whats up with???


New Member
itsbob said:
Lot of questions..

Which has been my point in my postings. Bob, if I thought the officer was justified in doing what he did, I'd be the first to defend it to its death, but I cannot be sure. If I owned Max, and if what they are saying is true, I'd fight until I had that officer's badge.

I realize it is just a dog (but he was a member of their family) and I do think he used too much force. A man who has had 2 other dog incidents shouldn't even THINK of crossing the path of another dog. He should have known from past experience.

Officers are trained to use reasonable force to apprehend a suspect. Had Max been a real person would his death have been considered reasonable? If this had been a real person there might have been the possibility the person was armed with a firearm. We know Max possessed no firearm.

Nobody can change your perception and opinion in this and I'm not trying to do that but there is no need to blame Max's owners because a step son that hasn't lived there in years has an open child support warrant. Just like you said, there are too many questions here.

river rat

sockgirl77 said:
Even if the warrant was for a family member that used to live there, it does not warrant the death of their dog. UFB.

Even if the warrant was for a person that did live there, IMHO it still doesn't warrant him shooting the dog.

If the person, who the warrant was being issued to, was there and released the dog on him and the law officer used his weapon, then you would hear no complaints from me. (He!! he could have used the weapon on both the dog and the dead beat dad and I still wouldn't have any complaints)

But that is not how it happened.
If the truth is being told, thus far, then the police officer should be terminated. Give be all the red you like for my opinion, it is what it is.

I will just have to ignore the fact that Bob is hitting mentalpause. :jet:

river rat

Hey Bob

itsbob said:
and if he had done what he was supposed to (paid the child support), this would be a non-event. The cop would have never been there, the dog never would have done anything (if the dog did do anything), the cop wouldn't have been able to shoot the dog, because.. The cop wouldn't have had a reason to be there!!

I don't have to worry about a cop shooting either one of my dogs because I've NEVER given them, nor has any of my family members, a reason to come looking for me or anyone related to me.

Whay do I get the feeling you know this family?

Have the done something in the past to make you despise them?
It is almost like you resent them for a reason :confused:
Am I right?


I bowl overhand
river rat said:
Whay do I get the feeling you know this family?

Have the done something in the past to make you despise them?
It is almost like you resent them for a reason :confused:
Am I right?
You'd be wrong.. I have NO idea who the family is. They could be the best family in the county as far as I know.

I also have no idea who the cop is.. I don't know if he is a good person or a bad person... He could be the best or the worst deputy in the department, I don't know.

My ONLY point is don't crucify someone by just hearing one side of the story. Nobody here has all the facts, nobody was there but the cop and the dog..

Let the cops investigate, and lets see what happens.. if the truth points to the cop needing to be fired, than fire him, up to that point we shouldn't talk about shooting the cop.. putting him on a leash.. etc.. etc..

I'm not defending the cop, but think we should wait for the rest of the story before we crucify him.

river rat

itsbob said:
You'd be wrong.. I have NO idea who the family is. They could be the best family in the county as far as I know.

I also have no idea who the cop is.. I don't know if he is a good person or a bad person... He could be the best or the worst deputy in the department, I don't know.

My ONLY point is don't crucify someone by just hearing one side of the story. Nobody here has all the facts, nobody was there but the cop and the dog..

Let the cops investigate, and lets see what happens.. if the truth points to the cop needing to be fired, than fire him, up to that point we shouldn't talk about shooting the cop.. putting him on a leash.. etc.. etc..

I'm not defending the cop, but think we should wait for the rest of the story before we crucify him.

:tantrum: I thought I had ya figured out :ohwell:

But, why hasn't the sheriff's office said something yet?
That is why I must lean to support the family.

It almost appears as thought the sheriff's office is stalling, or wanting it to just go away. That is where I have drawn my conclusion from (it may turn out to be a wrong one, but I have started to form an opinion based on NO FACTS)


lovinmaryland said:
that is just terrible.

even if the cop was attacked by the dog (who was chained up) why did he feel the need to shoot the dog multiple times? wouldn't once be enough? especially seeing as the dog was tied up?

I have been bothered by this from the beginning..all the comments ask the same question ..chained up dog, many options..yet shot the dog anywhy..
remindeme of a story where the husband slaps the wife the wife snaps at the kid, and the kid kicks the dog.
Anyone think that this cop..was having a bad day..assigned to serving warrents, was pissed at soemthing else..did not want to be serving this stupid warrent for child support..knocks, no one home..and goes around to knock a 3rd time and the dog does his job and nips at the cops leg..
(Note: it is a shepard dog..breed to nip at the back legs of sheep to get them to move..watch the herding trials...)
Cop is having a bad day, is pissed off and takes it out on the dog.
No other explaination makes sense in this...

Sure he had options, but did not think to use them..
He was not thinking about his task..but something else and took it out on the poor dog.

Just my 2¢ worth.


Well-Known Member
itsbob said:
and if he had done what he was supposed to (paid the child support), this would be a non-event. The cop would have never been there, the dog never would have done anything (if the dog did do anything), the cop wouldn't have been able to shoot the dog, because.. The cop wouldn't have had a reason to be there!!

I don't have to worry about a cop shooting either one of my dogs because I've NEVER given them, nor has any of my family members, a reason to come looking for me or anyone related to me.
You better count your blessings! Sometimes cops show up at the wrong house and bad things happen to good people! :whistle:


New Member
I feel so bad about this "incident"

river rat said:
What are other citizens doing to express they're disgust over the whole matter?

Has anyone seen a statement from the sheriff's office yet?
How long can we expect to wait for an explanation?

I would like to know what I could do ,as a Chas. County resident, so that this don't get swept under the rug.

I too am a Charles County resident. I have an electric fence, so my dogs (a golden retriever and two English springer spaniels) won't leave the yard, but someone can walk on to the property--into my back yard. Although my dogs are never outside when anyone is not home, I feel sick in my stomach thinking about someone coming here and shooting one of my beloved dogs.
Is there ANYTHING we can do about this? I do not believe the officer was in danger or that the shooting was called for. I do not think men like this officer should be on the force. I hope this doesn't just "go away."


New Member
itsbob said:
She herself said the warrant was for missed child support, and I'm assuming since they went to THAT house it was someone that had lived there in the past.

Granted it MIGHT have been the previous owner, but I'm assuming it's someone the family knows, and if so, did they know the cops were looking for him?? DO they know where he is but didn't share that information?

Lot of questions..

It was the woman of the house's step son according to the St Mary's today


Well-Known Member
OK, I have to post -- First timer here!

I was truly disturbed by this story. I am usually one to stick up for cops, but not this time. I read the story in the paper, it tore me apart to read it -- but none the less I try to justify the police as they have a difficult job -- but I have to tell you -- I was so bothered by this story, I got some flowers, i went to the Mattia house on 231 to give them a tree (to plant on behalf of Max) and potted flowers. After having a conversation with them, I have come to beleive that Officer Christopher Long of the Charles COunty Sherriffs office is One million percent in the wrong. These kind people have pictures of what this officer did and it is horrific. The dog never ever once extend his chain to the fullest extent possible, there is a trail wherein you can see that the dog tried to get away from the officer, not one spot of the very many blood stains is any length of distance from the house. This officer shot Max 7 count 7 times, he nearly decapitated the dog. The dog rested two feet from the Mattias door. The Officers bullets made the dogs choker colloar explode off Max's neck, his teeth were blown out of his mouth, please now come on, this was necessary. The abmulance refused to transport hte deputy because there was no visble wounds on him. These kind people have pictures that are so graphic and horrific, you can only feel the pain that they are going through. and itsbob-- I dont know if you are aware of the fact that this police officer Christopher Long has apparently done this two two other dogs, which makes this his third dog killing! Sorry, can blame the family on this one. And yes, one usually would say, well if there is a warrant to be served, there is usually a certain kind of criteria that people fit under and once again the Mattias do not fit on the criteria. These are hard working honest people that just want justice served. Number one the warrant was for a person that does not reside at the house. Number two the officer knew Max (by name) as he has been to the property on a few occassions for people dumping stolen dirt bikes or atvs in the pond which sits along the property (no bob not for anyting that these people have done wrong), and number three--after seeing the pictures you have no doubt in your mind that the officer is wrong wrong wrong. He needs to be removed off the streets. I know I am jumping around here, but I am so bothered by some of the comments, I just want to put everything I know out there as none of what I am saying is heresay or reading I actually stopped and talked to these nice people. Do you know that on the sidewalk just two feet from the steps where Max was shot -- there is chucks of concrete out of the ground from the bullets. Do you know that every day when they walk out there door there is a blood stained walkway where Max laid?

So itsbob and everyone else that thinks just because a warrant had to be issued, makes the Mattia any less of people, think twice, first off it was a child support warrant, not a murder warrant, it was not a felony crime or anything that required this kind of behavior (if there is any justification for this kind of behavior). A innocent dog died at the hands of a very cruel person and I am sorry to say, but I am ashamed to have Officier Christopher Long as a deputy sherriff in my county and I think he should be terminated from his position. I hope that an attorney will take the Mattia's case pro bono and make the county pay for a person that should not be on the force.

And one more thing, the Mattia said that Max was a regular at the Veterans Home, ohhhhh that makes for a mean dog doesnt it!
Last edited:


New Member
I haven't stopped thinking about poor Max since I read about him, and it is a truly horrific ordeal that this family is going through. My heart goes out to them.

In regards to the "officer's side of the story". Oh, I am sure there is one, but why hasn't anyone heard it? Why hasn't this officer come forward in his own defense, and showed the alleged "bite mark" that he supposedly received from Max? Surely, if this dog did attack him, and if there was a need to call an ambulance, there has to be at least one bite mark. I mean really, if the dog was in such a frenzy, and it took seven bullets to take him down, he must of really been clamped down on this guy.

I know if I was being accused of something like this, the first thing that I would do is "prove" my innocence.

Until I see and/or hear proof that this officer had reason to shoot Max, I can't do anything but think that this officer was in the wrong-doing, has some major issues, and he should not be allowed to carry a gun.

“Things in law tend to be black and white. But we all know that some people are a little bit guilty, while other people are guilty as hell.” ~Donald Cressey~


New Member
makm said:
I am new here and have visited a few times , I wanted to let you guys know that I have pictures of what happened to our family dog and would be more than ready to share them with anyone who would like to see them. The pictures where taken when the police where still there. I know if you all saw the evidence for yourself you would know why we are pushing this . We have had calls to our home asking us to please go threw with all of this because they work with him and he is no good. Nobody has left a name in fear of there own job. Of course we understand that they would not want to go against there own (people)We are not saying police are bad because most are good but there are bad ones that are protected for the sake of the department. I will not send any pictures of max that show his uper half of his body for respect of MAX but I can show you that the chain did not just break and a few more details. We just want this guy off the streets . The warrant was for missed childsupport , I agree is very bad but after knocking on two doors he could have not walked passed max to go to a third. Someone was home 1 hour later. He could have called animal control if he really felt he needed to knock on the third door but I guess he thought walking passed our dog after knowing he was there! He should have had his ass bit, Max was protecting his home , on his tie, at our back garage door. Please feel free to ask for pictures , I am doing this for the love of MAX.

R.I.P MAX MATTIA 01-17-2001 - 05-15-2007
I am so sorry for your loss :huggy: You are doing the right thing in pursuing this, stay tough. Please dismiss the ignorance & spiteful comments of a few on these boards. Perhaps they have not yet experienced the true bonding that many share with their pet. Best wishes in your pursuit of justice, I hope in time the pain you feel will subside.
PrepH4U said:
I am so sorry for your loss :huggy: You are doing the right thing in pursuing this, stay tough. Please dismiss the ignorance & spiteful comments of a few on these boards. Perhaps they have not yet experienced the true bonding that many share with their pet. Best wishes in your pursuit of justice, I hope in time the pain you feel will subside.

Well said and :yeahthat:.


Inkpen said:
I have been bothered by this from the beginning..all the comments ask the same question ..chained up dog, many options..yet shot the dog anywhy..
remindeme of a story where the husband slaps the wife the wife snaps at the kid, and the kid kicks the dog.
Anyone think that this cop..was having a bad day..assigned to serving warrents, was pissed at soemthing else..did not want to be serving this stupid warrent for child support..knocks, no one home..and goes around to knock a 3rd time and the dog does his job and nips at the cops leg..
(Note: it is a shepard dog..breed to nip at the back legs of sheep to get them to move..watch the herding trials...)
Cop is having a bad day, is pissed off and takes it out on the dog.
No other explaination makes sense in this...

Sure he had options, but did not think to use them..
He was not thinking about his task..but something else and took it out on the poor dog.

Just my 2¢ worth.

I dont believe I got RED karma for a TYPO!!
The Spelling Bee King is here..watch out!!

For leaving out the letter "H" someone left this:

whats up with??? 05-19-2007 02:12 PM Learn to spell shepherd.

Be careful or you will get red too!!!!


Active Member
I heard through the grapevine that this "officer" has also wrecked a bunch of cop cars and gotten a 15 year old pregnant and had to marry her.