While I would like to think that race would not be an issue in this election, unfortunately, it already has been and Obama has not exactly distanced himself from it. However, that alone does not bother me.
What bothers me, if he should be elected, will be the arrogance that will be displayed by the less-than-upstanding members of our society (both white and black) in claiming that they have somehow accomplished a major coup and that, in some instances, Obama will "take care of them now" because of their race and on that fact alone. There will be tremendous hostility between the races because there will be a fictional sense of entitlement that will exist between the classes and certain members of our society will believe that they have "risen up" and "got over on The Man," whoever this man may be. While these people will most likely be in the minority, unfortunately some of them have the privilege of having access to national media and I am certain will use it to their advantage.
I don't feel threatened at all by the chance that a black man may serve as our President. If he was a qualified applicant, who had a good resume and a proven track record of success, I would entertain voting that person into office, regardless of color. For example, if Colin Powell were running for President, I would vote for him in a heartbeat.
Obama, in my opinion, isn't a qualified applicant with a proven track record of success. Quite frankly, there are probably very few politicians who would fit that criteria. However, since we have to play the hand we are dealt, we have two choices and I feel that McCain is the more experienced candidate. While I like Sarah Palin because she appeals to the everyday person, she does need some work and it would be in McCain's best interest to put her through a condensed schedule of classes. I would like to think that America would do well with an "aw shucks" type of Vice President, but I don't think we are ready for it yet and who knows when that might happen.
White people make fun of themselves everyday - just look at all the redneck paraphernalia out there. But, we do it tongue-in-cheek and in a self-deprecating manner, knowing that we don't take ourselves too seriously. However, use it in the context of implying that I'm illiterate or stupid and we will fight! Same thing goes with the "n-word." It is so hated by outsiders that we can't even say it in public anymore, unless we are black and referring to one of our own. This type of double standard is what I fear of Obama becoming President. I fear that unjust standards will be imposed and those who aren't deserving of benefits now will have even more heaped upon them because of someone who wants to show their gratitude to "the people who put them in office."
That's what I fear the most.