Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


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Aid groups warn US cluster bombs for Ukraine are ‘death sentence’ for civilians

“This is a death sentence to civilians over the long term. There are people who have not yet been born who will fall victim” to cluster bombs, said Baptiste Chapuis of Handicap International — Humanity and Inclusion (HI).

Days ahead of a NATO summit in Lithuanian capital Vilnius next week, the American move comes as allies cast around for further assistance to offer Kyiv as its counteroffensive against Russian invaders has been slow to make major advances.

When they detonate, cluster bombs spread dozens of tiny bomblets over an area the size of several football pitches, with a large number burying themselves in the ground rather than exploding.

The weapons therefore effectively leave a large field of antipersonnel mines in their wake — prompting a wave of condemnations even before the American delivery was confirmed.


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Pence says some 'just don't understand' why we must endlessly support Ukraine

The Associated Press interviewed Pence about the “call for limited military assistance to Ukraine” from former President Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), his top GOP rivals. “With all due respect,” he said, “I think the former president and the governor of Florida just don’t understand Americans’ national interest in supporting the Ukrainian military in repelling the Russian military in Ukraine.”

Pence is right, in a sense. Many citizens do not understand why they should be comfortable with a plan that has no clearly articulated boundaries.

So far, our military has drained its stockpiles to dangerously low levels for an overseas country. Officials have long admitted that they cannot fully keep track of where the supplies go, including whether the right people get hold of weapons and ammunition. The government falls short of strict oversight requirements in federal law because it cannot keep up.

Leaders have also shoveled over tens of billions of tax dollars toward the cause. We are told to cross our fingers and hope the notoriously corrupt Ukrainian government won’t misuse them. There is currently no remedy for the defense industry’s ruthless price gouges forcing the Pentagon, and taxpayers, to overpay for supplies.


PREMO Member

FBI Worked With Ukrainian Intelligence Agency to Censor Americans

A Judiciary Committee report published Monday revealed the FBI worked with a compromised Ukrainian intelligence agency to remove thousands of social media accounts, including of American journalists, a U.S. State Department account, and many more.

According to the report, the FBI teamed up with the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) to censor Americans, violating their First Amendment rights and calling into question the agency’s “credibility as the nation’s” top law enforcement organization.

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU6 ) sought to identify and impair suspected Russian influence operations on social media.7 The SBU enlisted the FBI in support of this effort, transmitting to the FBI lists of social media accounts that allegedly “spread Russian disinformation.”8 The FBI, in turn, routinely relayed these lists to the relevant social media platforms, which distributed the information internally to their employees in charge of content moderation and enforcement. […]
The Committee’s analysis of these “disinformation” registries revealed that the FBI, at the request of the SBU, flagged for social media companies the authentic accounts of Americans, including a verified U.S. State Department account and those belonging to American journalists. The FBI and SBU repeatedly requested the removal or suspension of authentic accounts expressing unambiguously pro-Ukrainian views, as well as those voicing opposition to Russian President Vladimir Putin. At times, the FBI would even follow up with the relevant platform to ensure that “these accounts were taken down.” Regardless of its intended purpose in endorsing the SBU’s requests, the FBI had no legal justification for facilitating the censorship of Americans’ protected speech on social media.



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Biden now admits he is considering giving Ukraine long-range missiles capable of reaching Russia AND Crimea on top of cluster bombs: President promises to get more artillery shells to Zelenksy as quickly as possible

  • Biden confirmed Wednesday he is considering sending longer-range missiles to Ukraine that have the capacity to reach Russia and Crimea
  • Comes as critics are reeling over sending Kyiv controversial cluster munitions, which are used by Russia but banned in 100 different countries
  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky briefed Biden on the counteroffensive


PREMO Member
Ben Wallace, Secretary of State for Defence of the United Kingdom, made the comments Wednesday at the NATO summit in Lithuania when he was asked to comment on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s frustration with the timeline of becoming a member-state.

“There is a slight word of caution here, which is that whether we like it or not people want to see gratitude,” Wallace told journalists during a briefing. “My counsel to the Ukrainians is sometimes you’re persuading countries to give up their own stocks [of weapons] and yes the war is a noble war and yes we see it as you doing a war for — not just yourself — but our freedoms.”

Wallace added that he sometimes hears “grumbles” from politicians in the United States – which has given the largest amount of aid to Ukraine by far – regarding a lack of gratitude from the country, to which American political leaders have said “We’re not Amazon” according to the defense chief.

Wallace said he has expressed the same sentiment as many in Washington, “I said to the Ukrainians last year, when I drove 11 hours to [Kyiv to] be given a list — I said, I am not Amazon.”



PREMO Member
🚀 Narrative Alert! The Hill ran a surprisingly quasi-critical Ukraine story yesterday headlined “Ukraine Shouldn’t Treat Allies Like Amazon: UK Defense Chief.”

On Tuesday, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace told reporters at the Vilnius NATO Summit that has heard “grumbles” from lawmakers in Washington, D.C., that, “we’re not Amazon.” He said he felt the same way. “I mean, that’s true,” Wallace said. “I told them that last June. I said to the Ukrainians, when I drove 11 hours to be given a list: ‘I’m not Amazon.’”

Secretary Wallace told the reporters that Ukraine has been pressuring countries to give up their own defensive weapons for Ukraine to use to defend itself. “Whether we like it or not, people want to see gratitude,” Wallace explained.

Do they? Since when? Whatever, so now people want to “see gratitude.” Where can we “see” the gratitude?

It’s the new narrative.

And, right on cue, from yesterday’s news:

Good doggie! Grateful doggie! He’s so thankful.

My guess is someone did some focus polling with democrats about the Proxy War and it wasn’t looking good. Maybe it has something to do with the results from this Economist/YouGov poll:

In other words, maybe even democrat voters are noticing that these days a plain restaurant cheeseburger costs $17, with the fries $3.99 extra, and are beginning to wonder whether maybe this Proxy War is getting too expensive, and it might be time to put those silly Ukraine flags up in the attic with the old-style “pride” flags (the ones with only seven colors instead of twenty-six), and for that matter, it’s also probably time to take that third job as a Taco Bell weekend assistant night manager.

So watch out below, for the new Proxy War narrative landing on the American public this week. It looks like Zelenskyy will be ditching his usual bellicose barking for billions because “if you do not stop Russia at Ukraine, soon Russia rolls through Europe, and Americans fight in Rhode Island!” I think we are about to see a new, softer Zelenskyy, a former comedian who is polite and thankful, and doesn’t treat the gullible Americans like Amazon Prime. No, no, never.

Just keep the doggie treats, I mean the money, flowing.



Well-Known Member
🚀 Narrative Alert! The Hill ran a surprisingly quasi-critical Ukraine story yesterday headlined “Ukraine Shouldn’t Treat Allies Like Amazon: UK Defense Chief.”

On Tuesday, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace told reporters at the Vilnius NATO Summit that has heard “grumbles” from lawmakers in Washington, D.C., that, “we’re not Amazon.” He said he felt the same way. “I mean, that’s true,” Wallace said. “I told them that last June. I said to the Ukrainians, when I drove 11 hours to be given a list: ‘I’m not Amazon.’”

Secretary Wallace told the reporters that Ukraine has been pressuring countries to give up their own defensive weapons for Ukraine to use to defend itself. “Whether we like it or not, people want to see gratitude,” Wallace explained.

Do they? Since when? Whatever, so now people want to “see gratitude.” Where can we “see” the gratitude?

It’s the new narrative.

And, right on cue, from yesterday’s news:

Good doggie! Grateful doggie! He’s so thankful.

My guess is someone did some focus polling with democrats about the Proxy War and it wasn’t looking good. Maybe it has something to do with the results from this Economist/YouGov poll:

In other words, maybe even democrat voters are noticing that these days a plain restaurant cheeseburger costs $17, with the fries $3.99 extra, and are beginning to wonder whether maybe this Proxy War is getting too expensive, and it might be time to put those silly Ukraine flags up in the attic with the old-style “pride” flags (the ones with only seven colors instead of twenty-six), and for that matter, it’s also probably time to take that third job as a Taco Bell weekend assistant night manager.

So watch out below, for the new Proxy War narrative landing on the American public this week. It looks like Zelenskyy will be ditching his usual bellicose barking for billions because “if you do not stop Russia at Ukraine, soon Russia rolls through Europe, and Americans fight in Rhode Island!” I think we are about to see a new, softer Zelenskyy, a former comedian who is polite and thankful, and doesn’t treat the gullible Americans like Amazon Prime. No, no, never.

Just keep the doggie treats, I mean the money, flowing.

Maybe someone should find out if they are using or selling these weapons.


PREMO Member

After Vilnius, Rumors Of Wars

Viktor Orban of Hungary brought clarity to the burning question, When will this awful carnage in Ukraine end? There’s only one thing standing in the way of peace. The former Interior Minister of Ukraine has stated (h/t Simplicius) that—but for NATO, and the promise of HIMARS—Ukraine would have capitulated in March 2022. Orban lets the cat out of the bag, the only reason this crime against humanity continues:

The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán stated earlier today during a Radio Interview that, “Ukraine has Lost its Sovereignty, it has No Money, No Military Industry, it receives everything from the West,” with him further saying during the Interview that the War could be over whenever the United States decides it so.


PREMO Member

Hospitallers Medical Battalion


The Hospitallers Medical Battailon was founded on 6 July 2014,[3] by medical volunteer Yana Zinkevych, who was 18 years old at the time.[4][3] In a later interview Yana described how fierce battles for Ukrainian villages, Karlivka and Pisky, made her think of the necessity of a volunteer medical unit.[3] The unit is named after Knights Hospitaller, a medieval Christian military order.[3] In early 2016, it was taken under the auspices of the Volunteer Ukrainian Corps, a part of the Right Sector Organization.[6][8][4]

When Dmytro Yarosh formed the Ukrainian Volunteer Army (UDA) in 2015, "Hospitaliers" became its structural division.[9][10]

Yana Zinkevych is the chief of the Medical Service at Ukrainian Volunteer Army and the permanent commander of the Hospitallers Medical Battalion.[3][11][12] As of March 2017, the Hospitallers consist of 60 persons (100 more in reserve).[13]

In 2019 a municipal enterprise "Hospitallers of Dnipro" was created based on the Hospitallers Medical Battalion of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army. It received funding from the city budget of Dnipro.[7]


Also known as: Crusader Knights of Rhodes, Hospitalers, Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knight Hospitaler, Knights Hospitalers of the Order of Saint John, Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, Order of Malta, Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, Order of the Knights of Rhodes, Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta, Sovereign and Military Order of the Knights Hospitaler of Saint John of Jerusalem, Sovereign and Military Order of the Knights of Malta


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PREMO Member

Hospitallers Medical Battalion


The Hospitallers Medical Battailon was founded on 6 July 2014,[3] by medical volunteer Yana Zinkevych, who was 18 years old at the time.[4][3] In a later interview Yana described how fierce battles for Ukrainian villages, Karlivka and Pisky, made her think of the necessity of a volunteer medical unit.[3] The unit is named after Knights Hospitaller, a medieval Christian military order.[3] In early 2016, it was taken under the auspices of the Volunteer Ukrainian Corps, a part of the Right Sector Organization.[6][8][4]

When Dmytro Yarosh formed the Ukrainian Volunteer Army (UDA) in 2015, "Hospitaliers" became its structural division.[9][10]

Yana Zinkevych is the chief of the Medical Service at Ukrainian Volunteer Army and the permanent commander of the Hospitallers Medical Battalion.[3][11][12] As of March 2017, the Hospitallers consist of 60 persons (100 more in reserve).[13]

In 2019 a municipal enterprise "Hospitallers of Dnipro" was created based on the Hospitallers Medical Battalion of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army. It received funding from the city budget of Dnipro.[7]


Also known as: Crusader Knights of Rhodes, Hospitalers, Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knight Hospitaler, Knights Hospitalers of the Order of Saint John, Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, Order of Malta, Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, Order of the Knights of Rhodes, Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta, Sovereign and Military Order of the Knights Hospitaler of Saint John of Jerusalem, Sovereign and Military Order of the Knights of Malta

They wore the black tunic w/white cross in Kingdom of Heaven.


Well-Known Member
The thing is - Russia's aims are to take over the country - utterly. Perhaps incrementally, but Putin himself has declared it's not a country. To him, it's like Alaska or Texas declaring independence. 30 plus years of independence and a separate language, my ass, to him it's part of Russia.

So, basically, Russia is out to conquer them. Ukraine is out to stop that - they do not intend to invade Russia, and to my surpise they've made very little effort to damage the interior of Russia (a few attempts, all minor).

So Ukraine - can't quit unless it just wants to surrender. And if you think the war crimes were bad, imagine what it will be like when the world isn't paying attention.

But if Russia quits - the war ends.

Presumably, the plan Trump claimed would end the war in a day is to call Putin and say, end it or we will supply them with everything and anything.


PREMO Member
🚀 The New York Times ran a literally explosive story this morning headlined, “‘Emergency’ on Crimean Bridge Disrupts Crucial Connection to Russia.” The sub-headline explained, “The traffic stoppage appeared to have been caused by a Ukrainian attack.”

“Appears.” Apparently.

The Times article was light on details, so I had to resort to the warbloggers. Several unverifiable online sources said the terrorist attack on the 12-mile-long civilian Kerch Bridge was accomplished by the Ukrainian military using a British underwater drone:

> Our source in the Ukrainian president’s office said that the attack on the Crimean bridge was carried out using the British REMUS 600 autonomous underwater robot with an additional load of explosives. Thanks to its ability to move under water at a depth of up to 600 meters and easy control from a laptop, it was launched from a civilian vessel in the Black Sea, it has a flight duration of about 70 hours at a speed of up to 5 knots. With increased cargo capacity, it has a range of 286 nautical miles, almost 500 km.

Today was the deadline for Russia to renew a year-old diplomatic agreement allowing Ukrainian grain shipments to pass unmolested through the Black Sea. After last night’s attack on the Kerch Bridge, various sources report that Russia has now said it will end the grain agreement. For some reason.



PREMO Member
🚀 Following Ukraine’s terrorist attack on its Kerch Bridge this weekend, Russia attacked several port cities in Odessa yesterday, reportedly destroying 60,000 tons of grain in the process.

image 10.png

The attacks follow Russia’s decision to withdrawal from a “safe passage” agreement that had allowed grain transportation for the last year. In other words, Russia literally blew up the grain deal. Ba-da-bump.

On Tuesday — one day after the deal ended — Bloomberg ran a bleak story headlined, “Ukraine Plea to Keep Grain Moving Clashes With Shippers’ Reality.”

Bloomberg reported that Ukraine asked the U.S. to escort its grain ships safely through the Black Sea, and the U.S. refused, saying shipping escorts are “not an option.” The financial paper expressed doubts that grain shipments can continue without an agreement with Russia. Of course, Zelenskyy blamed the pending food shortages on “Russian aggression,” which for some reason reminded me a recent encounter I had with an elderly North Carolina gentleman, who politely referred to the U.S. Civil War as “the War of Northern Aggression.”

I suppose we can’t expect the former comedian to fess up to his idiotic decision to bomb the Crimean bridge the day before Russia was due to agree to a new grain deal. He couldn’t wait a few more days till a new “safe passage” deal had been inked? Dummy. One thing is a constant in this Proxy War: it’s always Russia’s fault. Whatever “it” is.



Well-Known Member
🚀 Following Ukraine’s terrorist attack on its Kerch Bridge this weekend, Russia attacked several port cities in Odessa yesterday, reportedly destroying 60,000 tons of grain in the process.

image 10.png
The attacks follow Russia’s decision to withdrawal from a “safe passage” agreement that had allowed grain transportation for the last year. In other words, Russia literally blew up the grain deal. Ba-da-bump.

On Tuesday — one day after the deal ended — Bloomberg ran a bleak story headlined, “Ukraine Plea to Keep Grain Moving Clashes With Shippers’ Reality.”

Bloomberg reported that Ukraine asked the U.S. to escort its grain ships safely through the Black Sea, and the U.S. refused, saying shipping escorts are “not an option.” The financial paper expressed doubts that grain shipments can continue without an agreement with Russia. Of course, Zelenskyy blamed the pending food shortages on “Russian aggression,” which for some reason reminded me a recent encounter I had with an elderly North Carolina gentleman, who politely referred to the U.S. Civil War as “the War of Northern Aggression.”

I suppose we can’t expect the former comedian to fess up to his idiotic decision to bomb the Crimean bridge the day before Russia was due to agree to a new grain deal. He couldn’t wait a few more days till a new “safe passage” deal had been inked? Dummy. One thing is a constant in this Proxy War: it’s always Russia’s fault. Whatever “it” is.

I believe Zelensky has no control over the military or knows what they are planning. First they blow up a dam and act like Russia did it and now this bridge right before the grain deal was going to expire. He just does his personal appearances playing army dress up.