those are completely different thoughts and ideals:
the golden rule say treat other people as you would want to be treated.
your interpretation is that you should treat people the way they treat you.
I found it interesting that you picked the golden rule as a guide for how people should be treated (why humans are more important than cattle). My point in asking the question, as mAlice will attest, is that the American atheist has primarily Christian morals from being around Christians so much. As you show below (and above, and other threads.....) there is no foundation for any morality in atheism. With no difference between a rock, a tree, a cat, and a human (we're all just chemicals) in inherent value, there is no foundation for morals, for "right" or "wrong". But, the Golden Rule is, after all, a religious concept:
"Therefore all things whatsoever you desire that men should do to you, do you even so to them. For this is the Law and the prophets."
-- New Testament, Matthew 7:12
"No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself."
-- Koran, Sunnah, from the Islam tradition
"Hurt not others in ways that you find hurtful."
-- Tripitaka, Udanga-varga 5,18 , from the Buddhist tradition
"What is hateful to you, do not to our fellow man. That is entire Law, all the rest is commentary."
-- Talmud, Shabbat 31a, from the Judaic tradition
nothing makes our life more than any animals' or plants' lives. The christain idea that we are somehow better than every other living thing on the earth is what has lead to the extermination of countless species and the slaughter of millions of less superior humans.
So, if you eat anything that was alive (an apple, a cow, a ham sandwich....) you are committing something equal to murder? Or, is murder not a problem for you?
I prefer to think of all life as special and great and i feel true thanks and understanding when i eat an animal that i have killed knowing that its life of freedom was ended by me for my survival. When the life is taken with respect and thanks life is balanced and can continue.
Okay, so if you respect the guy you kill, then it's okay?
What you are describing is man dominating the earth, and we see how well that is working out for the earth so far......
Is the earth in trouble? Will it not be around soon? Or, are we worried about man, and whether we're hurting mankind (not the earth)?