What is it about the gays?..



OK, but, if you are gay and I am a devout Christian and you are not seeking to join my church nor even claim to be a Christian, what business or care is it of mine unless I don't believe in religious and individual freedom including the religious and individual freedom that allows me to choose to be a devout Christian?

It might be more honest for me to say "I am not for religious freedom. I want everyone to believe as I do" and be done with it. Yes?

That is exactly what it is, most don't even realize it or will admit it if they do.


Well-Known Member
OK, but, if you are gay and I am a devout Christian and you are not seeking to join my church nor even claim to be a Christian, what business or care is it of mine unless I don't believe in religious and individual freedom including the religious and individual freedom that allows me to choose to be a devout Christian? Yes?

Misguided attempt at twisted logic with a triple negative.

It would be more honest and logical for you to say "I am a devout homosexual. I am not for religious freedom, because I insist that everyone believe as I do, and if you don't, be done with it. Or I'll see you in court."

As far as devout Christianity, that starts and ends with the Bible, and one's individual choice to follow it or ignore it.


Well-Known Member
So, you disagree with the point and then agree.

Nope. Disagree with your point. The last sentence of my post speaks for itself. Your homosexual communi-tuh! does not allow for anyone to be a devout Christian, based on the Word of God, that disagrees with the homosexual agenda.

Key phrase there, dude.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Nope. Disagree with your point. The last sentence of my post speaks for itself. Your homosexual communi-tuh! does not allow for anyone to be a devout Christian, based on the Word of God, that disagrees with the homosexual agenda.

Key phrase there, dude.

It's not my community. I'm telling you what your community is doing wrong to harm the faith and, like the Word of God, you can take it as you please. I think the results speak for themselves. This guy and his cake makes good, sincere people look like kooks.


Well-Known Member
It's not my community. I'm telling you what your community is doing wrong to harm the faith and, like the Word of God, you can take it as you please. I think the results speak for themselves. This guy and his cake makes good, sincere people look like kooks.

What is your faith, LG?What is your testimony? Mine has been put out previously. Let's hear your testimony, OK? Take as long as you need.

It is your communi-tuh. Live like the homosexual brother you are. My community simply follows what the Word says. I have no idea what you follow, except for your apologetics for your communi-tuh!
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
What is your faith, LG? Mine has been put out previously. Let's hear your testimony, OK? Take as long as you need.

It is your communi-tuh. Live like the homosexual brother you are. My community simply follows what the Word says. I have no idea what you follow, except for your apologetics for your communi-tuh!

Christened as a child. I'm an agnostic. I know I don't know. I think gay marriage is silly but, it's their business, not mine. I think it outrageous that 'conservatives' would seek to use the Constitution to ban it. I think when you try something like that, you should expect them to fight back. I think gays would make good allies on a lot of issues if the right would stop acting like they are some sort of special sinners worthy of scorn.



New Member
OK, but, if you are gay and I am a devout Christian and you are not seeking to join my church nor even claim to be a Christian, what business or care is it of mine unless I don't believe in religious and individual freedom including the religious and individual freedom that allows me to choose to be a devout Christian?

It might be more honest for me to say "I am not for religious freedom. I want everyone to believe as I do" and be done with it. Yes?
I'm trying to figure out what this actually says...

Anyway, perhaps you misinterpret my attempts at clarification on people's reasoning as support for legislation against gays or something? I do believe it is a perversion and sin. I don't believe it should be legislated against based on Christian doctrine. What have I to do with what those outside the church do? If they want to engage in what God calls sin, that's their choice, and they will face the judgment for that like any other choice.


Soul Probe
It is your communi-tuh. Live like the homosexual brother you are. My community simply follows what the Word says. I have no idea what you follow, except for your apologetics for your communi-tuh!

Why do you type (or say) community like that?


Well-Known Member
Christened as a child. I'm an agnostic. I know I don't know. I think gay marriage is silly but, it's their business, not mine. I think it outrageous that 'conservatives' would seek to use the Constitution to ban it. I think when you try something like that, you should expect them to fight back. I think gays would make good allies on a lot of issues if the right would stop acting like they are some sort of special sinners worthy of scorn.


Christened? You mean your head was sprinkled? Your hair got a little wet? And you have no conscience remembrance of what that scene was about?

Every one of us is worthy of scorn. Those that promote "in your face worthlessness" like your communi-tuh! will be dealt with in the same manner as anyone that rejects God.

Anyone else that recognizes their worthlessness in the face of of the Holy and Just God, and receives His grace and mercy of salvation, from the work of his Son on the accursed cross, His burial, and His resurrection, is freed from that condemnation.


You don't have any idea about what salvation is. Go ahead and argue for a position, but it is stupid to argue against a position your are clueless about. I don't think you are stupid. Do some research on my position, rather than just spouting off against what you know nothing of.

Check it out, please.


Well-Known Member
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Christened? You mean your head was sprinkled? Your hair got a little wet? And you have no conscience remembrance of what that scene was about?

Every one of us is worthy of scorn. Those that promote "in your face worthlessness" like your communi-tuh! will be dealt with in the same manner as anyone that rejects God.

Anyone else that recognizes their worthlessness in the face of of the Holy and Just God, and receives His grace and mercy of salvation, from the work of his Son on the accursed cross, His burial, and His resurrection, is freed from that condemnation.


You don't have any idea about what salvation is. Go ahead and argue for a position, but it is stupid to argue against a position your are clueless about. I don't think you are stupid. Do some research on my position, rather than just spouting off against what you know nothing of.

Check it out, please.

That's some nice preach-en. But Jim Jefferies says it better in 'God goes to a party'. Oh, and God expresses his views on gays around the 3:00 min mark, seems to fit with your views...



OK, but, if you are gay and I am a devout Christian and you are not seeking to join my church nor even claim to be a Christian, what business or care is it of mine unless I don't believe in religious and individual freedom including the religious and individual freedom that allows me to choose to be a devout Christian?

It might be more honest for me to say "I am not for religious freedom. I want everyone to believe as I do" and be done with it. Yes?

It’s a Christian’s charge to spread the Gospel. :shrug:


PREMO Member
.... however this particular sin tends to make people lose their minds.

and in the 1950's what was said about the girl in the next town over that got knocked up ?

or in the 1920's about a man that promised to marry a girl, just take advantage of her ...