Where are all the milf huntin cougar hawks at?


Soul Probe
...do my part.


Well then, preach on brother Larry...

What is the benefit to society in the race to the bottom in terms of, as you put it, not hiding the 'natural' and the 'obvious'? Shall we be 'natural' and 'obvious' and celebrate our 'honesty' by also refering to one another as miltnf, moms I'd like to not ####? How about some other categories? The coarser, the baser the more 'obvious and natural' the better, eh?

MILTNF are termed as "dogs", "skank", "breeder" or some other such similarly misogynistic term. I'm curious, do you take issue with those terms and/or have you used them yourself? Or heck, let's take this one step further and let me ask you if you've ever called your SO "baby"? I mean really, baby is rather derogatory, women are not babies after all. And by all means don't call feces "####" call it fecal matter instead, we wouldn't want the children unduly influenced by course baseness.

By all means brother, do your part but please do be consistent about it. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think...

Well then, preach on brother Larry...

MILTNF are termed as "dogs", "skank", "breeder" or some other such similarly misogynistic term. I'm curious, do you take issue with those terms and/or have you used them yourself? Or heck, let's take this one step further and let me ask you if you've ever called your SO "baby"? I mean really, baby is rather derogatory, women are not babies after all. And by all means don't call feces "####" call it fecal matter instead, we wouldn't want the children unduly influenced by course baseness.

By all means brother, do your part but please do be consistent about it. :yay:

...you are being silly.


So would it be ok for my bf to call me a ho? I don't think so. You guys make me laugh. It is about having manners and respect for one another. If that makes you happy to think in that way about each other, then to each their own, but when you proudly declare it to everyone, one has to only come to the conclusion that it is some sort of joke or lack of respect.


Soul Probe
So would it be ok for my bf to call me a ho? I don't think so. You guys make me laugh. It is about having manners and respect for one another. If that makes you happy to think in that way about each other, then to each their own, but when you proudly declare it to everyone, one has to only come to the conclusion that it is some sort of joke or lack of respect.

If your SO calls you "My little ho" then it more than likely is said with affection; however if he says, "You're a ####ing ho" then more than likely it's not said with affection and has a different connotation to it. When Chain says "I love My MILF" referring to me, then I don't take it in a bad way. As you said, to each their own.


Yeah, okay.
Exactly, I do not want to hear about it. It disgusts me. One day, I'll just put them on iggy. I happen to like some of their posts and that is why I have not bothered to do it.

Am I missing something? The only thing I see is that Radiant is 16 years older than Chain. Right? If so, what is wrong with that? I know alot of people that have older significant others. They found someone to love. You haven't had much luck with people your age. So if someone around 21 or so came along and treated you really good and loved you, you wouldn't give them the time of day?


I'm Rick James #####!
So would it be ok for my bf to call me a ho? I don't think so. You guys make me laugh. It is about having manners and respect for one another. If that makes you happy to think in that way about each other, then to each their own, but when you proudly declare it to everyone, one has to only come to the conclusion that it is some sort of joke or lack of respect.

Does your boyfriend proudly declare to everyone that you're attractive to him?


I'm Rick James #####!
however if he says, "You're a ####ing ho" then more than likely it's not said with affection and has a different connotation to it.

What if said boyfriend is wearing a crotchless batman costume, has a feather duster in one hand, a ping pong paddle in the other while saying "You're a ####ing ho" or "Come here you ####ing ho"? :really:


Soul Probe
...to you, 'baby' is the same as Milf. Got it.


I'm merely taking your thought process to it's logical conclusion Larry. I mean, why do men call their women "baby" and it's not seen as derogatory? When you think about it, "MILF" rings more true for women than "baby" does. Maybe it's because "baby" has been in usage over so long a time and has been used affectionately that it's not seen as such any longer. I dare say MILF may be seen in the same way in the near future (and in some cases already).

I also might add the the moron who first called his SO "baby" started a society's downhill slide to a cultural bottom!. :sarcasm:

Yes, Larry, it's silly but it still makes perfect sense. :lol: :buddies:


Soul Probe
What if said boyfriend is wearing a crotchless batman costume, has a feather duster in one hand, a ping pong paddle in the other while saying "You're a ####ing ho" or "Come here you ####ing ho"? :really:

I can't answer that because my boyfriend would NEVER do that! :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

What if said boyfriend is wearing a crotchless batman costume, has a feather duster in one hand, a ping pong paddle in the other while saying "You're a ####ing ho" or "Come here you ####ing ho"? :really:

...THAT is obscene and offensive! :killingme



aka Mrs. Giant
What if said boyfriend is wearing a crotchless batman costume, has a feather duster in one hand, a ping pong paddle in the other while saying "You're a ####ing ho" or "Come here you ####ing ho"? :really:

Ohhhhhh funa nd games time. :banana:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I'm merely taking your thought process to it's logical conclusion Larry. I mean, why do men call their women "baby" and it's not seen as derogatory? When you think about it, "MILF" rings more true for women than "baby" does. Maybe it's because "baby" has been in usage over so long a time and has been used affectionately that it's not seen as such any longer. I dare say MILF may be seen in the same way in the near future (and in some cases already).

I also might add the the moron who first called his SO "baby" started a society's downhill slide to a cultural bottom!. :sarcasm:

Yes, Larry, it's silly but it still makes perfect sense. :lol: :buddies:

...necessarily 'it's' logical conclusion, but the conclusion you see as logical.

I think 'baby' and sweetheart' are not going to be put in the same column as 'milf' and 'piece of ass' if the two columns are 'affection' and 'coarse'.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You better...

Oh, uh, yeah I agree. It's not like *I* would ever do anything like that. Uh uh. Nope... Just a hypothetical....

Carry on

...hope you don't end up on COPS some night. :lmao:

"Why'd you run from us son? Please stay in the car, sir...oh...ouch...just....damn...uhh...I see. nevermind" :jameo: