Why do Atheists celebrate Christmas?


New Member
"I find it disrespectful to mock someone's religious beliefs by doing things like claiming to celebrate their diety when I really don't believe in that diety."

I find it disrespectful to claim you're a chiristian when doing and saying things that would make jesus barf.

(not directed at any one person)

(except highlander)


Soul Probe
Who's fighting Christianity?

Is there an active recruitment they forgot to tell me about?

How many atheist missionaries are there in the world?

And like I said before.. I wish those damn atheist would stop knocking on my door and disturbing my dinner time..

I don't know but it seems that there sure are a lot of atheists that like to butt into religious conversations in the religion forum right here on somd.com. Just sayin'. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
He is a Saint, and the day was a Religious Holiday celebrating (wonder why it falls during lent?). Its become something else, but thats not the point, someone stated it wasnt a religious holiday when it is.
From Wiki:
It became a feast day in the Roman Catholic Church due to the influence of the Waterford-born Franciscan scholar Luke Wadding in the early part of the 17th century, and is a holy day of obligation for Roman Catholics in Ireland. The date of the feast is occasionally, yet controversially, moved by church authorities when March 17 falls during Holy Week; this happened in 1940 when Saint Patrick's Day was observed on April 3 in order to avoid it coinciding with Palm Sunday, and happened again in 2008, having been observed on 15 March. March 17 will not fall during Holy Week again until 2160.​
Originated as a Catholic feast day for a Saint, became a day to turn the Chicago river green and get plastered.
All i'm suggesting is the Holidays are NOT just religious celebrations any longer. They have also become Secular ones.
and, all I'm suggesting is that THAT is the problem with non-Christians "celebrating" Christmas.
If your concern is about dillution you can thank previous genearations of Christians. Not the atheists. When your fellow believers made their religious holidays into National events, they caused the dillution because not everyone is a Christian.
Shutting down the government and business because more than 9 of 10 workers will be out does not dilute the religious aspect of the celebration. Saying you're celebrating Christmas, except for the "Christ" part, dilutes the religious meaning.


New Member
I don't know but it seems that there sure are a lot of atheists that like to butt into religious conversations in the religion forum right here on somd.com. Just sayin'. :shrug:

It's been a while since I've been to that subforum, but when I did, it was usually to clarify and/or defend.

Admittedly there were some that were offense from the start, but most were not.


You can thank Christians for that, who do you think was the one to push it as a National Holiday?

Who was the one that pushed it as a National Holiday? As I understand it, Congress passed a law that was signed by Grant back in 1870.


I bowl overhand
I don't know but it seems that there sure are a lot of atheists that like to butt into religious conversations in the religion forum right here on somd.com. Just sayin'. :shrug:

And your point?

What's the purpose of a religious forum? And why would someone be upset about hearing all sides in a discussion? It seems like it would be an intelligent way to discuss something.

In that way, if someone is reading the forum looking for the way, they get all sides, and can make the best informed decision about their future and their beliefs they can.

Getting just one side of the story, and then deciding to get baptised seems kind of misleading, and not as purposeful, as someone that gets the ENTIRE story from all sides, and then decides.


Well-Known Member
Now he's saying something totally different than before. :rolleyes:
Can you point me to conflicting posts?
Yeah? So what? There are HUNDREDS of church signs, posters, crosses, etc plastered all over the roads. You're upset because of that one on a bus? Get over it.
I was answering "Who's fighting Christianity" with who is fighting Christianity.

I'm not upset at the sign, per se (other than no one can tell me what "good" is without a standard by which to go), I was just answering that question with a sign that says "Why believe in a God?" (see, that's fighting Christianity, so it answers the question)


I don't know but it seems that there sure are a lot of atheists that like to butt into religious conversations in the religion forum right here on somd.com. Just sayin'. :shrug:

Personally I have never ventured into the religious forum


Well-Known Member
In the Public Voice? REALLY!?

I thought they just wanted a true seperation of Church and State... can't wait to see how your guys are going to react when they try to repeal the churches tax exempt status (that would, after all, be a TRUE seperation of church and State)

I didn't know anyone was trying to repeal the 1st Amendment..
The tax exempt status is valid because there is no law mandating a separation of church and state.


Well-Known Member
I think your going to have to work that out for yourself, it was transforming into a secular holiday long before you were born.
I agree with all you say here.

Doesn't make it right, or okay, or a good thing to do, or in any other way acceptable or worth while, but it's true.

And, I've worked it out for myself already. I celebrate, and weep for what once was (the good parts, not the bad - I'm against the bad).


Soul Probe
:lol: It's not reserved for believers only.

I realize that Cowgirl but once again I think my point went over your head. :ohwell:

It's been a while since I've been to that subforum, but when I did, it was usually to clarify and/or defend.

Admittedly there were some that were offense from the start, but most were not.

I don't frequent it much either myself, and when I do it's usually because a thread title caught my eye and it's for the same reason, to clarify and/or defend when someone wants to mislead others into what Catholicism is or is not. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Can you point me to conflicting posts?I was answering "Who's fighting Christianity" with who is fighting Christianity.

You started out arguing your opinion that Christmas is a religious holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ. You said you think it's disrespectful for atheists to celebrate Christmas because they don't believe in God, and it's a religious holiday so you don't know why they'd do that.

THEN, you post this, to try to make it seem like it's been your point all along:

A fair question, as it goes to the basis of the thread.

No, "as it is currently celebrated", it is not a religious event.

You, too, have now grasped the point like mAlice did earlier.


Well-Known Member
No, Christ was a person, he is who he is, Judaism and all .. Christianity, on the other hand, is a Pagan based religion.

The pagans even had their own saviour that was crucified and rose from the dead..
I still disagree. Just because other stories exist does not mean one was taken from the other.

Not all stories of love-lorn teenagers comes from Romeo and Juliet. Not all stories of the flood come from the Bible.
I wonder if the word Plaigarism is an extracted from of Pagan..
The Online Etymology Dictionary dates the word to 1621. A precursor, plagiary, is recognised from 1597. The Latin root, plagiarius, means kidnapper, seducer or plunderer, ‘used in the sense of “literary thief” by Martial’ (the 1st century Roman poet). Plagium meant kidnapping, in turn derived from plaga, to capture or trap​


Soul Probe
And your point?

What's the purpose of a religious forum? And why would someone be upset about hearing all sides in a discussion? It seems like it would be an intelligent way to discuss something.

In that way, if someone is reading the forum looking for the way, they get all sides, and can make the best informed decision about their future and their beliefs they can.

Getting just one side of the story, and then deciding to get baptised seems kind of misleading, and not as purposeful, as someone that gets the ENTIRE story from all sides, and then decides.

My point simply put is that although not organized atheist are rather aggressive and do their fair share at attempts of converting.


I bowl overhand
I still disagree. Just because other stories exist does not mean one was taken from the other.

Yep, the barinwashing is complete.. the blinders are on.

Release them to the public..

Though you are right. Both are nothing more than stories.. like Hansel and Gretel..


Well-Known Member
There's no law mandating a seperation of GM and State either, why do they have to pay taxes?
I'm not sure where that logic is, but I'm guessing they pay taxes because they don't fall into a non-profit status.

More than churches/religious organizations are tax-exempt.