What qualifies Police Officers to drive fast?


24/7 Single Dad
Re: Just doing their job

Originally posted by Arcane360
Anyone else have a better excuse for police speeding in a non-emergency situation?

Everybody else does. What's the problem with somebody that's had some driver training doing it?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Ya'll should have seen Pete driving like a complete maniac this morning. I had to pull out of the way so he wouldn't run me down in traffic. No lie!

Petter Solberg

New Member
I haven't been given a hard time by the local police and believe many of them to be good guys. I just believe that if a police officer is going to be exceeding the speed limit, they should be trained to drive fast. Driving a vehicle safetly fast requires training. The police officers that I witnessed driving fast were not well trained, and were not shuffle steering into and through the turn.


Originally posted by RoseRed
Ya'll should have seen Pete driving like a complete maniac this morning. I had to pull out of the way so he wouldn't run me down in traffic. No lie!
I had 4WD turned on and I was using my patented (one handed) 4:45 hand position on the wheel, perfectly safe. :Shrug:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Pete
I had 4WD turned on and I was using my patented (one handed) 4:45 hand position on the wheel, perfectly safe. :Shrug:
And then he called and laughed at me since I had to sit in traffic to get on base.

Meamie. :cussing:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Re: Re: Just doing their job

Originally posted by aps45819
Everybody else does.

And that makes it right? I'm not too found of hypocracy. If you're going to give me a hard time about something- weather it's you're job or not- don't do it yourself. It's unfortunate that those who make and enforce the law are held to a lower standard, instead of a higher one.

Originally posted by aps45819 What's the problem with somebody that's had some driver training doing it?

Either A) they don't get much training or B) choose to ignore it. IMO ignoring your training is worse than not having any. At any rate, in the original example described, it wasn't doing him much good was it?


Active Member

I never said that it was a valid reason. But, you have to acknowledge that they do have a wide area to cover. Also, you have to consider this: There are situations in which a silent response is neccessary. Obviously, if they are trying to catch someone in the act, lights and sirens just give them away. I am not saying that the police are right all the time speeding down the road, but, you never know the exact reason they are. If you really want to slow them down, if you must, pressure the commissioners to hire more, fill up the voids in the patrol areas so one officer doesn't have to cover the entire southern end, and then maybe, just maybe, you wont see them zooming all over hell and creation to answer all of the calls for assistance.


24/7 Single Dad
Imigagine how much it would suck if everytime you cought up to someone in traffic, they immediatly slow down to the speed limit.


New Member
Just getting back to read this thread after vacation and I see everyone seems to be missing my earlier point about why cops speed. Every job has its perks. If you're a painter you're going to get a great deal on paint at the Paintin' Place; if you work at Starbucks, you're getting a free $4.00 cup or joe; work as a mechanic you're getting a great deal on car parts, etc. etc. etc. Every job has it's benfits and freebees. Sure being a cop you get to drive fast, get free coffee at 7-11 and maybe a free meal at MickieDee's... BFD!!! These guys really have a tough job... I don't see anyone complaining about the mechanic who got a free brake job, when I have to $200...

If you want to bust the cop's balls, I think you need to look at somthing other than them speeding... They're not perfect, but profession can claim they only employ the perfect? :shrug:


The Smart Hooker
Ummm hello!!!

There is a big difference between getting a free brake job because your a mechanic and being able to speed because your a cop. Speeding is DANGEROUS! Speeding causes accidents! :rolleyes:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Cletus_Vandam said:
Just getting back to read this thread after vacation and I see everyone seems to be missing my earlier point about why cops speed. Every job has its perks. If you're a painter you're going to get a great deal on paint at the Paintin' Place; if you work at Starbucks, you're getting a free $4.00 cup or joe; work as a mechanic you're getting a great deal on car parts, etc. etc. etc. Every job has it's benfits and freebees. Sure being a cop you get to drive fast, get free coffee at 7-11 and maybe a free meal at MickieDee's... BFD!!! These guys really have a tough job... I don't see anyone complaining about the mechanic who got a free brake job, when I have to $200...

If you want to bust the cop's balls, I think you need to look at somthing other than them speeding... They're not perfect, but profession can claim they only employ the perfect? :shrug:

Last I checked, getting a free brake job or a deal on car parts wasn't illegal: That's the difference.

I'm not expecting perfection. If you accept them having wanton disregard for the law they are employed to uphold, I hope seriously hope you A) never have their job and B) never get in a position in a life above mine.
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I bowl overhand
crabcake said:
because they have a badge, bright flashing lights, a gun and a club? :shrug:

This is ONE reason I like the ideas of speed cameras. .. and I also have reasons AGAINST them too.. but like the idea of PO-leece getting tickets for speeding too, enough of the GOOD ol boy metality of ALL levels of police letting each other get away with whatever they decide. I got stopped coming out of Baltimore doing 68 in a 55 as they were pulling us over in two's or three's.. watched the guy behind me in a White Ford Bronco flash his badge and get waved on.. WHO exactly told the state trooper that he could play judge and jury and decide who gets a ticket and who doesn't?


You're all F'in Mad...
meme said:
You don't think speeding causes accidents? :confused:

That's kinda' like saying that guns kill people.

People cause accidents. Whether they are talking on their cell phone, dropped a smoke in their lap, drinking coffee, tailgating, animals, or speeding can all be contributing factors, none of which "cause" accidents. :angel: But the bottom line is that either they weren't prepared for what was happening in front of them, or another driver pulled a bonehead move that they couldn't avoid, or their vehicle was in disrepair and the equipment couldn't help them avoid an accident.

I recently made a run down to Ridge on Route 5, and I maintained 80 on a few nice, clear stretches. If speeding caused accidents, I would have had one, because I was definitely speeding.


The Smart Hooker
Tell that to a parent of a kid who was speeding and wrapped his or her car around a tree. Granted, it's the persons fault they were speeding...the car doesn't drive by themselves. But driving an excessive speed is against the law! So why should a cop on or off duty be allowed to do so?


meme said:
Tell that to a parent of a kid who was speeding and wrapped his or her car around a tree. Granted, it's the persons fault they were speeding...the car doesn't drive by themselves. But driving an excessive speed is against the law! So why should a cop on or off duty be allowed to do so?

you stated your belief that speeding causes accidents.

in and of itself speeding does not cause accidents. like OZ said other factors allow the accident to happen.

i'm not argueing wether or not a cop should be allowed to speed.

but just because excessive speeding is against the law does deem it a cause of accidents.

I speed ALL the time. You probably do to. Going one MPH over the speed limit is a violation of the law. Therefore you would be speeding just like the rest of us and according to your theory, you would have caused a bunch of accidents by now.