whats up with???

river rat

kalmd said:
I heard through the grapevine that this "officer" has also wrecked a bunch of cop cars and gotten a 15 year old pregnant and had to marry her.

Only hearsay, I hope.
This story is bad enough without sprinkling yeast on it.


Well-Known Member
ok I got a red karma with this

NOTE: ADULT MALE DOG ...NOT NEUTERED!!! That was 1st mistake!Had been nuetered, might not been so agressive..and dead.

First off, how do you know the dog was not nutuered?????? is this officer long responding to my post???????? I dont know if the dog was not nutered or not, but I will find out..... but to that defense I have 4 dogs -- 2 are nutured and 2 are not, I a pit bull, pit bull lab mix, a pure lab and a pure doberman. If you saw my dogs you may be scared of them, only because of what they are, but all in all they are the truest kindest dogs you will ever meet. I have a toddler and have trusted my dogs with him since day one. My point in this is that not all dogs are aggrssive because they are not nutured.

You need to know the whole story -- fact is and picture proof, where the dog was shot is two feet from the door step to the peoples home. if the dog was attacking the officier the dogs chain would have fully extended to the end of the house, not have pull and be right next to the house. If I have ever encounted a dog that is any type of aggressive, then the chain is pulled as far as it can go. LOOK AT THE PICTURES ON ST MARYS TODAY. the doorstep and the blood stain is so visable in the pictures, so you please tell me how the dog is aggressive and biting the officer when he is shot just two feet from the doorstep??????


Well-Known Member
Ravu said:
This story makes me cry...Poor dog and the poor kid who came home and found him all shot up. :flowers:
Poor police officer trying to serve a warrant on a dead beat dad bitten by an aggressive dog! Poor family who lost their dog! Poor community so quick to judge without the facts!


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
tom88 said:
Poor police officer trying to serve a warrant on a dead beat dad bitten by an aggressive dog! Poor family who lost their dog! Poor community so quick to judge without the facts!


New Member
tom88 said:
Poor police officer trying to serve a warrant on a dead beat dad bitten by an aggressive dog! Poor family who lost their dog! Poor community so quick to judge without the facts!
Oh stuff it. This is tons more facts than we usually have to slice and dice someone.


Well-Known Member
Charles said:
Oh stuff it. This is tons more facts than we usually have to slice and dice someone.
I have to admit! That is a funny response. You made me chuckle. Thank you Charles.


Well-Known Member
tom88 said:
Poor police officer trying to serve a warrant on a dead beat dad bitten by an aggressive dog! Poor family who lost their dog! Poor community so quick to judge without the facts!


Well-Known Member
sockgirl77 said:
Nice language! You are a model parent! I'm sure this is how you will teach your ten month old how to debate people by sinking to the lowest form and name calling!


tom88 said:
Nice language! You are a model parent! I'm sure this is how you will teach your ten month old how to debate people by sinking to the lowest form and name calling!

Maybe she thought your name was Dick? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
tom88 said:
Nice language! You are a model parent! I'm sure this is how you will teach your ten month old how to debate people by sinking to the lowest form and name calling!
My 10 month old cannot read. Nor would I ever let her on these boards. These people are freaks on here. :lol:


New Member
kalmd said:
I heard through the grapevine that this "officer" has also wrecked a bunch of cop cars and gotten a 15 year old pregnant and had to marry her.

That is true but she was 16yrs old, still nothing to be proud of. The officer has been called an "idiot" by others on the force and has wrecked around 13 county vehicles.