What is there to Hate??


New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Last I checked, St. Marys ranked pretty darn high in the state of MD in terms of average household income.

No its pretty low, comparable to the easern shore or western maryland counties.


Football season!
Originally posted by pixiegirl
It's not that most people can't afford it; they don't want it. There is a difference.

That was't what she way saying, but that is true. But wasn't it also Vrai who mentioned people don't know what they want until they are given it?


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SmallTown
That was't what she way saying, but that is true. But wasn't it also Vrai who mentioned people don't know what they want until they are given it?

Even if that is true people don't chane overnight. Take my mom and I for example. I did way too many drugs or something and when I turned 18 I got way too stuck up for my own good. Brand name clothes, professional hair care products and I won't touch make-up from the drug store. My mom was never like that. Here we are 6 years later and I'm finally getting her to get her shampoo from the salon and at least a good bit of her make-up from Hecht's. She'll still go to the Hair Cuttery to get a haircut which makes me cringe. People take time to change.


Originally posted by pixiegirl
But right now there is no need for it. I understand what you're saying but you're not understanding the history nor the people. Right now people don't want it and no business is going to thrive in an environment like that. We're not talking gas stations or even Starbucks here (which both will thrive just about anywhere where there are people) we're talking regular businesses.

Personally I barely shop in the Waldorf mall. There are about 3 stores I like in there and I think that our Hecht's sucks. But do I complain about it? No. Why? Because I am the minority. I want a Bebe store and a Soho store but the rest of SoMD doesn't. It wouldn't do well now. Will we have one that does well in 5 - 10 years? Maybe. If the growth continues and there becomes a demand for different things these type of places will do well. I don't know about the Peir 3 in St. Mary's but th one in Waldorf is NEVER busy. A Pottery Barn would go under in under a year I bet.

I haven't been to the mall in Waldorf for about a year now. Hecht's, J.C. Penny's and Sears all are :loser: I like the Bath and Body Works, and maybe one or two others; which I couldn't tell you right now....really have to think.

I like pottery, but wouldn't say I would shop there. I enjoy antique shops, i.e., Apple Basket, Seems Sew Olde, etc, but don't frequent them as much as I would like, as I know I would overspend. The items are all tempting, but too pricey.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by SmallTown
People I would talk to, the ones who made themselves vocal at the local meetings in terms of opposition, etc... The opposition was much more vocal than the ones in favor. Perhaps it goes back to what http was saying about people not caring enough to speak an opinion.

What about letters, phone calls and emails? Just because someone doesn't stand up at a hearing, doesn't mean they don't make their opinions known. I'm not sure what hearing you are talking about, but I assume it was some zoning hearing. I've been to some of these before. When a bunch of people get up and argue for the same thing and are passionate about it, and you disagree, it is sometimes wise to wait and consider your arguments, not get into a p!ssing match on the spot, but make a coherent argument in a letter or email. Sometimes to more vocal are NOT the majority.


Originally posted by SmallTown
Last I checked, St. Marys ranked pretty darn high in the state of MD in terms of average household income.

Probably because most working households don't work in Southern Maryland! Try driving on Route 5 and Branch Avenue in the mornings at 7 or 8 a.m. into D.C..

Most salaries at $6.00 or $7.00 an hour, unless you work at PAX won't support a family.
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New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Not too bad for St. Marys, some at the top may surprise you, but when you consider the location, maybe it doesn't.

I see now I was looking at 98 figures at 51. Still though, I wouldn't call that "pretty high", and income does not drive economy.

I remember back in school learning about Inclusionary Displacement. It was a 70s theory by a black urban author, (name escapes me) who challenged the age old theory that poverty drives crime. He held that it can be that way or more often actually crime drives poverty.

I learned throughout the years that the same can be applied to the rich and wealthy in that money does not drive affluentness, its more that affluentness drives money.

In other words, higher income PAX pilots, contractors and families aren't going to bring Nordstrom to the county. Its the other way around. If Nordstrom feels as though this is going to be a booming niche, they will bring themselves, and the money will follow behind. Remember the thread about the rich and famous sitings in SOMD? Connie Chung/Povitch, Jennings, Clancy? You think Starbucks is following them?


Football season!
Originally posted by http
and income does not drive economy.

Really? Wow, might want to write a letter to Dubya concerning his tax cut, because this is exactly what he is banking (ha ha, get it?) on.


Originally posted by SmallTown
Hard to say you wouldn't like a place when you aren't sure what it is... The name is a little deceiving... www.potterybarn.com

Shows how SoMd I am....:biggrin: I really can't see the name. Why do they call it Pottery Barn, when the name is deceiving? :rolleyes: By the way ST, I probably still wouldn't go there.....:smile:


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SmallTown
Really? Wow, might want to write a letter to Dubya concerning his tax cut, because this is exactly what he is banking (ha ha, get it?) on.

And as my mother would say.... What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?



New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Really? Wow, might want to write a letter to Dubya concerning his tax cut, because this is exactly what he is banking (ha ha, get it?) on.

As much as I am not a Dumbya supporter, I think his point is that "spending" drives economy, not income. And that is exactly what Pixie was saying to you. Just because the income is slowly coming, mostly due to PAX, it doesn't mean we all of the sudden want Nordstroms, and Saks and Bergdoff Goodman and $13 cups of coffee.


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Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by http
As much as I am not a Dumbya supporter, I think his point is that "spending" drives economy, not income. And that is exactly what Pixie was saying to you. Just because the income is slowly coming, mostly due to PAX, it doesn't mean we all of the sudden want Nordstroms, and Saks and Bergdoff Goodman and $13 cups of coffee.

Exactly! St wants it, hell I want it but we're the minority. I have grasped that concept and don't expect the whole world to cater to me and therefor and happy where I live and accept the fact that I have to travel to get what I want. ST just doens't get it. Spoiled rotten is the only thing I can think of. He thinks everything should be his way even if he's in the minority.

The scarey thing is we like the same stuff. :eek: Hey ST, loveyameanit!


Football season!
Originally posted by Sharon
:yeahthat: When I was shopping online for down confortaters for my sons beds last winter I came across that site and bought 2 @$50 ea. They arrived in two days (no extra fee) and are actually better than the ones I looked at in the local stores, and I saved a bundle. :yay:

Someone that gets it! People have this belief that as long as they spend a lot of money, they are getting a better product. Not always the case. A lot of people become rich because they are smart, not because they waste money. When you can get something for cheaper somewhere else, the name on the bag is useless. The name stores do offer different selections at times (pottery barn vs pier-1 for example) which is why they go to them.
We buy a lot of junk from target and BJs so that we can afford our $4 a cup coffee
