What is wrong with me?

nobody really

I need a nap
We both came from a bad marriage. So we both know whats it like not to be happy. We are best friends. Talk about everything up until now. I wish I knew what happened. I am as mift as all of our friends and I have been sitting on this for a couple of days because I can't seem to pull myself together. Its one thing when you argue or don't get along. Its something else when you don't have problems.

move on - OR - fill out a ####load of magazine subscriptions, make up names (like Dick Les Smith, Ima Terd Smith, etc - you get the point), put "bill me" on the subscription form, sell his truck in the pennysaver extremely cheap (don't forget to put his cell # - eat up air time). And, don't forget to advertise free baby clothes in the pennysaver!


Infinite Impetus
We both came from a bad marriage. So we both know whats it like not to be happy. We are best friends. Talk about everything up until now. I wish I knew what happened. I am as mift as all of our friends and I have been sitting on this for a couple of days because I can't seem to pull myself together. Its one thing when you argue or don't get along. Its something else when you don't have problems.

'dont have problems'
Seems like maybe you and him grazed over some true issues then. No relationship is problem-free.
move on - OR - fill out a ####load of magazine subscriptions, make up names (like Dick Les Smith, Ima Terd Smith, etc - you get the point), put "bill me" on the subscription form, sell his truck in the pennysaver extremely cheap (don't forget to put his cell # - eat up air time). And, don't forget to advertise free baby clothes in the pennysaver!

Oh my... you've been through this before...:roflmao:
Not necessarily. I know someone whose husband had an affair for 9 years...she knew absolutely nothing about it.
I think it's different that you are talking a husband/wife. I husband can fit a piece on the side into his schedule, but I can't see a girlfriend of three years not figuring out he was married unless they really didn't have that close of a relationship afterall.

nobody really

I need a nap
Oh my... you've been through this before...:roflmao:

yeah, - it was classic....I got to the point i kicked it up a notch, went to borders - lots of magazines - foreign cuisine magazines! - PEPE LePUE Smith...etc. and he was msp - made it that much funnier.


New Member
No we didn't live together, we worked together and were together Tuesday thru Saturday night on Sunday and Monday he had his kids so we didn't hang then.


No we didn't live together, we worked together and were together Tuesday thru Saturday night on Sunday and Monday he had his kids so we didn't hang then.

Are you still working together? Wow that must be hard if you are....I have had a broken heart before, I'd rather get really sick and die then go thru it again. Iam so sorry for you.