What is it about the gays?..


Lem Putt
Christened? You mean your head was sprinkled? Your hair got a little wet? And you have no conscience remembrance of what that scene was about?

Every one of us is worthy of scorn. Those that promote "in your face worthlessness" like your communi-tuh! will be dealt with in the same manner as anyone that rejects God.

Anyone else that recognizes their worthlessness in the face of of the Holy and Just God, and receives His grace and mercy of salvation, from the work of his Son on the accursed cross, His burial, and His resurrection, is freed from that condemnation.


You don't have any idea about what salvation is. Go ahead and argue for a position, but it is stupid to argue against a position your are clueless about. I don't think you are stupid. Do some research on my position, rather than just spouting off against what you know nothing of.

Check it out, please.

Wow, what a pompous ass you are. That's why nobody wants to tell you what they believe. You asked, he answered honestly, and you belittled his past and damned him to hell. Good job, if your goal is to drive as many people away from God as possible.


PREMO Member
I think homosexuals, transgenders etc.. do themselves a huge disservice by constantly trying to cram their agenda down everyone's throats. I believe everyone should live and let live, but I will admit to finding it incredibly irritating to be accused of bigotry and being closed minded for being offended by what goes on at many gay pride events. I am also annoyed with every new television show incorporating a gay person. It is maddening. Not because I'm opposed to gays, but really, who cares?



Wow, what a pompous ass you are. That's why nobody wants to tell you what they believe. You asked, he answered honestly, and you belittled his past and damned him to hell. Good job, if your goal is to drive as many people away from God as possible.

You missed the part about having to be a douche bag to be saved in sunday school?


my war
Christened? You mean your head was sprinkled? Your hair got a little wet? And you have no conscience remembrance of what that scene was about?

Every one of us is worthy of scorn. Those that promote "in your face worthlessness" like your communi-tuh! will be dealt with in the same manner as anyone that rejects God.

Anyone else that recognizes their worthlessness in the face of of the Holy and Just God, and receives His grace and mercy of salvation, from the work of his Son on the accursed cross, His burial, and His resurrection, is freed from that condemnation.


You don't have any idea about what salvation is. Go ahead and argue for a position, but it is stupid to argue against a position your are clueless about. I don't think you are stupid. Do some research on my position, rather than just spouting off against what you know nothing of.

Check it out, please.

I bet you typed this with a big penis in your mouth?
Its interesting, but I was just doing a personal study on Leviticus, which is where God's laws regarding sexual morality/immorality are largely contained. In it, God lists all kinds of sexual prohibitions that are part of His covenant with Israel. Among these is a prohibition against homosexuality. Now, many say that Levitical laws no longer apply to anybody, since they were for Israel, but I disagree on classifying the entire book that way. In the section on sexual morality, God tells Moses that because of these sins (including the "abomination" of homosexuality), He abhorred those who practice them (Gentile pagans). If He abhorred them and considered them unholy for everybody then, and God does not change regarding His nature and holiness, it follows that He feels the same way now as well.

The 'Godly' folks at Westboro Baptist agree with you, and prefer to use one of the most vile books (Leviticus) as justification for their views as well. Sounds like you would fit right in, if you aren't already a member...



Well-Known Member
LarryGude - Been thinking about my last post. I don't apologize for what I said, but I certainly apologize for the way I came across, and could/should have said it in a more diplomatic fashion and not come across that strongly. I had been in and out all day clearing 500' of fence line, alternating between hot, sunny 90 degrees, then rain on and off, so I was a bit tired, sweaty, wet, and grumpy. We are all sinners, fall short of the glory of God, and there is only one way to get out of that downward spiral. That way does not include supporting and defending the practicing of a sin, in this case homosexuality, no matter if is supposedly hurting anyone or not.

But before anyone calls themselves "Christian", myself included, a self examination compared to what the scriptures say about it is the only way to realize it as the means to an end. The Bible is the best answer to the Bible. It is what it is, and means what it says.

So I'll try my best to cool down in the future before addressing responses and word them more diplomatically.
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That has a very broad interpretation.

Absolutely! There are some that decide it their cause to start a church. Some choose to go to military or college dorms. Some go knocking people's doors. Some walk right to folks on the street. I'm the more passive type. I'm not the 'shove it down your throat' type. When an opportunity comes up for me to talk about it I will. If a gay person walks up to me and asks what I think about homosexuality, the first thing I might say is 'don't ask a question you aren't fully prepared to hear my thoughts on'; then I will talk. The last thing I want to do though is reject them as a person, and offend and demean them.


New Member
Absolutely! There are some that decide it their cause to start a church. Some choose to go to military or college dorms. Some go knocking people's doors. Some walk right to folks on the street. I'm the more passive type. I'm not the 'shove it down your throat' type. When an opportunity comes up for me to talk about it I will. If a gay person walks up to me and asks what I think about homosexuality, the first thing I might say is 'don't ask a question you aren't fully prepared to hear my thoughts on'; then I will talk. The last thing I want to do though is reject them as a person, and offend and demean them.

This actually happened to me. I was on my way back to the metro after seeing my doctor in DC. A gay rights group was walking up to people and asking people if they could give them a handout. I said I would the handout if she would allow me to tell her about my Lord. She agreed. I told her that Jesus loves her and that He died for her sins. She asked if I believed that God would accept her into heaven even tho she was a practicing gay who never believed in Jesus. I told her no. She asked me why. I asked her.... if Jesus was you son, who did nothing wrong his whole life, and people who didn't believe in him nailed him to a cross until he was dead... would she be a benevolent host to the people who continued on their way after doing that? She forgot to give me that hand out.



Soul Probe
LarryGude - Been thinking about my last post. I don't apologize for what I said, but I certainly apologize for the way I came across, and could/should have said it in a more diplomatic fashion and not come across that strongly.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
It’s a Christian’s charge to spread the Gospel. :shrug:

That's fine. However, square that with religious freedom. Many Christians are God, country, family. I am country first because ONLY the United States of America can stand as THE cornerstone of individual freedom and liberty on this planet.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm trying to figure out what this actually says...

Anyway, perhaps you misinterpret my attempts at clarification on people's reasoning as support for legislation against gays or something? I do believe it is a perversion and sin. I don't believe it should be legislated against based on Christian doctrine. What have I to do with what those outside the church do? If they want to engage in what God calls sin, that's their choice, and they will face the judgment for that like any other choice.

Good job!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...like your communi-tuh! .

Why do you keep saying that? I'm not gay. I'm not black. I'm not a woman. I'm not a Jew or a Muslim. Or even Oriental but, I do believe we are all created equal by our creator, whomever or whatever that may be. And I expect that if I were to be hostile to gays or blacks or whomever, they'd likely be hostile right back.