What is there to Hate??


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Don't you think companies WANT to make money? It stands to reason they'd open up shop anywhere they could make a buck. If they scout an area and decide they'd be unsuccessful, they go somewhere else. It's that simple.

Make up your mind. Before you were saying it was based on areas with similar people, now you agree that it really is about the people in a certain location. And again, if they don't know it exists, they don't know to study it.

BTW: How is quiznos doing down there?


Football season!
Originally posted by http
2, 3, 4 and 5.

Dude, you have got to be kidding. Ok, what about the other 944,787 small California sized towns that do the same. How much staff do you think the average corporation has?

EXACTLY! That is exactly why places like somd need to make their voices loud enough to be heard, companies don't have the resources to scour every single little town looking for business, or map out every single town that shows a little interest. Like Vrai says, they are in business to make money. If only a small number of people are calling, they won't waste their money and effort on the market research. it all starts with the people. Be it the local population, econ dev. teams, or local developers trying to bring in business. If you just sit on your tail as a whole and do nothing, you'll get the same in return.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Plus, isn't frederick atleast near an interstate, thus thru traffic at least knows where frederick is??
Yeah, if they happen to look at the exit signs. Are you now trying to convince me that marketing people drive up and down the Interstate looking for towns and cities to put chain stores in?

Please show me where I've contradicted myself. And what are you talking about with the "Quizno's" remark?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Be it the local population, econ dev. teams, or local developers trying to bring in business.
Don't you think that's what local developers do? Try and bring business to communities? Do you think they don't contact the various chain stores to fill their shopping centers?

How did you think it worked? That a bunch of residents called Bath and Body Works and they just said, "Okay"? The developers of First Colony contacted a TON of different companies and got rejected dozens of times before they got the spaces rented.


New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
EXACTLY! That is exactly why places like somd need to make their voices loud enough to be heard, companies don't have the resources to scour every single little town looking for business, or map out every single town that shows a little interest. Like Vrai says, they are in business to make money. If only a small number of people are calling, they won't waste their money and effort on the market research. it all starts with the people. Be it the local population, econ dev. teams, or local developers trying to bring in business. If you just sit on your tail as a whole and do nothing, you'll get the same in return.

That's fine, its just unrealistic that's all. Housing booms, schools, business parks, large govenment sites, college and university campus's, large corporate headquarters and miliary installations drive retail markets, not letters, post cards and email. There's a difference between shoulda, coulda and reality.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Don't you think that's what local developers do? Try and bring business to communities? Do you think they don't contact the various chain stores to fill their shopping centers?

How did you think it worked? That a bunch of residents called Bath and Body Works and they just said, "Okay"? The developers of First Colony contacted a TON of different companies and got rejected dozens of times before they got the spaces rented.

I clearly stated it has 3 pieces, the general public, politicians, and developers. Without one of them, you really don't have a basis for any growth.

As for first colony, they built it and in the process lost tenants for various reasons. So in this case, they did build before it was booked. Same goes for the little plaza where starbucks is. It had an "anchor", but the other fronts had "for lease" signs outside them after being built. I assume they are all filled now.

And Vrai, being near an interstate is HUGE. No tonly to be see the name, but stop in as they are passing through. This is why waldorf has been able to grow. Not because it is a great place to be, but it has 2 main "transit ways" which allows it to house things like that mall. Like I said before, the ONLY people somd can count is the locals, where as areas closer to the beltway and near interstates or major commuter roads get much more "outside" traffic. And as before, you only know about california,md if you need to go there.


Football season!
Originally posted by SmallTown
I clearly stated it has 3 pieces, the general public, politicians, and developers. Without one of them, you really don't have a basis for any growth.

Oops, make that the econ dev. group, not politicians.


New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Oops, make that the econ dev. group, not politicians.

Ok ST, looks like we've arrived yet again at the end of a "why you left SOMD" thread. So what's your point this time?

We've established that you think citizens should have a say so in economic development, which is admirable sure, but all agreed unrealistic,

We've established that Starbucks just seem to spring up out of nowhere whether people want them or not,

We've established the importance of developing highway retail regardless of demand so as to seed Corporate awareness, thereby seeding Corporate interest back into the "new point on the map",

We've established that SOMD is not fitting your model,

And most importantly, in my mind at least, we've established that most SOMD people don't care! We are willing to drive 30 miles to a Starbucks or a Wal Mart if we have to.

So again, what's your point this time?!?!?!?


Football season!
Originally posted by http

And most importantly, in my mind at least, we've established that most SOMD people don't care!

I guess that sums it all up. Thanks for joining the conversation.


Originally posted by vraiblonde Who needs a Starbucks? Nobody, that's who. And most people didn't even realize they wanted one until it showed up. [/B]


Just my taste for coffee, but I enjoy 7-11's coffee much more than Starbucks.:biggrin:

Had Starbucks once, and it was way too strong...nasty tasting stuff. :barf: Not a Cappuccino person either. Just me maybe, but they (Starbucks) are way to overrated. Just don't go for all that fancy coffee; i.e., vanilla, Irish Creme, etc. Give me a decent cup of (mild) black coffee; no cream or sugar.... with out the hype and over-price.


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by Flo
Just me maybe, but they (Starbucks) are way to overrated. Just don't go for all that fancy coffee; i.e., vanilla, Irish Creme, etc. Give me a decent cup of (mild) black coffee; no cream or sugar.... with out the hype and over-price.

Gee, Flo, its the cool place to get your coffee nowadays, how can people be impressed with ya if you don't drop the Starbucks name when you say you're going for coffee..:lmao:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by otter
Gee, Flo, its the cool place to get your coffee nowadays, how can people be impressed with ya if you don't drop the Starbucks name when you say you're going for coffee..:lmao:
That is exactly how I see it. Those that go for the "name" are simply some of the most lame.


Football season!
Originally posted by Flo
and it was way too strong...nasty tasting stuff. :barf:

Yea, I think the same thing about tobocco products, but somehow it is still a billion dollar industry. Go figure. :barf:


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
That is exactly how I see it. Those that go for the "name" are simply some of the most lame.

And you people really think its about the name and impressing people? You guys crack me up sometimes. We go because we like it. Because we like variety. Because we like to grab a table, have a good cup of coffee, and chit-chat for awhile.

And again it goes back to the whole notion of choice. Choice is a great thing.


Originally posted by otter
Gee, Flo, its the cool place to get your coffee nowadays, how can people be impressed with ya if you don't drop the Starbucks name when you say you're going for coffee..:lmao:

Don't care to impress anyone. :wink:

Only drink two cups of coffee weekdays, and the first cup is my brew...."Maxwell House.":smile:

The next two are at work from a small deli restaurant in the building...mild and black. I could walk down any block around me for a Starbucks, but again, that is not my style. :razz2:


Originally posted by SmallTown
Yea, I think the same thing about tobocco products, but somehow it is still a billion dollar industry. Go figure. :barf:

Don't smoke or drink.....so I don't have to think about :barf: