Why do Atheists celebrate Christmas?


I bowl overhand
Yes, they have made Christians aware that they are fighting a tough battle against Christianity. As I've mentioned several times this goes far beyond Christmas.

Who's fighting Christianity?

Is there an active recruitment they forgot to tell me about?

How many atheist missionaries are there in the world?

And like I said before.. I wish those damn atheist would stop knocking on my door and disturbing my dinner time..


Well-Known Member
You really can't make up your mind what your point is, or what you wanna' argue about. That's why I've stopped discussing anything with you.
I've never changed my point overall. People keep saying my point is this or that, but when I tell them it's not, they just keep arguing the argument they want to have.

My point is that it is disrespectful to mock someone's religion by acting like you are celebrating the religion, and that it is harmful overall to do so. Not to me personally, but to our posterity.


Well-Known Member
.... SAINT Patrick

I dunno, but I really dont seee SAINT as being a secular distinction.
HE was a saint.

His day is pretty secular, pretty much a celebration of Irish culture. The Church of Ireland has it as a Holy Day, but that's not what it is overall.

Or, are you suggesting that Christmas, overall, is not a religious or holy day? If you are, I'd say you're proving the point that by secularizing it (celebrating the birth of Christ by celebrating without any thougth or belief in Christ) is belittling and diluting the holiday. If you are saying that, then you agree with me!


Who's fighting Christianity?

Is there an active recruitment they forgot to tell me about?

How many atheist missionaries are there in the world?

And like I said before.. I wish those damn atheist would stop knocking on my door and disturbing my dinner time..

Egad! Do we have to go through this again? Go back and read some of my posts about the ACLU, atheists, and others that have an agenda to remove any mention of God in the public voice.


Well-Known Member
yo IS

want to know why I don't give a rats ass about religion?

Take a look up.

Really highlander?

Do you think jesus approves?

His opinion must be pretty low on your list. Jesus was crucified and managed to be civil about it.
So, you let one person speaking to you in a manner of which you don't approve change how you believe and act?

Puddles are deeper in thought than that, man.


Well-Known Member
I sing, but I don't recite nor do I take communion - that seems rude to me. I bow my head when the prayer starts, but I do not pray myself.

Anyway, all this is neither here nor there. I'm sorry you have a problem with non-believers celebrating Christmas, but that is your problem, not mine, and your objection is duly noted.
It sounds to me like you handle this in a very respectful manner.


that's it?!


I'll stick with Reese's Pieces

I like Fig Newtons and that's about it in the fig department. I'm a cheesecake kind of guy.

Figgy Pudding with Custard Sauce

1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup vegetable shortening
1 cup granulated sugar
3 large egg yolks
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons rum extract (or flavored extract of your choice)
1 apple, peeled and cored and finely chopped
1 pound dried figs, ground or finely chopped
Grated peel of 1 lemon and 1 orange
1 cup chopped nuts
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 1/2 cups dried bread crumbs
2 teaspoons baking powder
3 large egg whites, stiffly beaten


Well-Known Member
Who's fighting Christianity?

Is there an active recruitment they forgot to tell me about?

How many atheist missionaries are there in the world?

And like I said before.. I wish those damn atheist would stop knocking on my door and disturbing my dinner time..
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Well-Known Member
You really can't make up your mind what your point is, or what you wanna' argue about. That's why I've stopped discussing anything with you.

Now he's saying something totally different than before. :rolleyes:

So do you ever wonder why there isn't? Just curious.

:shrug: I don't know. I'm sure there are family groups in different areas.

Yeah? So what? There are HUNDREDS of church signs, posters, crosses, etc plastered all over the roads. You're upset because of that one on a bus? Get over it.


I bowl overhand
Egad! Do we have to go through this again? Go back and read some of my posts about the ACLU, atheists, and others that have an agenda to remove any mention of God in the public voice.

In the Public Voice? REALLY!?

I thought they just wanted a true seperation of Church and State... can't wait to see how your guys are going to react when they try to repeal the churches tax exempt status (that would, after all, be a TRUE seperation of church and State)

I didn't know anyone was trying to repeal the 1st Amendment..


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I do see a problem with it. I find it disrespectful to mock someone's religious beliefs by doing things like claiming to celebrate their diety when I really don't believe in that diety.
I think your going to have to work that out for yourself, it was transforming into a secular holiday long before you were born.
Allllllllllll we are saaaaaaaying..... is give peace a chance....:dance:

Allllllllllll we are saaaaaaaying..... is give peace a chance....:dance:

Allllllllllll we are saaaaaaaying..... is give peace a chance....:dance:

One of my most favorite Christmas songs...:peace:


I bowl overhand
Others having similar stories does not imlpy Christ is pagan based....

No, Christ was a person, he is who he is, Judaism and all .. Christianity, on the other hand, is a Pagan based religion.

The pagans even had their own saviour that was crucified and rose from the dead..

I wonder if the word Plaigarism is an extracted from of Pagan..