When the levees broke.......

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Quite frankly I'm tired of hearing it. But, the people to feel sorry for is the people of Houston. I just visited my family there not too long ago and the "evacuees" are not leaving. Crime rate it up and they are still on the news whining that not enough is being done for them.


Yo Gabba Gabba
Qurious said:
well the people weren't able to make that choice in regards to the buses...their mayor had to for them which he didnt which cost a lot of people their lives.
But they can make the choice to loot TV's? These are not law abiding citizens. If they can steal a TV that they can't watch, why can't they steal and hotwire a bus so that they don't die?


Yo Gabba Gabba
Qurious said:
As if they can help the fact of how the city is built!!! Goodness...

according to all of you, we should've expected for the youngest/oldest, poverity stricken individual to get up off their ass and leave.

Ken can you answer my question I posed to the other two?

How do you evacuate when you have nothing and know no one?
They can certainly help where they live and whether it is somewhere that is below sea level.

Yeah I expect them to get off their ass and leave. If they'd left when they were first told to, they would have had plenty of time.

You walk. Vrai already answered that. If you already have nothing, you're not leaving anything behind.


New Member
Angel said:
Did you not read about the number of people who were evacuated to The Superdome who were victims of raping and pillaging by fellow evacuees who were certainly not concerned with the pregnant, sick, and poor? They were too worried about getting theirs and then complaining that the Government who didn't give them their's during their time of need. Have you not seen the increase in crime in Houston, Texas thanks to the "Refugee's of Hurricane Katrina"? If they had any damn sense in the first place they would have evacuated and taken care of themselves.

I guess that you are not hearing what I'm trying to say. There were people that had "damn" sense as you call it to get out of New Orleans, but had absolutely no way to make that happen. And yes, the government should have taken care of them. If we can go and take care of other countries that think less of us and plot against us, then we can definitely take care of our OWN country's problems. I'd rather take care of a poor American than a supporting terrorist. Wouldn't you agree? I don't hear anybody on here complaining about that! Now about those that resorted to crime after Katrina; our national guard and local policeman should have been there to prevent it. No matter where you are crime is going to happen, but the proper resources should have been in place to keep it from happening. I am just trying to make the point that those people that could not do for themselves, shouldn't have waited so long for help.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
mdgirlie said:
And yes, the government should have taken care of them.
99% of the problem with these people is that they were so used to being taken care of that they couldn't move a muscle without the government helping them.


I am so very blessed
mdgirlie said:
Now about those that resorted to crime after Katrina; our national guard and local policeman should have been there to prevent it.
Why should the National Guard be responsible for ensuring that people don't do what they aren't supposed to be doing in the first place? Everyone knows that it is wrong to steal, rape, and plunder. The cops should have been taking care of that angle. The National Guard had the job of protecting the PEOPLE of New Orleans, not protecting STUFF. Their energies were diverted from their expected duties to take care of ignorant people running amuck stealing tvs and pillaging Wal-Mart. Besides, if the folks of New Orleans had put as much effort into leaving and taking care of their own situation as they did in rioting in the streets, they'd be much better off today.
mdgirlie said:
I guess that you are not hearing what I'm trying to say. There were people that had "damn" sense as you call it to get out of New Orleans, but had absolutely no way to make that happen. And yes, the government should have taken care of them. If we can go and take care of other countries that think less of us and plot against us, then we can definitely take care of our OWN country's problems. I'd rather take care of a poor American than a supporting terrorist. Wouldn't you agree? I don't hear anybody on here complaining about that! Now about those that resorted to crime after Katrina; our national guard and local policeman should have been there to prevent it. No matter where you are crime is going to happen, but the proper resources should have been in place to keep it from happening. I am just trying to make the point that those people that could not do for themselves, shouldn't have waited so long for help.

I am an American citizen and I do not expect my government to provide me or my family with shelter, transportation, food or water. Anybody that expects a bureaucratic system to respond immediately to anything, let alone a crisis, is ignorant and needs to re-evaluate the true meaning of personal responsiblity.


professional daydreamer
kwillia said:
I am an American citizen and I do not expect my government to provide me or my family with shelter, transportation, food or water. Anybody that expects a bureaucratic system to respond immediately to anything, let alone a crisis, is ignorant and needs to re-evaluate the true meaning of personal responsiblity.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to kwillia again.


Im On 1.
Let me clear something up...

No one was raped at the Superdome. Some of you NEEDED to watch that documentary because it seems your just beleive what NBC, Fox & CNN reported last year and didnt get the true facts this year. The police officer who had claimed people were being raped at the Superdome retracted his statements saying he jumped to conclusions because he was told by someone that his daughter was attacked and raped at the hotel that was connected to the Superdome but after speaking to his daughter - nothing happened but buy that time it was too late - the media had already jumped all over it.

Babies & young girls being raped - come on now. Remember all the rumors that the media reported when 9/11 happened? How many of those were true? How Grand Central was bombed and how 3 other planes were unaccounted for and headed for the white house & all the memorials? Ridiculous!

You can never say what someone else should have done if you've never ever been in their shoes or lived in a poverty stricken area. Do any of you know what its like to get any support from the gov't? If you've applied for any gov't loans for your house, school or business - you aren't placed any higher above those who get help for food, medical care or section 8. If your an American citizen thats never needed anyone's help then pat yourself on the back and STHU! The United States gov't should be ashamed of themselves for how they responded to Hurricane Katrina and let me add how they responded to 9/11 also! Should we have no sympathy for those who refused to move from lower Manhattan after the first world trade bombing? Since everyone "knew" this was going to happen then they should've protected themselves right? [/endsarcasm]

I'll once again touch on Mississippi and why no one is mentioning their destruction. They have major political influence and were able to get the help they needed ASAP. One person Trent Lott....that is all.

A year after Katrina there is still rubble and houses needing to be bulldozed to start the rebuilding. Some people can't even afford to get back to their homes only to find that if they don't - guess who will get their property. :elaine: I guess spending billions of dollars a day on a pointless war is more important than building a stabled levee system like the one in the Netherlands which is 80% below sea level!!! Keep in mind if the levees were built stabled in the first place the flooding would've never happened.

I thought its human nature to sympathize with the helpless. When the Tsunami hit where were the "thats what they get, they should've gotten out" comments then?


professional daydreamer
Qurious said:
No one was raped at the Superdome. Some of you NEEDED to watch that documentary because it seems your just beleive what NBC, Fox & CNN reported last year and didnt get the true facts this year. The police officer who had claimed people were being raped at the Superdome retracted his statements saying he jumped to conclusions because he was told by someone that his daughter was attacked and raped at the hotel that was connected to the Superdome but after speaking to his daughter - nothing happened but buy that time it was too late - the media had already jumped all over it.

Babies & young girls being raped - come on now. Remember all the rumors that the media reported when 9/11 happened? How many of those were true? How Grand Central was bombed and how 3 other planes were unaccounted for and headed for the white house & all the memorials? Ridiculous!

You can never say what someone else should have done if you've never ever been in their shoes or lived in a poverty stricken area. Do any of you know what its like to get any support from the gov't? If you've applied for any gov't loans for your house, school or business - you aren't placed any higher above those who get help for food, medical care or section 8. If your an American citizen thats never needed anyone's help then pat yourself on the back and STHU! The United States gov't should be ashamed of themselves for how they responded to Hurricane Katrina and let me add how they responded to 9/11 also! Should we have no sympathy for those who refused to move from lower Manhattan after the first world trade bombing? Since everyone "knew" this was going to happen then they should've protected themselves right? [/endsarcasm]

I'll once again touch on Mississippi and why no one is mentioning their destruction. They have major political influence and were able to get the help they needed ASAP. One person Trent Lott....that is all.

A year after Katrina there is still rubble and houses needing to be bulldozed to start the rebuilding. Some people can't even afford to get back to their homes only to find that if they don't - guess who will get their property. :elaine: I guess spending billions of dollars a day on a pointless war is more important than building a stabled levee system like the one in the Netherlands which is 80% below sea level!!! Keep in mind if the levees were built stabled in the first place the flooding would've never happened.

I thought its human nature to sympathize with the helpless. When the Tsunami hit where were the "thats what they get, they should've gotten out" comments then?

Are you a communist?
Biloxi Katriina Stats

At the six-month point in the storm recovery process in Biloxi, here were the available numbers:

3,167 – number of students in Biloxi public schools when classes resumed Sept. 26 (compared to 6,125 enrolled pre-storm). Five months after the storm, enrollment was at 4,321.

$54,795 – amount of gaming tax city would be collecting per day if casinos were operating ($20 million a year; 35 percent of city’s annual operating revenue)

$92,000 – amount city agreed to pay in July 2005 for a $10
million business interruption insurance policy in the event casinos were shut down by a storm

$500,000 – amount of gaming tax state lost each day Biloxi casinos after Katrina.

More than 2.08 million cubic yards – amount of storm debris that had been removed from city streets and public rights-of-way since the storm. This amount of debris would cover a football field with and stand more than 97 stories high. City leaders estimate that about 75 percent of the debris had been removed six months after the storm.

More than 5,000 – total number of building and repair permits the city had issued five months after the storm.

$50 million – initial estimate on cost of removing debris from city rights of way (number will increase with removal of debris from private property, which is in the offing)

53 – Number of confirmed storm fatalities in Biloxi, as reported Jan. 31 by Harrison County Gary T. Hargrove. Of the 53 confirmed fatalities in Biloxi, a figure that includes one unidentified male, Hargrove said the average age was 58, with youngest being 22 and oldest, 90; and 14 were females and 39 were males.

Sale taxes generated in Dec '04 $1.169 million
Sale taxes generated in Dec. '05 $948,122


This is fun right?
Qurious said:
No one was raped at the Superdome. Some of you NEEDED to watch that documentary because it seems your just beleive what NBC, Fox & CNN reported last year and didnt get the true facts this year. The police officer who had claimed people were being raped at the Superdome retracted his statements saying he jumped to conclusions because he was told by someone that his daughter was attacked and raped at the hotel that was connected to the Superdome but after speaking to his daughter - nothing happened but buy that time it was too late - the media had already jumped all over it.

Babies & young girls being raped - come on now. Remember all the rumors that the media reported when 9/11 happened? How many of those were true? How Grand Central was bombed and how 3 other planes were unaccounted for and headed for the white house & all the memorials? Ridiculous!

You can never say what someone else should have done if you've never ever been in their shoes or lived in a poverty stricken area. Do any of you know what its like to get any support from the gov't? If you've applied for any gov't loans for your house, school or business - you aren't placed any higher above those who get help for food, medical care or section 8. If your an American citizen thats never needed anyone's help then pat yourself on the back and STHU! The United States gov't should be ashamed of themselves for how they responded to Hurricane Katrina and let me add how they responded to 9/11 also! Should we have no sympathy for those who refused to move from lower Manhattan after the first world trade bombing? Since everyone "knew" this was going to happen then they should've protected themselves right? [/endsarcasm]

I'll once again touch on Mississippi and why no one is mentioning their destruction. They have major political influence and were able to get the help they needed ASAP. One person Trent Lott....that is all.

A year after Katrina there is still rubble and houses needing to be bulldozed to start the rebuilding. Some people can't even afford to get back to their homes only to find that if they don't - guess who will get their property. :elaine: I guess spending billions of dollars a day on a pointless war is more important than building a stabled levee system like the one in the Netherlands which is 80% below sea level!!! Keep in mind if the levees were built stabled in the first place the flooding would've never happened.

I thought its human nature to sympathize with the helpless. When the Tsunami hit where were the "thats what they get, they should've gotten out" comments then?

And there ladies and gentlemen is the target audience of Spike Lees movie. about the only thing he/she missed was Haliburton, George Bush's Weather Machine, Haliburton, and Bush/Cheney/Rove/VRWC blowing the Levees to save the Rich "Whities".

Notice that both this Deranged Poster and Spike dont mention and or fail to post the fact that the largest secion of the Levees that gave wasnt in the poorest section. theres been a Discovery Channel show, Extreme Engineering, on numerous times about the rebuilding of New Orleans, and discuss about where the levees failed.

The derangement continues, when the poster says the reason Miss isnt mentioned is because of Trent Lott. are you wearing your tin hat when you post here?
the reason Miss and other areas arent mentioned is EXACTLY for the same reason that the evactuations in Texas (a little over a month later) worked so well.
Because the local government WAS NOT INEPT! and then didnt try to cover their ineptness by playing the race card and blaming Bush.

the Local government, and State Government failed the people of New Orleans. Naggin had busses to get people out, and didnt use them. Blanco turned down the National Gaurd, when Bush offered, and they ended up waiting to go in.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
mdgirlie said:
I guess that you are not hearing what I'm trying to say. There were people that had "damn" sense as you call it to get out of New Orleans, but had absolutely no way to make that happen. And yes, the government should have taken care of them. If we can go and take care of other countries that think less of us and plot against us, then we can definitely take care of our OWN country's problems. I'd rather take care of a poor American than a supporting terrorist. Wouldn't you agree? I don't hear anybody on here complaining about that! Now about those that resorted to crime after Katrina; our national guard and local policeman should have been there to prevent it. No matter where you are crime is going to happen, but the proper resources should have been in place to keep it from happening. I am just trying to make the point that those people that could not do for themselves, shouldn't have waited so long for help.
We hear you loud and clear, we just disagree with your “blueness”. You think that the government should exist solely to take care of those that can but don't take care of themselves; we think that if you can take care of yourself then you should. No one thinks that the truly deserving or needy don’t deserve help, it’s just all the scum that try to take advantage or expect everything to be handed to them freely that stir our ire.

And there is no excuse for someone not getting help as warnings had been up for days before Katrina hit that this was going to be a bad storm. People chose to wait until there was no way for them to get help before seeking it. The mayor failed miserably but was recently rewarded anyway for his incompetence by being re-elected. They get what they deserve and want.

The Federal government should not have done a damn thing, at least not until formally requested by the state, as is required by law. Doing otherwise places the Fed in a position of usurping state rights that would have raised as much complaining as the waiting caused, but waiting was all that they legally could do under our laws and form of government.

You are whining about the failures of the city and state, yet it appears that you see it as a Federal problem, which it isn’t. The Fed has been there since shortly after the disaster and has authorized over $100 billion for reconstruction and still many in New Orleans are crying that enough isn’t being done. Maybe if they would get out there and do something themselves then they would see that there has been a lot of help sent their way and maybe they might even appreciate it versus being the ungrateful snivelers that they are, but I doubt it.


Im On 1.
SAHRAB said:
And there ladies and gentlemen is the target audience of Spike Lees movie. about the only thing he/she missed was Haliburton, George Bush's Weather Machine, Haliburton, and Bush/Cheney/Rove/VRWC blowing the Levees to save the Rich "Whities".

Notice that both this Deranged Poster and Spike dont mention and or fail to post the fact that the largest secion of the Levees that gave wasnt in the poorest section. theres been a Discovery Channel show, Extreme Engineering, on numerous times about the rebuilding of New Orleans, and discuss about where the levees failed.

The derangement continues, when the poster says the reason Miss isnt mentioned is because of Trent Lott. are you wearing your tin hat when you post here?
the reason Miss and other areas arent mentioned is EXACTLY for the same reason that the evactuations in Texas (a little over a month later) worked so well.
Because the local government WAS NOT INEPT! and then didnt try to cover their ineptness by playing the race card and blaming Bush.

the Local government, and State Government failed the people of New Orleans. Naggin had busses to get people out, and didnt use them. Blanco turned down the National Gaurd, when Bush offered, and they ended up waiting to go in.

SAHRAB said:
And there ladies and gentlemen is the target audience of Spike Lees movie. about the only thing he/she missed was Haliburton, George Bush's Weather Machine, Haliburton, and Bush/Cheney/Rove/VRWC blowing the Levees to save the Rich "Whities".

Notice that both this Deranged Poster and Spike dont mention and or fail to post the fact that the largest secion of the Levees that gave wasnt in the poorest section. theres been a Discovery Channel show, Extreme Engineering, on numerous times about the rebuilding of New Orleans, and discuss about where the levees failed.

The derangement continues, when the poster says the reason Miss isnt mentioned is because of Trent Lott. are you wearing your tin hat when you post here?
the reason Miss and other areas arent mentioned is EXACTLY for the same reason that the evactuations in Texas (a little over a month later) worked so well.
Because the local government WAS NOT INEPT! and then didnt try to cover their ineptness by playing the race card and blaming Bush.

the Local government, and State Government failed the people of New Orleans. Naggin had busses to get people out, and didnt use them. Blanco turned down the National Gaurd, when Bush offered, and they ended up waiting to go in.

Looks like they had money and could have left on their own after all!