New Member
And I have no idea what you’re going on about. I am not offended by what gays do, or anyone else for that matter. As a biblical matter (which is the standard Christians are supposed to follow) you can read my previous post where Jesus was questioned for this exact same thing; serving up to sinners. These bakers showed how willing they are to judge rather than love, and how unwilling they are to serve. And I don’t mean serving a cake. Perhaps those are the HYPOCRITICAL SELF RIGHTEOUS CHRISTIANS we need to be talking about; those that claim to be full of God’s love, then spitting in someone’s face for being sinners.
And for a true measure of what this means, even when Jesus was being crucified – one of the most torturous ways to die – he still forgave them “FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO”.
Can you please show us where these people (the bakery) spit in anyone's faces?
Seems like you're doing a lot of spitting there yourself, Sir.
I don't know if you are aware of this but this bakery never said it wouldn't SERVE THEM AT ALL, they told them (politely) they wouldn't be able to make them a WEDDING CAKE, for crying out loud. And then politely told them WHY they would not be able to do so. The bakery told them they can sell them anything else BUT a special order WEDDING CAKE which would violate their conscience, doing/participating in something they were against (gay marriage). Sheesh!
I mean, how hard is this???
I have a gay son even HE and HIS GAY FRIENDS think this is beyond ridiculous.

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