Why do Atheists celebrate Christmas?


Well-Known Member
Well, if God has a problem with us celebrating his son's birth without believing in his divinity, he can smite us.
My point wasn't whether God would, it was whether it's reasonable to find that disrespectful. And, an atheist wouldn't believe in God, so they couldn't be celebrating His Son's birth - just the birth of some guy at most, but most atheists wouldn't even go so far as to suggest that's what they're celebrating (at least none on here so far have suggested that - they've suggested just the opposite to be true).
For the record, I do believe Jesus was a living human being, and religious teacher. I just don't believe he is the Son of God or was born of a virgin.
And, you may very well be right - I'm not trying to convert you. That's really a whole different thread! :lol:


:lmao: That's not a very equal comparison.

:roflmao: YOU are the one who brought it up in this thread. This thread is about why athiests celebrate it, not why they want to change the name. No athiest in this thread has even hinted at wanting to change the name. So, again, you are the one who brought it up.

I know. I already admitted that I hijacked the thread. :biggrin: And you jumped right in. Sooooooooooooo...

So you are okay with keeping the name Christmas? You're okay that Christian "stole" a pagan holiday for their very own and convinced the world to make it a world-wide celebration with days off work, and all the trimmings? I mean it is the largest celebrated holiday globally pagan and Christian alike?


Well-Known Member
I said that because if that's what we were doing, then you had a reason to be upset.
Actually, there's good reason to be bothered without a name change
Oh well. Deal with it. :shrug: It's not a big deal. Don't worry about what others do in their own home. It doesn't hurt anyone, does it?
What you celebrate doesn't effect me, this is very true. But, how society changes effect both of our offspring's offspring when overall society more fully removes Christ from Christmas, and more fully removes religion from society.


New Member
Lets just change the name to Xaquin44 Day and be done with it.

You can still give gifts and decorate a tree and etc.

also, any cash donations you want to send my way will be welcome.


professional daydreamer
So you are okay with keeping the name Christmas?

You're okay that Christian "stole" a pagan holiday for their very own and convinced the world to make it a world-wide celebration with days off work, and all the trimmings? I mean it is the largest celebrated holiday globally pagan and Christian alike?

Yes. I don't believe in the pagan gods, either.


professional daydreamer
Actually, there's good reason to be bothered without a name changeWhat you celebrate doesn't effect me, this is very true. But, how society changes effect both of our offspring's offspring when overall society more fully removes Christ from Christmas, and more fully removes religion from society.

Kinda' like chipping away at pagan beliefs...got ya'. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And, you don't find that hypocritical? Acting like you worship something you don't worship, just to not be different?

I don't act like I worship - I'm merely attending the service. I genuinely enjoy church (well, some of them anyway) and this thread is the very first time any religious person has taken issue with me joining them or celebrating their traditions.

Where you are going awry is that people like me decorate, put up lights and a tree, exchange gifts, eat a big meal, etc - all of which have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus or God in any capacity. Do you also find it hypocritical that Christmas Day is a federal holiday, and everyone gets the day off, instead of just Christians?


Well-Known Member
I know. I already admitted that I hijacked the thread. :biggrin: And you jumped right in. Sooooooooooooo...

So you are okay with keeping the name Christmas? You're okay that Christian "stole" a pagan holiday for their very own and convinced the world to make it a world-wide celebration with days off work, and all the trimmings? I mean it is the largest celebrated holiday globally pagan and Christian alike?

I'm ok with the name Christmas. :shrug:

What you celebrate doesn't effect me, this is very true. But, how society changes effect both of our offspring's offspring when overall society more fully removes Christ from Christmas, and more fully removes religion from society.

As long as we don't prevent anyone from believing what they want to believe, everything will be fine.


They're out to get us
I don't act like I worship - I'm merely attending the service. I genuinely enjoy church (well, some of them anyway) and this thread is the very first time any religious person has taken issue with me joining them or celebrating their traditions.

Where you are going awry is that people like me decorate, put up lights and a tree, exchange gifts, eat a big meal, etc - all of which have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus or God in any capacity. Do you also find it hypocritical that Christmas Day is a federal holiday, and everyone gets the day off, instead of just Christians?

Separation of church and state, yet it's a federal holiday, which is why it's Americanized. If it's merely a Christian holiday then everything should be open, people should work as usual, and they can make it a religious holiday and take the day off if they so choose...just like everyone else from every other religion.


Well-Known Member
Kinda' like chipping away at pagan beliefs...got ya'. :yay:
NOW you've got it!!

This is just like the immigration debate - the American Indians had a crappy immigration plan, and look what happened to them! Just because we western cultured people are the ones that wronged the American Indians doesn't mean we should let that happen to us - and just because the pagans let it happen to them doesn't mean the Christians should let it happen to us!!!!



Soul Probe
Your god must be so proud of you. Way to attract the masses. :yay:

What do you know about it anyway? Go cry under your winter solstice tree full of angels and crosses. :lmao:

You're the one with the problem. Not us. :shrug: I don't have any issues with it.

Not me, I said it's all good. Honestly, IMO I think unbeknownst to persons such as yourself you celebrate Christ even if you don't realize it. Like I said, that good feeling you get this time of year is of Christ whether you realize it or not. :smile:

Beta has a point, although I think it's because Christianity was and perhaps still is the dominant religion in this country. It's become an American holiday as much as it is a religious one. And I'm not one to complain when names of parades or programs get changed from Christmas to Holiday because afterall not everyone in this nation is Christian.

I just happen to make fun of mAlice because as vehementaly anti-religious and anti-Christian as she seems to be, she still celebrates Christmas and has angels and crosses on her tree. I just find that ironically hilarious! :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
I don't act like I worship - I'm merely attending the service. I genuinely enjoy church (well, some of them anyway) and this thread is the very first time any religious person has taken issue with me joining them or celebrating their traditions.

Where you are going awry is that people like me decorate, put up lights and a tree, exchange gifts, eat a big meal, etc - all of which have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus or God in any capacity. Do you also find it hypocritical that Christmas Day is a federal holiday, and everyone gets the day off, instead of just Christians?
Do you merely attend, or do you sing the songs of worship, recite the Creed, etc.? If you're merely attending as a bystander, I also have no problem with that. If you're making claims in your reciting, taking communion, etc., that would be "wrong" IMHO.

I don't find it wrong to be a holiday, nor that everyone gets the day off, actually (regardless of any previous post I may have made on that subject). Because, logistically, the vast majority of people would be taking the day as the vast majority claim to be Christian, so the people left to work would be unable to accomplish much.


Soul Probe
Separation of church and state, yet it's a federal holiday, which is why it's Americanized. If it's merely a Christian holiday then everything should be open, people should work as usual, and they can make it a religious holiday and take the day off if they so choose...just like everyone else from every other religion.

I agree! :clap:


Well-Known Member

Actually theres nothing Unique about Christ
  1. Chrishna of Hindostan.
  2. Budha Sakia of India.
  3. Salivahana of Bermuda.
  4. Zulis, or Zhule, also Osiris and Orus, of Egypt.
  5. Odin of the Scandinavians.
  6. Crite of Chaldea.
  7. Zoroaster and Mithra of Persia.
  8. Baal and Taut, "the only Begotten of God," of Phenicia.
  9. Indra of Thibet.
  10. Bali of Afghanistan.
  11. Jao of Nepaul.
  12. Wittoba of the Bilingonese.
  13. Thammuz of Syria.
  14. Atys of Phrygia.
  15. Xaniolxis of Thrace.
  16. Zoar of the Bonzes.
  17. Adad of Assyria.
  18. Deva Tat, and Sammonocadam of Siam.
  19. Alcides of Thebes.
  20. Mikado of the Sintoos.
  21. Beddru of Japan.
  22. Hesus or Eros, and Bremrillah, of the Druids.
  23. Thor, son of Odin, of the Gauls.
  24. Cadmus of Greece.
  25. Hil and Feta of the Mandaites.
  26. Gentaut and Quexalcote of Mexico.
  27. Universal Monarch of the Sibyls.
  28. Ischy of the Island of Formosa.
  29. Divine Teacher of Plato.
  30. Holy One of Xaca.
  31. Fohi and Tien of China.
  32. Adonis, son of the virgin Io of Greece.
  33. Ixion and Quirinus of Rome.
  34. Prometheus of Caucasus.
  35. Mohamud, or Mahomet, of Arabia.
All have been worshiped as Gods, or sons of God; were incarnated Saviors or Messiahs, a few of them were reputedly born of virgins many of them were a character almost identical to Jesus Christ
And, if a day were set aside for any of their births, and people celebrated it who didn't believe in that particular saviour, the people celebrating would be wrong.

In this case, we're talking about Christ.


professional daydreamer

Actually theres nothing Unique about Christ
  1. Chrishna of Hindostan.
  2. Budha Sakia of India.
  3. Salivahana of Bermuda.
  4. Zulis, or Zhule, also Osiris and Orus, of Egypt.
  5. Odin of the Scandinavians.
  6. Crite of Chaldea.
  7. Zoroaster and Mithra of Persia.
  8. Baal and Taut, "the only Begotten of God," of Phenicia.
  9. Indra of Thibet.
  10. Bali of Afghanistan.
  11. Jao of Nepaul.
  12. Wittoba of the Bilingonese.
  13. Thammuz of Syria.
  14. Atys of Phrygia.
  15. Xaniolxis of Thrace.
  16. Zoar of the Bonzes.
  17. Adad of Assyria.
  18. Deva Tat, and Sammonocadam of Siam.
  19. Alcides of Thebes.
  20. Mikado of the Sintoos.
  21. Beddru of Japan.
  22. Hesus or Eros, and Bremrillah, of the Druids.
  23. Thor, son of Odin, of the Gauls.
  24. Cadmus of Greece.
  25. Hil and Feta of the Mandaites.
  26. Gentaut and Quexalcote of Mexico.
  27. Universal Monarch of the Sibyls.
  28. Ischy of the Island of Formosa.
  29. Divine Teacher of Plato.
  30. Holy One of Xaca.
  31. Fohi and Tien of China.
  32. Adonis, son of the virgin Io of Greece.
  33. Ixion and Quirinus of Rome.
  34. Prometheus of Caucasus.
  35. Mohamud, or Mahomet, of Arabia.
All have been worshiped as Gods, or sons of God; were incarnated Saviors or Messiahs, a few of them were reputedly born of virgins many of them were a character almost identical to Jesus Christ


Well-Known Member
I don't act like I worship - I'm merely attending the service. I genuinely enjoy church (well, some of them anyway) and this thread is the very first time any religious person has taken issue with me joining them or celebrating their traditions.

I wonder if people would flip out if I said I've attended church a few times on Christmas eve? I don't act like I worship either. I go to support family members (I went once for my BIL, and once for D who wanted to go to support a friend). It's kinda nice to see everyone dressed up. I like singing some of the songs. It's just a nice sense of community. I wish they had a place like that except with no religion. :roflmao: