mphilyaw said:That is true but she was 16yrs old, still nothing to be proud of. The officer has been called an "idiot" by others on the force and has wrecked around 13 county vehicles.
You related to the VA Philyaws?

mphilyaw said:That is true but she was 16yrs old, still nothing to be proud of. The officer has been called an "idiot" by others on the force and has wrecked around 13 county vehicles.
"deadbeat dad" authorize the force used on a beloved family dog?mphilyaw said:I also want to add that I personally know this family and MAX. He was the sweetest dog and a big baby. My 4yr old daughter has played witht his dog repeatedly and he was nothing but gentle with her and the Mattias other grandchildren. The office had no reason, after knocking on both of the other doors, to knock on the door where MAX was chained up. Would you even go near a big dog like that if you could help it. If he was truly concerned for his safety all he had to do was call for back up or animal control. The person in question that was being served has not EVER lived at the address, it was the address of his parents not where he was. The sheriffs department was aware that he did not live there after being told on numerous occasions. If the officer has already had two prior incidents of dog shootings you would think that experience would have told him NOT to walk up to the dog. This dog runs if you just look at it like you wanted to hurt it. The small kids could ride this dog like a horse,yeah thats a dog that deserved to dieFor TOM to say the things he has in cruel and uncalled for. This could have been avoided by using common sense. Either wait til the owner got back or come back at a different time. Why did this warrant have to be served right that moment. Yes he should have paid his childsupport but does being a "deadbeat dad" authorize the force used on a beloved family dog? I think not. To all those who are supporting the family, we say thank you and god bless.
No, it does not. It is the same as a grown man punching you. You may punch him back but you cannot kill him. Idiot. Do you own a dog?tom88 said:No but being bitten by a dog does call for the use of deadly force!
Yes I do own a dog! If my dog attacked a person I pay to serve and protect me, I would expect the Police officer to shoot my dog! You must be a really shallow person to have to resort to name calling when trying to get your point across! I won't sink to your level!sockgirl77 said:No, it does not. It is the same as a grown man punching you. You may punch him back but you cannot kill him. Idiot. Do you own a dog?
That officer should not have even been there.tom88 said:Yes I do own a dog! If my dog attacked a person I pay to serve and protect me, I would expect the Police officer to shoot my dog! You must be a really shallow person to have to resort to name calling when trying to get your point across! I won't sink to your level!
I checked with a States Attorny who told me deadly force on a dog attacking a police officer is legal! So check your facts! It's not the same as a grown man punching you! This is an ANIMAL! Thats why they chain him up!tom88 said:Yes I do own a dog! If my dog attacked a person I pay to serve and protect me, I would expect the Police officer to shoot my dog! You must be a really shallow person to have to resort to name calling when trying to get your point across! I won't sink to your level!
Exactly. He was chained up. Had the officer not been an idiot, he would not have gotten bitten (if he even was).tom88 said:Thats why they chain him up!
If the officer was wrong to have been there, lets seek punishment for that! But lets not put doubts into the minds of our public servants telling them we won't defend them when an emotional issue comes up. If the officer did something wrong, seek redress with the courts.sockgirl77 said:That officer should not have even been there.
tom88 said:I checked with a States Attorny who told me deadly force on a dog attacking a police officer is legal! So check your facts! It's not the same as a grown man punching you! This is an ANIMAL! Thats why they chain him up!
We are on here discussing our opinions. That is what forums are for.tom88 said:If the officer was wrong to have been there, lets seek punishment for that! But lets not put doubts into the minds of our public servants telling them we won't defend them when an emotional issue comes up. If the officer did something wrong, seek redress with the courts.
tom88 said:If the officer was wrong to have been there, lets seek punishment for that! But lets not put doubts into the minds of our public servants telling them we won't defend them when an emotional issue comes up. If the officer did something wrong, seek redress with the courts.
mphilyaw said:Its sad that people think animals are just animals. We are animals too. If a MAN attacks and bites you would you shoot HIM 7 times?
If a man bit me, it depends on how many bullets my magazine would hold.
Why didn't Deputy Long kick the dog or move out of range of the dog.
Kick the dog?? Go spit on Superman's cape and see where that will get you. You sure know how to irritate a dog.
If a man came to your house and tried to open the door, which the officer did try and open the garage door, then you would expect your dog to defend your property not just sit there, so why is a police officer any different just because he carries a badge. A lack of common sense is what caused this situation.
I'm not going searching for this but did he actually try to open the garage door?
cattitude said:I hope the owners of Max do what they can to get the police officer to court.
Let the officer come forward..all he has to do is show his bite wound. If the dog was attacking him in such a manner that he had to fire SEVEN shots, then he would most certainly have some serious wounds.
Either way, sounds like a crappy officer.
Number 1...he used poor judgment in dealing with an animal situation and is too quick with a gun; and
Number 2..he's a lousy shot, which is always comforting in an officer of the law.
Speedy70 said:If they were to go to court in Charles Co, do you think the judge would side with the police department?
mphilyaw said:A lack of common sense is what caused this situation.
cattitude said:Would probably be a civil suit and the judge wouldn't have much to say about it.
tom88 said:"deadbeat dad" authorize the force used on a beloved family dog?
No but being bitten by a dog does call for the use of deadly force!