What is wrong with me?


Yeah, but you would think if she's been dating him for three years she'd already know he was married...:shrug:

but you hear of cases where the men are married to 2 or 3 women and they don't know about each other. Depends on how close you are and how much time you spend together, if hubby/boyfriend travels a lot. I don't know....does seem odd.


New Member
He is divorced. Can't stand his ex-wife. We didn't have issues at all. It doesn't make sense to his friends or mine.


New Member
We both came from a bad marriage. So we both know whats it like not to be happy. We are best friends. Talk about everything up until now. I wish I knew what happened. I am as mift as all of our friends and I have been sitting on this for a couple of days because I can't seem to pull myself together. Its one thing when you argue or don't get along. Its something else when you don't have problems.
He is divorced. Can't stand his ex-wife. We didn't have issues at all. It doesn't make sense to his friends or mine.

It rarely makes sense when one of a pair calls it quit and the other wants it to continue. It happens all the time. You should move on. In fact, check your PMer...I'm sure you've got one from Aps by now. :smile:


We both came from a bad marriage. So we both know whats it like not to be happy. We are best friends. Talk about everything up until now. I wish I knew what happened. I am as mift as all of our friends and I have been sitting on this for a couple of days because I can't seem to pull myself together. Its one thing when you argue or don't get along. Its something else when you don't have problems.

Did he clean out your house and move?


wandering aimlessly
:mad: Dammit! I have to leave for basketball practice. I'll tune in tomorrow for a synopsis of "how the psycho turns".


Iron City
We both came from a bad marriage. So we both know whats it like not to be happy. We are best friends. Talk about everything up until now. I wish I knew what happened. I am as mift as all of our friends and I have been sitting on this for a couple of days because I can't seem to pull myself together. Its one thing when you argue or don't get along. Its something else when you don't have problems.

Ummmmm, you could always ask him. :whistle: