Where did you attend High School



snuzzy said:
Council Rock, Newtown, PA. We had a smoking "pavilion" and I had a permission slip from my mom to smoke there! (1982) :whistle:

I became an expert forger in high school. When I told my mom about it years later, she just laughed.

My senior year was spent being a teacher's aide: Brewing coffee, and serving donuts. Once that duty was done, I just wanted to go home and read.

I did get a one day suspension when I walked out of the smoking area with a lit cig...I forgot that I had it in my hand, and the school bus had pulled up front. I was bamboozled when my mom didn't get mad at me. The Principal had actually called my mom, told her what a "model" student I was, but they had to make an example out of me.

The next day was sunny, no humidity, and 80 degrees. I got VERY tan. :cool:

My daughter is now the regional president of TATU ( Teenagers Against Tobacco Use )


Come Play at BigWoodys
Tina2001aniT said:
Calvert High Schol class of '97......

God that is sooo scary considering I graduated 4 years before.. I knew I shoulda been trollin the middle schools LOL....

Stone 93 fo me...


Wenchy said:
Back in high school? The gals who were the cheerleaders and pom pon squad are now part of the mainstream: Raising spoiled kids, battling weight problems and depression issues. The guys who were the football stars now battle it out on the forums, and cheer on their fave, while stuffing their faces and reminiscing about the past.

It's the "frocks" like us that rule at the the reunions...:yay:

In 1982 there were 3 classifications:

Freaks: smoked pot and skipped school

Jocks: 'Nuff said.

Frocks: The in-betweeners who did not fit in, did both of the above, and found their own nirvana.


THIS FORUM!!! :diva:

I know...I'm delusional. :lmao:

We called them



Rah Rahs


New Member
Graduated from HS in Southern California! Yup - California girl all the way.........that would be California, the state, not the town! Great place to grow up - but I'm glad I don't live there anymore!