Sorry Jewel but the Bible says otherwise. 1 Corinthians 1 vs 18 and 2 vs 14.
Many people will be deceived by that kind of thinking. Matthew 7 vs 21-23. No one gets into heaven on the strength of their church denomination. You do have to be saved in order to understand many things in the Bible. You can understand some things but not all that you could if you were saved. This is why so many here do not know what they are talking about when it comes to God and they get mad when a few of us say they are wrong.
So, as we've gone over are certain that your interpretation of Scripture is correct? Why? Because the Holy Spirit leads you? That makes you infallible; do you know what that means? It means you are protected from error in matters of faith. If you are incapable of error, then you must logically conclude that all of Christendom should hear the words IT says, because only IT can explain all that confounds the rest of us in the Bible.
God makes the rules not you Tommy. John 3 vs 3. Who cares what ANYONE says (Christian or not) if the Bible says otherwise. We all will be judged by God and His words so you all had better stop making false statements about Him. His word will NOT change. It is we who have to conform to it.
So, would I be correct is assuming that since you became a Christian, that you have never changed your mind/understanding of anything contained in Scripture? Let's use abortion or gay marriage, or tithing or drinking alcohol, or whatever. Have you NEVER, in your life as a Christian come to a fuller understanding of some of the Lord's teachings? If you have, then you cannot say you possess are charism which allows you to have any certainty about any of your beliefs.
Toppick, some of your postings have disappointed me. You are in the religious posts and in the others I see some "racy" statements. Can't do both sides of the fence my friend. My point here is that The Old & New testaments are not divided between the Father & Jesus as you've stated. All 3 were present at the beginning. They were not "both the same".
You do not understand the Godhead so you can't make correct statements about them. Jesus is God so everything said, by God, in the Bible was said by Him in one way or another.
Unless you have the original letters, than you are trusting someone other than the divinely inspired authors. Simon and Schuster, perhaps? Harper Collins?
So, according to your priest, you're a "child of God" because you are "a beautiful, young, God loving lady"??? So looks are what it takes? We are NOT ALL children of God until we become "born again" Don't be deceived; John 1 vs 12, Romans 8 vs 14 & Galatians 3 vs 26.
That is not what she meant and you know it. You're being belligerant.
No one is born again until they accept Christ into their lives and LIVE LIKE He is there. Many say they are Christians but their actions & words clearly say otherwise. And baptism has nothing to do with one being saved. It is supposed to be a sign of one having accepted Jesus and living like it. Just like a wedding ring is a sign of marriage but it doesn't mean that everyone who wears one is married or that everyone who takes theirs off isn't.
So you feel comfortable judging whether or not someone who claims to be a Christian truly is so? That is seriously bold, IT.
Come on Bob! Jesus is God no matter who we are or what we think. Jesus is NOT the Holy Spirit nor is He the Father. All 3 are the same God but not the same persons.