What is there to Hate??



Originally posted by SmallTown
I say we have a big group :barf: to all the smokers :biggrin:

Never took up the habit of smoking, though I am sure we all, including me, have bad habits....have to have at least two cups of coffee in the morning to get my tired body going at 3 a.m.....some folks have to have a cigarette with that coffee. I don't condemn anyone who smokes, or whatever else they prefer to do with tbeir lives, as long as it doesn't destroy my life. If I was sitting in a crowded room with nothing but smokers, then I would have to kindly excuse myself, as I have allergies, but I wouldn't go as far as trying to ban it because I don't care for it.

I don't care for the taste of Starbucks, but whatever your taste for coffee, fine with me. I just think they are over-rated.


Football season!
Originally posted by http
You're welcome. Glad I could clear things up for you.

You have always been the bright light in the dark tunnel. Come over and I'll bake you a cookie.


Cleopatra Jones
Ok seriously. People have been posting about how SoMD use to be and how it has grown. ST, SoMD has it's roots in a rural farming community. I've lived almost my entire life here. It is changing as the demand changes. As the job market and the community grow the big name chain businesses are coming. The place is evolving at the rate it should be. The area is simply not ready for what you'd like to see here. I've told you several times that I'm just as stuck up as you are but I guess I'm a little brighter because I know that the area is not ready for certain businesses and there is no demand for them yet. Will there ever be? If SoMD keeps growing at the rate it has been the past several years then I'm sure one day we'll have a Pottery Barn too.

Let me put it to you like this. When I lived in VA I got my hair done at a place that cost $90 just for a haircut. The business thrived there. Put that place in Waldorf and it would go under in a matter of months. Why? Because the area is not ready for it. We still have our strong rural roots and though we're groing out of them they're far from gone.


Football season!
But people also have misconceptions about what the area can support.
Take sheetz. People everywhere were saying we didn't need a 24 pump (or whatever it is) gas station in somd. They waited, and waited, and finally took the chance. It did really well. Then what happened? One is popping up on every corner. Not saying this is actually a good thing, but people weren't sure of the market until they took a shot. They saw it, then it boomed.

I know the place can't support everything. No place really can. I just hope the people in somd get a grasp on their growth and try to consolidate it. If people continue to stream in (and news of more base closures has fueled that assumption) there will be a need for more. If they don't plan a little now, somd will just be littered with half empty strip malls all over the place.


Originally posted by SmallTown
Yea, being in somd for a long time would make me puke too. Try Pepto :biggrin:

You're in NoVA, so why do you worry your self with what Southern Maryland has and doesn't have?:rolleyes:

Southern Maryland is as Pixie described, a rural area that is growing. I think it has grown a heck of a lot in the last 35 years. Some changes I enjoy seeing, and others I don't. I have always considered Southern Maryland my home, as I was born here, move away briefly, but came back to it. I am not much on city life, and enjoy the peaceful quiet solitude of my home when I am not working. I am not much on large shopping malls, and heavy traffic conjestion. When I get out of D.C. in the evenings, crowds and traffic jams are the fartherest from my mind.

As Pixie said, we are not ready for high-priced, fancy places of business, that the folks here couldn't afford. When we make the same salaries as NoVa. or D.C., then maybe you will see those changes you would like.

About 7-10 years ago, a local golf (Robin Dale-Brandywine) changed ownership. They had all kinds of fancy ideas.....The management is out of business, and other owners are in the process of taking over.

Maybe about another 10-15 years you will see a change, but not in the near future.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SmallTown
But people also have misconceptions about what the area can support.
Take sheetz. People everywhere were saying we didn't need a 24 pump (or whatever it is) gas station in somd. They waited, and waited, and finally took the chance. It did really well. Then what happened? One is popping up on every corner. Not saying this is actually a good thing, but people weren't sure of the market until they took a shot. They saw it, then it boomed.

I know the place can't support everything. No place really can. I just hope the people in somd get a grasp on their growth and try to consolidate it. If people continue to stream in (and news of more base closures has fueled that assumption) there will be a need for more. If they don't plan a little now, somd will just be littered with half empty strip malls all over the place.

But right now there is no need for it. I understand what you're saying but you're not understanding the history nor the people. Right now people don't want it and no business is going to thrive in an environment like that. We're not talking gas stations or even Starbucks here (which both will thrive just about anywhere where there are people) we're talking regular businesses.

Personally I barely shop in the Waldorf mall. There are about 3 stores I like in there and I think that our Hecht's sucks. But do I complain about it? No. Why? Because I am the minority. I want a Bebe store and a Soho store but the rest of SoMD doesn't. It wouldn't do well now. Will we have one that does well in 5 - 10 years? Maybe. If the growth continues and there becomes a demand for different things these type of places will do well. I don't know about the Peir 3 in St. Mary's but th one in Waldorf is NEVER busy. A Pottery Barn would go under in under a year I bet.


Originally posted by SmallTown
But people also have misconceptions about what the area can support.
Take sheetz. People everywhere were saying we didn't need a 24 pump (or whatever it is) gas station in somd. They waited, and waited, and finally took the chance. It did really well. Then what happened? One is popping up on every corner. Not saying this is actually a good thing, but people weren't sure of the market until they took a shot. They saw it, then it boomed.

I know the place can't support everything. No place really can. I just hope the people in somd get a grasp on their growth and try to consolidate it. If people continue to stream in (and news of more base closures has fueled that assumption) there will be a need for more. If they don't plan a little now, somd will just be littered with half empty strip malls all over the place.

Sheetz is supposedly lower priced gas. Southern Maryland can support I guess, but I don't care to see them littered on every corner; same as I don't care to see a Starbucks on every corner.....looks to be too much.


Football season!
Originally posted by Flo

As Pixie said, we are not ready for high-priced, fancy places of business, that the folks here couldn't afford. When we make the same salaries as NoVa. or D.C., then maybe you will see those changes you would like.

Last I checked, St. Marys ranked pretty darn high in the state of MD in terms of average household income.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by SmallTown
But people also have misconceptions about what the area can support.
Take sheetz. People everywhere were saying we didn't need a 24 pump (or whatever it is) gas station in somd.

You talk a lot about what everyone in somd is saying (ie. don't need a sheetz, Outback, Starbucks etc.) I would venture to say that your view of what defines "everyone" or "most" people here is rather limited. A lot of people I know said Outback? great!, Hey, their building a Wawa in Charlotte Hall? good, they need one. With all the commuters here leaving at 4am for their job in DC or the guys who work third shift wherever we need MORE 24 hr gas stations.

So who, to you, defines "everyone" in somd? The Bubbas in the trailer park? The defense contractors? The military personel? The government workers who commute to DC? The teachers? the Chamber of Commerce members?

Unless you say "yes" to all those people and more, please stop talking about what "everyone" in somd thinks.


New Member
Originally posted by Flo
Maybe about another 10-15 years you will see a change, but not in the near future.

I don't think anyone has said this better, since I've been on these boards at least. So ST, will you come back to us in 10-15 years? Promise?


Football season!
Originally posted by Flo

As Pixie said, we are not ready for high-priced, fancy places of business, that the folks here couldn't afford. When we make the same salaries as NoVa. or D.C., then maybe you will see those changes you would like.

Last I looked, St. Marys ranked pretty high in the state of maryland in terms of average household income.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SmallTown
Last I checked, St. Marys ranked pretty darn high in the state of MD in terms of average household income.

It's not that most people can't afford it; they don't want it. There is a difference.


Football season!
Originally posted by cmcdanal

So who, to you, defines "everyone" in somd? The Bubbas in the trailer park? The defense contractors? The military personel? The government workers who commute to DC? The teachers? the Chamber of Commerce members?

People I would talk to, the ones who made themselves vocal at the local meetings in terms of opposition, etc... The opposition was much more vocal than the ones in favor. Perhaps it goes back to what http was saying about people not caring enough to speak an opinion.