What is wrong with me?


New Member
one is 3 and the other is 10, he as a child ment all his fathers girlfriends so he didn't want to expose his kids to that until he was ready to get married


Your not going to now announce you are a famous model from Romania but you are really Greek or french or something like that now are you? :confused:
Now that we are into multiple pages of a story that's full of holes and contradictory statements... I've lost the true reason for this thread... what is this about...:confused:


My hubby and I both had kids when we started dating, we took our kids with us on all our dates, we did kid friendly things, like hang out a Point Look Out State Park during the summer, go fishing together w/kids on the base, really fun neat stuff. It was the only way we could see each other. He only had his kids on the weekends. No way was he going to leave them with a sitter. I was a single mom and could not afford one.


Now that we are into multiple pages of a story that's full of holes and contradictory statements... I've lost the true reason for this thread... what is this about...:confused:

See post #70 :biggrin: I think I have this one solved :diva:
one is 3 and the other is 10, he as a child ment all his fathers girlfriends so he didn't want to expose his kids to that until he was ready to get married

Hey kids! Daddy's decided that today he wants to #### this lady that you don't really know so from now on she's gonna be your new mommy! Surprise! :yahoo:


New Member
I am just trying to figure out how can someone that you are in a relationship with for 3 years end it in a two sec conversion? With no real reason when there we no problems.


New Member
Let's see.....................you were seeing him for 3 years.......and you were "Dad's Friend"......................

Given that situation..................I think............I think............I think I'm a gonna shut my mouth before someone gives me red karma!!!