Where did you attend High School


New Member
Wenchy said:
Back in high school? The gals who were the cheerleaders and pom pon squad are now part of the mainstream: Raising spoiled kids, battling weight problems and depression issues. The guys who were the football stars now battle it out on the forums, and cheer on their fave, while stuffing their faces and reminiscing about the past.

It's the "frocks" like us that rule at the the reunions...:yay:

In 1982 there were 3 classifications:

Freaks: smoked pot and skipped school

Jocks: 'Nuff said.

Frocks: The in-betweeners who did not fit in, did both of the above, and found their own nirvana.


THIS FORUM!!! :diva:

I know...I'm delusional. :lmao:

We had 3, but different names:

Jocks - well, I guess they're the same everywhere

Heads - smoked pot and skipped school (wore jean jackets)

Greasers - Yes, like the movie Grease, they wore the black leather jackets :killingme


100% Goapele Head!
dems4me said:
Out of State.. Northern VA - Garfield... the same year as the mall across the street was being built (Potomac Mills Mall)... they then put up a fence around our school and it looked identical to Lorton with a watch tower and everything :cussing:

Ahhhh, good ole Lorton Maximum and Minimum Securities and the annual picnic. :yum:

A gate around the school reminds me of when DC started the closed campus program because of all the drug crimes and killings and us teens couldnt go off campus to the local carry-outs called Hong Kong Delite and MLK Deli. D#mn near ruined my teen years :bubble:


LexiGirl75 said:
Ahhhh, good ole Lorton Maximum and Minimum Securities and the annual picnic. :yum:

A gate around the school reminds me of when DC started the closed campus program because of all the drug crimes and killings and us teens couldnt go off campus to the local carry-outs called Hong Kong Delite and MLK Deli. D#mn near ruined my teen years :bubble:

We just learned how to climb fences that went down hills and into the woods... :lol: Or just ended up not showing up at all if you wanted to skip a cuople classes. :lol: :loser:


Routinely Derailed
Magruder had a smoking area too - every square inch outside the building, and under an overhang, sort of a patio area, outside the doors to the auditorium. But if you wanted to smoke pot you had to go sit in a car in the parking lot and try to at least not be too obvious about it.

My years at that school, beginning with 8th grade (the Junior High was still under construction so the whole gang was under one roof for 5 years), were full of elective courses - Parking Lot 101; Hallucinogens 101, 201, and 301; Pseudo-Intellectual Druggie Habits 101; Playing Non-School-Band Musical Instruments (Harmonica - Blues, Bluegrass, and Southern Rock); Averting Failure, Detention, and/or Arrest; and Forgetting My Own Name 101. I got an "A" in the last one.