’t be NATO’s — I mean Joe Biden’s — fault. Try to keep up.

In other words, the political blame balloons are now aloft, bobbing around Eastern Europe, and they are going to blow up all over someone else so that Biden can have a clean presidential campaign. Well. Clean except for filing seventy criminal cases against his political opponent. Except for that.

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PREMO Member
Four to Six weeks of training ... hell Basic and AIT for infantry is 3 months then you spend years constantly training

We routinely got our assess kicked out at Fort Irwin in the Mojave Dessert by the OPFOR Experts in Russian Tactics - you just couldn't kill them fast enough A Motorized Rifle Regiment is a shite load of Tanks and APC's

[ Cold War Era ... but I don't know how much Russian doctrine has changed, maybe only the equipment ]

Ok so going in and training the Ukrainians ... they should know the basics, but Western Tactics is completely different from Russian / Ukraine Tactics ... there is a lot to unlearn


PREMO Member

Russia is jamming 'sophisticated' US weapons being used in Ukraine, making them useless, report says

Russia is disabling "sophisticated" missiles that Ukraine's Western allies provided by scrambling their GPS coordinates, according to reports.

Bryan Clark, a senior fellow at Hudson Institute, a US think tank, told BBC News that Russia's electronic-warfare capability had significantly improved during the conflict with Ukraine.

He said that Russia was now deploying hundreds of small, mobile electronic-warfare units along the front line, having previously relied on large, cumbersome units that could be easily targeted.

Clark told the BBC that Russian technologies were able to jam missiles' GPS coordinates, disable Ukrainian drones, and suppress Russian radar signals that were used by Ukraine to identify targets to attack.

One such system, the R-330Zh Zhitel, is able to suppress satellite signals.

"Zhitel can jam a GPS signal within 30km of the jammer," Clark said. "For weapons like JDAM bombs, which use just a GPS receiver to guide it to the target, that's sufficient to lose its geolocation and go off target."


PREMO Member
📈 You won’t see this story in corporate media. After two years of Biden Sanctions, Russia’s economy has continued growing and is now larger than any other European country. Here is Friday’s headline from Russia Today:


Since I couldn’t source the story to any Western media, I checked the IMF’s website for myself. Russia Today’s story is accurate. Not only that, despite two years of “brutal” U.S.-led sanctions, Russia now ranks among the world’s top five largest economies, and the largest in Europe in terms of ‘purchasing power parity’ (PPP) as of the end of 2022.

Presumably, halfway through 2023, Russia’s numbers are up even more.

Instead of sanctioning Russia for invading Ukraine, if Joe Biden had set out to deliberately expand Russia’s economy, he could not possibly have done it any better. Does that seem weird to you? Meanwhile, here in the U.S., we are either in a recession or headed straight towards one, depending on who you believe. Here’s Bloomberg, from Friday:

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Thanks Joe! If he sanctions Russia much harder, maybe it will help the former Soviet Union’s economy surpass America. Wouldn’t that be something.



PREMO Member

Russian officials are fuming after Ukraine isolated it in peace talks that even China attended: 'They're gossiping without us'

In the wake of last weekend's summit in Saudi Arabia where nations gathered to discuss Kyiv's plan to end the Ukraine war, Russia is cutting an ever more isolated figure on the world stage. It seems to be striking a nerve.

At the summit in Jeddah representatives from 40 nations gathered to discuss Ukraine's proposals for ending the conflict. In a surprise move even Russia's staunchest international backer, China, sent a representative.

A Chinese presence pointed to a growing rift between Beijing and Moscow — meanwhile Russia was not invited.

In comments to The Moscow Times, four former and current Kremlin officials familiar with Russia's diplomacy were troubled. Ukraine had managed to gather traditional Russian allies at the summit, not just its usual backers in the West, they noted.

One official said Ukraine was seeking to cut out Russia and get countries to rally behind its version of how to end the war.

"Kyiv's goal is to make these countries if not allies, then partners. And then if a general consensus is reached, Ukraine will try to deepen it and raise more sensitive issues to build such a consensus," the diplomat told the publication.