I'm much less critical of homosexuality than I used to be, and much more inclined to believe that they are born that way. As such, I find it hard to find fault with it, even though it still at some gut level kind of nauseates me. .
Not directed at you but, general comments; There is the issue; why would anyone find fault with it??? It's like finding fault with someones preference for a football team or a wine or a flavor of ice cream or the beach over the mountains. or any other religion.
Gay people are NOT trying to run Christianity and declare their way THE way. Far from it. They are saying "I don't believe in your faith." Nor are they beating on doors and trying to convert people to their beliefs. Or holding weekly services at the tax free gay church. Or trying to pass constitutional amendments banning heterosexual marriage.
There are guys and gals who like their sex standard missionary position in their bedroom and late at night and not very often and only to make babies and do NOT like oral sex, anal sex, various positions, sex toys, waxes, oils, candles, adventurous sex or anything else two consenting heterosexual adults can come up with. That is THEIR preference. To them, all the rest in deviant, not normal, queer, odd and so forth. It stands completely to reason that, when it comes to sex, preference is as varied as preferences concerning food, exercise, entertainment, drink or any thing else humans do. So, being nauseous over gay sex, something someone else chooses to do, makes sense in the same way normal people recoil at the thought of scotch or fois gras or riding bicycles or the Dallas Cowboys. However, I don't seek to have those things banned and I have no concern over suddenly liking them against my will and that's another thing;
People who are viscerally anti gay seem to be coming from the standpoint of fear that they, or their kids, will become infected with the gay gene and suddenly stop liking the opposite sex. That's not how it works. If anything, sexual preference is perhaps the most hard wired of human preference. I can see someone growing to like scotch or riding two wheeled engine-less vehicles or even sorta liking the Cowboys but, sexual intimacy, the only people I've ever known who 'became' gay, always were, will tell you so, and have simply been suppressing themselves out of fear and finally had enough and 'came out'. So, once you get past puberty and the thought of sex with a male does nothing for you and you dig chicks, you're set for life.
Vehemently anti gay people jump up and down and scream about being 'forced' to accept gayety, having the Big Gay Agenda 'shoved down their throats' (a fascinating analogy in itself) but, if we look at what gays do compared to what is arrayed against them, accusations of mental illness, restriction, ostrasisation (sp?) and use of the law to restrict them, it's not exactly the Big Gay Jihad. Worse yet, in the process, what has ended up happening is Christianity has marginalized and reduced itself and I, personally, consider that a bad thing.
So, it should be fine to think homosexuality is wrong same as adultery or swearing or whatever your faith tells you but, in the US, there is supposed to be the same right to pursue happiness for everyone else, as long as that pursuit is not harming others, as there is for you.
Baking a cake for gay people is not going to create one more gay person anymore than not baking that cake is going to reduce the number of gays and if you believe otherwise, you really ought to expect a certain amount of fun being made at your expense if you make a big deal about it.