
jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
huntr1 said:
Tom may have another for me in the next day or so. Do you want it? I don't have the cost yet, won't until he gets the deer donated to him. Should be in the $50.00 dollar range, no more than $55.00.
Sorry, I'd love to but I don't have room in my freezer right now. :frown:


jmo2276 said:
well i cant have red meat and deer aww poor deer

Deer if it is prepared right is very yummy. It goes nice in stew also.


Twenty Something
Wickedwrench said:
You can either eat them or hit them with your car. Either way, there's meat on the grille. :lol:


a few years ago, a friend of mine accidentally hit bambi on her way home from work; she called her then-boyfriend and he told her, "that's some good meat, bring it home!"


Stubborn and opinionated
janey83 said:

a few years ago, a friend of mine accidentally hit bambi on her way home from work; she called her then-boyfriend and he told her, "that's some good meat, bring it home!"

I prefer to shoot mine myself. Those roadkill bambis are normally bruised up pretty badly and have a severe case of roadrash. If there's any good parts to spare (post auto) it normally eats just fine.
Chain729 said:
So, its $50 to field dress the deer and if you want something done to a portion of that meat, besides cutting it into steaks and whatnot, you pay the prices listed below? I just want to make sure I understand the price list correctly, TIA.
That is last years price list, but essentially, yes, that is the deal. Someone donates a deer to the butcher (crop damage permit for example) rather than the meat go to waste, he then cuts up the deer according to what you want (normally just get "standard" butchering which is a selection of steaks, roast, burger, etc., with the professional deciding how to get the most meat for the money), and then I pick it up from him and pay him for the butchering. You would then come and get it from me, and pay me for the butchering. You do NOT pay for the MEAT, you pay for the BUTCHERING. Important point, since selling venison is illegal.

Last year, smaller deer were $45.00 and larger deer were $55.00 ($40.00 or $50.00 butchering fee + $5.00 skinning fee) unless it was not field dressed by the hunter, in which case it was an extra $10.00 (if I remember correctly).
Special Cuts:
Sometimes I am able to get slim jims, sausage, jerky, hams, etc. from the butcher. These are priced individually, based on quantity and cost (i.e., I get a deer turned into all jerky and it costs me $55.00 for the butchering + $50.00 for the jerky preperation and get 25 lbs. of processed jerky out of it, it would be $105/25 or $4.20 a lb.).
Unless I have done business with you in the past, you will have to pay in advance for any venison.

All special cuts will require pre-payment, or a deposit at the least, before I will order it for you. A deposit will work only in cases where we don't have the final cost in advance.

I got burned on too much meat last winter, and won't be burned again.
Chain729 said:
So, its $50 to field dress the deer and if you want something done to a portion of that meat, besides cutting it into steaks and whatnot, you pay the prices listed below? I just want to make sure I understand the price list correctly, TIA.
So chain, do you want a deer?


CageKicker Extraordinaire
huntr1 said:
So chain, do you want a deer?

If I can get a portion of it in jerky and ground meat (most likely more than the minimal), then yes. Otherwise, unless I make other arrangements with family and friends, I can only take about half a deer.

I have no problem paying you in advance, I'll PM you with my phone number. I'd prefer to know if the above is possible here, in case someone else is wondering the same question.
Chain729 said:
If I can get a portion of it in jerky and ground meat (most likely more than the minimal), then yes. Otherwise, unless I make other arrangements with family and friends, I can only take about half a deer.

I have no problem paying you in advance, I'll PM you with my phone number. I'd prefer to know if the above is possible here, in case someone else is wondering the same question.
The 2 deer I am getting from Tom this week are both small deer, probably end up being 2-3 plastic grocery bags worth of meat or so. If 2 people want to split a deer, that is fine with me. I believe that Wench said she was interested in part of a deer too. These 2 deer will not have any jerky with them. It is not worth it to get jerky unless it's a big deer and all turned into jerky.
huntr1 said:
The 2 deer I am getting from Tom this week are both small deer, probably end up being 2-3 plastic grocery bags worth of meat or so. If 2 people want to split a deer, that is fine with me. I believe that Wench said she was interested in part of a deer too. These 2 deer will not have any jerky with them. It is not worth it to get jerky unless it's a big deer and all turned into jerky.
OK, these 2 deer are taken. Got to delete the other tread, getting them cornfused. Ken King and Dutch6 are getting them. The butcher may be getting a 3rd this week for us. Not sure about that though.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
huntr1 said:
The 2 deer I am getting from Tom this week are both small deer, probably end up being 2-3 plastic grocery bags worth of meat or so. If 2 people want to split a deer, that is fine with me. I believe that Wench said she was interested in part of a deer too. These 2 deer will not have any jerky with them. It is not worth it to get jerky unless it's a big deer and all turned into jerky.

Thanks for the full explanation about the jerky. I re-read a previous post of yours that didn't register at first. I love the stuff, but I don't know what I'd do with 25 lbs of it. 10-15 pounds or so, I could see, but not 25.

I can only take about half a deer in cut meat. If Wenchy or someone else is interested in the other half, that'll work. I'll pm her and see see if she's still interested, in the case that another comes in.
Chain729 said:
Thanks for the full explanation about the jerky. I re-read a previous post of yours that didn't register at first. I love the stuff, but I don't know what I'd do with 25 lbs of it. 10-15 pounds or so, I could see, but not 25.

I can only take about half a deer in cut meat. If Wenchy or someone else is interested in the other half, that'll work. I'll pm her and see see if she's still interested, in the case that another comes in.
Normally when I get special cuts, I don't give it all to one person, I pay for it and then divide the costs by the number of items and then sell them individually. "Spread the love" so to speak. I.e. I get a deer turned into 30 lbs. of jerky (6 bags) & 30 lbs. of slim jims (12 packages), I would then sell them on a per bag/package basis to whoever wanted them. I don't espect too many people would want $200.00 worth of jerky & slim jims all at once (spent that much on it a couple times last year).

Again, I do not make a dime on this stuff, in fact, if you count all the time and gas money I spend on this, I lose money doing it. I just hate to see the venison go to waste, knowing that there are people out there that want it.
The butcher just called. I am picking up the venison for Ken King and Dutch6 tomorrow night.

He has 4 new deer hanging in his walk-in box for us right now. 2 are 50 lbs. each, 1 is 100 lbs. & 1 is 150 lbs.

Anybody want either of the smaller deer? These deer will bring about 20-25 lbs. of meat each (guessing). This would be good for somebody that doesn't have a lot of freezer room.

It appears that we have enough intrest in jerky and slim jims to have him turn the 2 larger deer into those products. Is this correct? Jerky and slim jims will be first come first served. Post what you want. Prices will be posted once I know how much it costs. Last year I believe it was $18.00 for 5 lbs (pre-cooked weight) of jerky and $15.00 for 5 lbs (pre-cooked weight) of slim jims. Reminder, prices for slim jims and jerky vary depending on the processing fees.



Well-Known Member
HNTR 2 bags of slim jims (hot) please. I just read the previous posts about the other whole critter, I am glad that someone else wanted them.
OK, here's what I have so far:
2A 1 bag each, J & SJ
KK 2 bags J & 1 bag SJ
Bonehead 2 bags SJ (wants hot)
CMC 1 bag SJ
Wenchy ? bag(s) of SJ
Chain(?) ? bag(s) of J
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I might want some more jerky too, one of the office workers here ate a good deal of mine last year and I am trying to get her to purchase her own. Ah what the hey, make it 2 jerky for sure.