What is it about the gays?..

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
That doesn't explain why there is more vehemence against the sin of homosexuality as opposed to other sins, which was Christy's observation. Homosexuals are more maligned by Christians than Satanists are, and Satanists mock Christianity more than homosexuals do. So why are gays the poster children for "sin" and not say, murderers, adulterers, liars, or any other given sin?

The reason being murders, adulterer, liars, rapists, thieves, child porno freaks, etc. do not continue to shove down our throats, that their activities are ok and should be taught in our schools that it ok to do whatever activity they profess.


aka Mrs. Giant
I think there's a difference between having an aggressive discussion and refusing to provide service. Me telling you what I believe only through words has no effect on you, except that you choose listen or be offended. Me refusing to serve you because of what I believe and what you believe is contrary to what Christ told us. If Jesus acted that way, he wouldn’t have picked most of his disciples; he would have allowed the prostitute to be stoned to death; he wouldn’t have fed the 5,000. He would have only fed those he agrees with. I wonder how many gay people were in that 5000 on that mountain when he fed them fish and bread? But Jesus did not worry about what he said and how it might offend someone.

True that. Jesus offended lots of people with his words.

However, with the bakery owner, was he or she wrong to not want to support a gay marriage because it was against their belief system? I can see their perspective. Why should one be forced to act against their personal moral beliefs? :shrug:

Me personally, I think your business it's your choice on who you serve or don't serve. Unless it's a publically owned company. I don't think the government is in the right on forcing you to serve customers you don't want to serve. But that is a big government vs libertarian issue. Not a religious one.


New Member
I think there's a difference between having an aggressive discussion and refusing to provide service. Me telling you what I believe only through words has no effect on you, except that you choose listen or be offended. Me refusing to serve you because of what I believe and what you believe is contrary to what Christ told us. If Jesus acted that way, he wouldn’t have picked most of his disciples; he would have allowed the prostitute to be stoned to death; he wouldn’t have fed the 5,000. He would have only fed those he agrees with. I wonder how many gay people were in that 5000 on that mountain when he fed them fish and bread? But Jesus did not worry about what he said and how it might offend someone.

I have no clue what you are going on about.

You refusing to serve me because of what I serve you because of what you believe is contrary to what Christ told us? What?? !!!

If Jesus acted what way? You're equating someone who refused to bake a WEDDING CAKE for a gay couple's marriage for pete's sake to stoning a woman for prositution???!!!

Good grief, man!

Offend someone, how is not going along with the gay agenda offending someone? Oh that's right! It's not nice to offend ANYONE EXCEPT THOSE HYPOCRITICAL SELF RIGHTEOUS CHRISTIANS of course.



So basically, the truth hurts.
Whose truth? :whistle:

My problem with the "spread the word of G-d" bit is that they only spread the parts they feel like sharing. They're sinning themselves, yet still casting stones. How is that spreading the word?


my war
Whose truth? :whistle:

My problem with the "spread the word of G-d" bit is that they only spread the parts they feel like sharing. They're sinning themselves, yet still casting stones. How is that spreading the word?

Break the God Damn barrier, stop being a puss and spell it out!!!! GOD!


New Member
Whose truth? :whistle:

they only spread the parts they feel like sharing. They're sinning themselves, yet still casting stones. How is that spreading the word?

So what 'words' are they not sharing, and what 'word' would you like them to spread?


New Member
True that. Jesus offended lots of people with his words.

However, with the bakery owner, was he or she wrong to not want to support a gay marriage because it was against their belief system? I can see their perspective. Why should one be forced to act against their personal moral beliefs? :shrug:

Me personally, I think your business it's your choice on who you serve or don't serve. Unless it's a publically owned company. I don't think the government is in the right on forcing you to serve customers you don't want to serve. But that is a big government vs libertarian issue. Not a religious one.

What she said. :yay:


aka Mrs. Giant
Whose truth? :whistle:

My problem with the "spread the word of G-d" bit is that they only spread the parts they feel like sharing. They're sinning themselves, yet still casting stones. How is that spreading the word?

According to Christians, everybody is a sinner, including themselves. But the way I understand it, in order to accept Jesus, you have to admit your sins and get right with G-d and if you can't admit to sinning, then you are a liar, which I think may be another sin. :confused: Not sure about that one.

Anyway, if I tell you Jesus loves you, but you gotta stop your sinning ways and make an honest woman of your girlfriend and get right with G-d, so you can go to your earthly reward, that shouldn't really offend you. It's not casting stones. It's telling the truth. After all, as your friend, I love you and want you to go to heaven right?

But it would offend you because you aren't Christian. You would consider me being intolerate of your "living in sin" situation, intolerant of your religious beliefs and so on and get mad and huffy and say "well you did it" and I'd say yep. :neener: I'm a tad :offtopic: but I think you get the point.

Christians want you to admit your sins, accept G-d and Jesus as your personal savior, and then strive to be a better person by not commiting those same sins any more. It's not casting stones as you say, but an honest effort to attempt to get you thinking about your wicked ways and how to turn your life around.

I've never met a true believer who has not admitted to being a sinner.

See you have to listen to the Chrisitian message all the way through to get it. I think a lot of people hear "I want to share the Good news with you" and they automatically shut down or become instantly offended and outraged instead of listening.

That's the thing. Lots of arguments and disagreements would NEVER occur if humans actually listened instead of instantly reacting. :shrug:


Break the God Damn barrier, stop being a puss and spell it out!!!! GOD!
I was quoting mig. She didn't spell it out and I wasn't changing the quote. :shrug:

So what 'words' are they not sharing, and what 'word' would you like them to spread?
When all you say is "fags suck, you're going to hell!" and not providing any additional info, that's useless. If you don't talk about adultery, loving thy neighbor, not throwing stones, and the other thousands of lessons in the OT and NT, then you're not really sharing "the word."


New Member
According to Christians, everybody is a sinner, including themselves. But the way I understand it, in order to accept Jesus, you have to admit your sins and get right with G-d and if you can't admit to sinning, then you are a liar, which I think may be another sin. :confused: Not sure about that one.

Anyway, if I tell you Jesus loves you, but you gotta stop your sinning ways and make an honest woman of your girlfriend and get right with G-d, so you can go to your earthly reward, that shouldn't really offend you. It's not casting stones. It's telling the truth. After all, as your friend, I love you and want you to go to heaven right?

But it would offend you because you aren't Christian. You would consider me being intolerate of your "living in sin" situation, intolerant of your religious beliefs and so on and get mad and huffy and say "well you did it" and I'd say yep. :neener: I'm a tad :offtopic: but I think you get the point.

Christians want you to admit your sins, accept G-d and Jesus as your personal savior, and then strive to be a better person by not commiting those same sins any more. It's not casting stones as you say, but an honest effort to attempt to get you thinking about your wicked ways and how to turn your life around.

I've never met a true believer who has not admitted to being a sinner.

See you have to listen to the Chrisitian message all the way through to get it. I think a lot of people hear "I want to share the Good news with you" and they automatically shut down or become instantly offended and outraged instead of listening.

That's the thing. Lots of arguments and disagreements would NEVER occur if humans actually listened instead of instantly reacting. :shrug:

Exactly. This is good way to explain it:

<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/97258323" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/97258323">3-Circles Life Conversation</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
And that's exactly what the owner of that bakery was doing. Thanks, Larry! :yay:

No. He was being a neurotic freak and harming his faith by acting like an ass hat. He bakes cakes for a living. In a community. Filled with people who, many, are probably not much like him. So, bake your cakes and keep your faith.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No. He was being a neurotic freak and harming his faith by acting like an ass hat. He bakes cakes for a living. In a community. Filled with people who, many, are probably not much like him. So, bake your cakes and keep your faith.

Who cares what his reason was? He should be able to refuse service for any reason he pleases, and let the money talk.


Well-Known Member
No. He was being a neurotic freak and harming his faith by acting like an ass hat. He bakes cakes for a living. In a community. Filled with people who, many, are probably not much like him. So, bake your cakes and keep your faith.[/QUOTE

Getting frustrated, LG? Neurotic freak? The gall of anyone standing against the homosexual community?

Sorry, LG. The owner was ACTING on his faith, and not caving in to those that insist he violate his faith. "So, bake your cakes and keep your faith" - your statement. What a joke on your part, simply knowing that you and yours will go to court, find a sympathetic judge, and go from there.

At least this guy is showing and demonstrating his faith, supposedly supported by his First Amendment rights. You are trashing him for those beliefs.

You and yours support anything that goes against First amendment rights that you do not agree with.

Dude has a faith. What do you have other than pro-homosexual, anti-Christian agendas?

But in your case, anything that you disagree with overrides anything others believe - First Amendment means nothing unless it is in your favor.

Really Christian-like, LG.

Oh, wait..........as soon as your christian faith agrees with what the Bible....errrr......God's Word.......errrrr.......agnostics........devout christian..........errrrr........whatever......
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No. He was being a neurotic freak and harming his faith by acting like an ass hat. He bakes cakes for a living. In a community. Filled with people who, many, are probably not much like him. So, bake your cakes and keep your faith.

Does the baker have a right to refuse service, of course he does. Do the grooms have a right to be offended, of course they do. The problem with situations like these is people take sides thinking one is right and the other is wrong. In this situation they are both being douche bags.
No. He was being a neurotic freak and harming his faith by acting like an ass hat. He bakes cakes for a living. In a community. Filled with people who, many, are probably not much like him. So, bake your cakes and keep your faith.[/QUOTE

Getting frustrated, LG? Neurotic freak? The gall of anyone standing against the homosexual community?

Sorry, LG. The owner was ACTING on his faith, and not caving in to those that insist he violate his faith. "So, bake your cakes and keep your faith" - your statement. What a joke on your part, simply knowing that you and yours will go to court, find a sympathetic judge, and go from there.

At least this guy is showing and demonstrating his faith, supposedly supported by his First Amendment rights. You are trashing him for those beliefs.

You and yours support anything that goes against First amendment rights that you do not agree with.

Dude has a faith. What do you have other than pro-homosexual, anti-Christian agendas?

But in your case, anything that you disagree with overrides anything others believe - First Amendment means nothing unless it is in your favor.

Really Christian-like, LG.

Oh, wait..........as soon as your christian faith agrees with what the Bible....errrr......God's Word.......errrrr.......agnostics........devout christian..........errrrr........whatever......

So Christians like yourself wish to pervert the 1st Amendment to justify discrimination against Gays who offend their 'faith'. But I can't imagine your bigotry stopping with gays. What about exotic dancers, adulterers, women who have had abortions? ...all these 'sinners' and more could become potential targets of your 'righteous' discrimination.

How nice would this be for you and your fellow self-righteous Christian bigots if you could pull this off!


New Member
Does the baker have a right to refuse service, of course he does. Do the grooms have a right to be offended, of course they do. The problem with situations like these is people take sides thinking one is right and the other is wrong. In this situation they are both being douche bags.
Actually, according to the laws of this land, he does NOT have the right to refuse service to whoever he wants. If a baker sells cakes, and they want a cake, he can't refuse based on them being gay, black, a woman, age, or disabled. It is what it is, even if many disagree with it. Its still the law.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Who cares what his reason was? He should be able to refuse service for any reason he pleases, and let the money talk.

That horse left the barn a LONG time ago.

The right to refuse service to blacks, to whites, to the Irish, to whomever, is gone. It just is. As a condition of business, we, the people, from sea to shining sea, have said you can't do that any more.


New Member
No. He was being a neurotic freak and harming his faith by acting like an ass hat. He bakes cakes for a living. In a community. Filled with people who, many, are probably not much like him. So, bake your cakes and keep your faith.

And here I was thinking it's a free country. With freedom of religion. And freedom of speech. :rolleyes:

So take your business elsewhere and don't have a hissy fit. :yay:

IMHO that gay couple were egging this bakery on. It was an obvious set-up. :whistle:


New Member
That horse left the barn a LONG time ago.

The right to refuse service to blacks, to whites, to the Irish, to whomever, is gone. It just is. As a condition of business, we, the people, from sea to shining sea, have said you can't do that any more.

What's the difference between someone refusing service to blacks, whites, Irish, whomever and a Christian business refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding?
