Always be sure to read The Holy Bible in context. A person that is born again has the spiritual discernment to see truth from error when it comes to the True Words of God. The Bible states that it is the Holy Spirit that is our teacher and you don't really need a man to teach you. Thus, when a preacher makes a certain claim you can know whether it is Truth or whether he/she is using scripture for self-gain, control and deception of the "flock".
One good example is when preachers play the "guilt trip" on tithing by quoting Old Testament text from Malachai "you have robbed God in tithes and offerings". In context the prophecy was actually coming against the "priests" who were taking the tithes and offerings brought by the people and misusing them on their own self-interests. Kind of like today when high profile priests live in lavish homes, wear expensive jewelry, drive expensive cars, jet around the country for speaking engagements and vacations, buy valuable gifts for friends and family ALL FROM THE TITHES AND OFFERINGS GIVEN TO THE CHURCH. Meanwhile, the preachers think nothing of encouraging their flock to go into credit card debt to help fund pet projects that the preachers claim will go toward "the work of God".
This is only one example - but you get the idea of how to be able to tell whether a preacher is true or false. Know the Word of God and have a close personal relationship with God through the Holy Spirit as promised by Yeshua HaMashiach (New Testament Jesus).