Why do Atheists celebrate Christmas?


I bowl overhand
Why do Atheists celebrate Christmas?

And the #1 reason we celebrate Christmas??

Because we put 10% of OUR income into our Christmas accounts instead of the church's accounts.. We have a LOT of money to spend on Christmas!



Well-Known Member
Do you honestly believe Christmas, as it is currently celebrated, is a solely religous event?
A fair question, as it goes to the basis of the thread.

No, "as it is currently celebrated", it is not a religious event.

You, too, have now grasped the point like mAlice did earlier.


professional daydreamer
A fair question, as it goes to the basis of the thread.

No, "as it is currently celebrated", it is not a religious event.

You, too, have now grasped the point like mAlice did earlier.

You really can't make up your mind what your point is, or what you wanna' argue about. That's why I've stopped discussing anything with you.


"the lord be with you"

"and also with you .... you queer"


it just doesn't inspire me to listen to 'gods word'

I guess we are all entitled to live our lives the way we want. Who cares if I choose to hang out at church and you choose to hang out at gay bars?
What difference does it make? Right? It's a free world. Do what feels good. That's what's important, right?


Soul Probe
It's kinda nice to see everyone dressed up. I like singing some of the songs. It's just a nice sense of community. I wish they had a place like that except with no religion. :roflmao:

So do you ever wonder why there isn't? Just curious.

I've often thought it would be nice to have a day set aside for meeting and studying the origins of christianity, pagan gods, archeology, pre christian history. Lots of interesting stuff there.

It could be a covered dish event.

I'd be there with a dish! And not as an antagonist. I like that stuff, I think it's interesting too.

Damn this is a sad thread.

I don't understand why anyone cares how or why other people celebrate the holidays. Some of my family are Christian and some are Pagan. We celebrate BOTH traditions out of love for each other and respect for the beliefs of both sides. It's all about the spirit AND the magic of the season.

We have a Christmas tree complete with angels and crosses AND a Yule log decorated with holly and berries. I enjoy listening to my mother read the Christmas story from the bible Christmas Eve just as much as I enjoy my father telling the story of The Yule Fairy. Regardless of history or belief, I think both traditions are beautiful and I respect the right of everybody to believe and/or celebrate the way that's right for them.

Merry Christmas and Blessed Yule. :yay:

That's beautiful, and I really mean that. Is the tree you are referring to yours or your parents? If yours then may I ask why it's decorated with religious/Christian symbols?


New Member
I guess we are all entitled to live our lives the way we want. Who cares if I choose to hang out at church and you choose to hang out at gay bars?
What difference does it make? Right? It's a free world. Do what feels good. That's what's important, right?

yo IS

want to know why I don't give a rats ass about religion?

Take a look up.

Really highlander?

Do you think jesus approves?

His opinion must be pretty low on your list. Jesus was crucified and managed to be civil about it.


Wow, insulting people isn't something a christian should do. :ohwell:

You're right. We'll leave the insulting up to the atheists and non-believers. :rolleyes:

Nonbelievers' sign at Capitol counters Nativity

In the latest round of what's become almost a winter tradition — conflicts over religious symbols in public places — a group of atheists and agnostics have put up a sign in the state Capitol that says, in part: "Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."
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yo IS

want to know why I don't give a rats ass about religion?

Take a look up.

Really highlander?

Do you think jesus approves?

His opinion must be pretty low on your list. Jesus was crucified and managed to be civil about it.

Oh, so you don't deny hanging out at gay bars!

God Bless you!


New Member
You're right. We'll leave the insulting up to the atheists and non-believers. :rolleyes:

well .... only if you believe in what jesus preached.

I recall his sermon on the mount being fairly nice and even handed ....

"for they shall inherit the earth .... if they weren't stupid queers"

wait, I may have part of that wrong.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Do you merely attend, or do you sing the songs of worship, recite the Creed, etc.? If you're merely attending as a bystander, I also have no problem with that. If you're making claims in your reciting, taking communion, etc., that would be "wrong" IMHO.

I sing, but I don't recite nor do I take communion - that seems rude to me. I bow my head when the prayer starts, but I do not pray myself.

Anyway, all this is neither here nor there. I'm sorry you have a problem with non-believers celebrating Christmas, but that is your problem, not mine, and your objection is duly noted.




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well .... only if you believe in what jesus preached.

I recall his sermon on the mount being fairly nice and even handed ....

"for they shall inherit the earth .... if they weren't stupid queers"

wait, I may have part of that wrong.

You are proving my point.


what point?

edit: or are you arguing that it's ok to be a complete dick as long as you claim you're christian?

Are you calling me a "complete dick" because I am expressing my opinion? I have not written anything disrespectful or used any foul language.

The more you type the more you prove this point.