Larry Gude
Strung Out
You don't have any idea about what salvation is. Go ahead and argue for a position, but it is stupid to argue against a position your are clueless about. I don't think you are stupid. Do some research on my position, rather than just spouting off against what you know nothing of.
Check it out, please.
What part of 'agnostic' don't you understand? My personal religious journey has resulted in believing the bible is a community organizing handbook, not the word of God or a god. That does not stop me from being humble enough to be able to conceive of being wrong, that there is THE one true God and I am good with people who believe. It is every bit as likely that there is than that there is not. However, I am also able to conceive of mass and energy and elements and no plan and am good with folks who don't believe. I try not to be antagonistic about it and I am damn sure in the trenches with the Christians when the Muslims come. And that's my REAL beef; devout Christians, in my view, are causing us to lose to Islam.