whats up with???



Does anyone know if this will make the 11:00 news? :confused: I'd really like to see this segment. :mad:


The cop was on the dogs property, where he was more then likely protecting and the cop killed him. I'd be pissed too.



New Member
dems4me said:
Does anyone know if this will make the 11:00 news? :confused: I'd really like to see this segment. :mad:

I think they will. I'm sure it has sparked some public outrage and rightfully so. I believe in the truth and what is fair. I love animals and I would like to have faith that law enforcement does things right but in this case, something doesn't jive well with me and the story they are telling about this particular incident.

I hope the owners continue to push. A police officer who feels the need to unload half of his ammo on a dog when he carries a stick and mace is using entirely too much force. The dog was hit so many times they say he was just about decapitated. :boo:


Pandora said:
I think they will. I'm sure it has sparked some public outrage and rightfully so. I believe in the truth and what is fair. I love animals and I would like to have faith that law enforcement does things right but in this case, something doesn't jive well with me and the story they are telling about this particular incident.

I hope the owners continue to push. A police officer who feels the need to unload half of his ammo on a dog when he carries a stick and mace is using entirely too much force. The dog was hit so many times they say he was just about decapitated. :boo:

And a dog that was tied up, not like he was going far.


Well-Known Member
cattitude said:
And rightly so.

And Lenny, I doubt that was a 180-200 pound dog. I had Shepherds all my life. Last one I had topped out at 120 and he was large....and a baby.

And to whoever said the owner looked like a nutcase...well let somebody shoot one of my dogs and I guarantee you, you will never see a bigger nutcase.

I agree with VV, he shouldn't be an officer of the law or carry a gun. HE sounds like the nutcase to me.

And multiple gunshots? Please...
My parents own 180-200 pound Malamutes. There is no way that this Shepherd comes close.


New Member
missperky said:
And a dog that was tied up, not like he was going far.

Did you watch the news? :confused:

They are claiming that the dog broke free from a choker chain and attacked the officer.

This is page #2 of the St. Mary's County Today's photos on this incident (not sure if they were up before - I think they are new) and they show blood. Notice the tiny piece of chain? Notice how the leash has been dragged across the blood? And the news man held up 7 bullet casings in a plastic baggie. This was a scene in which deadly force was used and the Sheriff's Office didn't collect the evidence? :confused:


Pandora said:
Did you watch the news? :confused:

They are claiming that the dog broke free from a choker chain and attacked the officer.

This is page #2 of the St. Mary's County Today's photos on this incident (not sure if they were up before - I think they are new) and they show blood. Notice the tiny piece of chain? Notice how the leash has been dragged across the blood? And the news man held up 7 bullet casings in a plastic baggie. This was a scene in which deadly force was used and the Sheriff's Office didn't collect the evidence? :confused:

This is what they are claiming.

This is me ------> :confused: too.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Pandora said:
Did you watch the news? :confused:

They are claiming that the dog broke free from a choker chain and attacked the officer.

This is page #2 of the St. Mary's County Today's photos on this incident (not sure if they were up before - I think they are new) and they show blood. Notice the tiny piece of chain? Notice how the leash has been dragged across the blood? And the news man held up 7 bullet casings in a plastic baggie. This was a scene in which deadly force was used and the Sheriff's Office didn't collect the evidence? :confused:
Makes my heart hurt. Sincerely. Those pics made me choke.


from Red Karma giver said:
You r passin judgement based on one side of the story. Officers really don't just shoot dogs for no reason.

1. How do you know they just don't shoot for a reason?
2. We know that this isn't the first incident with a dog with the officer.
3. 7 bullets doesn't seem a little much to you?
4. If you saw a huge ass fawking dog on a leash, would you still go near it?
Last edited:


New Member
Hey Vans, I got the same message. :howdy:

I didn't pass judgment before knowing both sides of the story. To shot the home owner's dog serving a petty ass child support warrant already seemed unreasonable to me. A police officer’s job is about 90 some percent observation and therefore, he should always be completely aware of his surroundings. Now I hear both sides of the story, guess which one doesn’t make sense to me? That's right, the Sheriff’s Departments version! If they think the public is going to buy that bit about them finding the missing link on a chock collar that they said broke all while leaving behind 7 bullet casing, they really think the citizens are stupid. I'm disappointed that Rex Coffey can even justify that. :peaceout:


I wouldn't put the blame on Rex Coffey or CCSO. We know Rex Coffey had nothing to do with it, but now he has a tough decision to make. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now.

river rat

That decision wouldn't be tough at all for me.

I think they guy WANTS a desk position. (I wouldn't even give him that)

Fired! Off the force entirely.


I bowl overhand
Lenny said:
You have obviously not been reading the forums in the four years you've been a member or you would know quite clearly I am not a member of the constabulatory, nor a rabid "gunz for all" wild-eye. You have obviously not read the article which lead off this thread but have relied entirely on the emotional and one-sided speculations of other posters.

Once you've gotten grounded in reality, then I will pay attention to your drivelling.
HEY.. a voice of reason comes from the fog....


I bowl overhand
Pandora said:
Did you watch the news? :confused:

They are claiming that the dog broke free from a choker chain and attacked the officer.

This is page #2 of the St. Mary's County Today's photos on this incident (not sure if they were up before - I think they are new) and they show blood. Notice the tiny piece of chain? Notice how the leash has been dragged across the blood? And the news man held up 7 bullet casings in a plastic baggie. This was a scene in which deadly force was used and the Sheriff's Office didn't collect the evidence? :confused:
I would guess those seven casings weren't from the officers gun, but were being used by the news crew for dramatic effect.. and reading these posts, it all worked just the way they hoped it would..

Jeebus f'in christ.. it was a DOG not a little kid... an animal, and people on here are talking about shooting the deputy. You weren't there, you don't know the situation he was in, or what the dog did or didn't do, but you don't hesitate to pass judgement against the deputy.

I'll say it again, and another idiot can send me red.. I'm backing the deputy until I see any evidence that proves otherwise.