Why do Atheists celebrate Christmas?


Well-Known Member
Pay attention. Read back on my other posts. I don't care how people celebrate it. But stop trying to strip the name and meaning from what it is. It seems there are a lot of atheists out there that have a problem with how Christians celebrate Christmas and they aim to change that by trying to remove the very name of the holiday from being mentioned in the public. THAT is the outrage I am expressing.

So if Christmas parades are renamed Holiday parades, does that prevent you from celebrating?

You Christians are awfully selfish. I don't see Jewish people freaking out. Why isn't school closed for Jewish holidays?


professional daydreamer
Pay attention. Read back on my other posts. I don't care how people celebrate it. But stop trying to strip the name and meaning from what it is. It seems there are a lot of atheists out there that have a problem with how Christians celebrate Christmas and they aim to change that by trying to remove the very name of the holiday from being mentioned in the public. THAT is the outrage I am expressing.

Kinda like the christians having a problem with pagan celebrations?

Oh, the outrage! :drama:


professional daydreamer
So if Christmas parades are renamed Holiday parades, does that prevent you from celebrating?

You Christians are awfully selfish. I don't see Jewish people freaking out. Why isn't school closed for Jewish holidays?

Really! :rolleyes:


In My Opinion
So if Christmas parades are renamed Holiday parades, does that prevent you from celebrating?

You Christians are awfully selfish. I don't see Jewish people freaking out. Why isn't school closed for Jewish holidays?
actually, the jewish people started the trend of taking christian icons out of public places, and at least in AA county, the schools do close for a couple jewish holidays also. But why shouldnt they close for them?


I look at the trend of trying to remove the word of God from our hearts as a warning, or a message from God that we are failing to serve him and introduce his word to people.

This trend is a much the fault of Christians as it is the fault of those doing it.

The Bible has said as much. That changes nothing in the core of what it means for the remainder of us that keep things these near to our hearts.


Well-Known Member
The Bible has said as much. That changes nothing in the core of what it means for the remainder of us that keep things these near to our hearts.

Have you seen How the Grinch Stole Christmas? Maybe you need to watch it. It pretty much says that no matter what, you should be able to celebrate Christmas. Even with nothing, you should still be able to celebrate. That means even if NOBODY celebrated, if lights and trees and parades were outlawed, YOU should still be able to celebrate it. If you can't, that's your problem.


So if Christmas parades are renamed Holiday parades, does that prevent you from celebrating?

You Christians are awfully selfish. I don't see Jewish people freaking out. Why isn't school closed for Jewish holidays?

Why would it be necessary to change the name of a parade that aims to celebrate Christmas? That's like me coming along telling you you can no longer be called by your name. How much sense does that make?

Why is it selfish to want to call something that it is?


professional daydreamer
I know a ####load of Jews that celebrate CHRISTmas :shrug: Who gives a ####, lols.

Really? I know one jew. He doesn't celebrate christmas. I knew a jewish family in Iceland...they didn't celebrate xmas, either. They did exchange gifts, though. :confused: Is a gift exchange part of hanakuh?


Have you seen How the Grinch Stole Christmas? Maybe you need to watch it. It pretty much says that no matter what, you should be able to celebrate Christmas. Even with nothing, you should still be able to celebrate. That means even if NOBODY celebrated, if lights and trees and parades were outlawed, YOU should still be able to celebrate it. If you can't, that's your problem.

You're not paying attention. :smack:

I don't care if you want to celebrate it? I want everyone to celebrate it. You can celebrate my birthday for all I care, just don't call it Larry's birthday when it isn't.


Well-Known Member
Why would it be necessary to change the name of a parade that aims to celebrate Christmas? That's like me coming along telling you you can no longer be called by your name. How much sense does that make?

Why is it selfish to want to call something that it is?

Well, perhaps people wanted to have a parade that celebrated ALL of the holidays. :gasp:


professional daydreamer
Christians have a problem celebrating Christmas?

Okay... now the discussion has turned to the moronic.
I couldn't agree more. Christians borrowed from pagan tradition and called it christmas, because the pagan tradition wasn't alligned with church belief.

You really don't know what we're talking about here, so come back after you've done your research.


Well-Known Member
You're not paying attention. :smack:

I don't care if you want to celebrate it? I want everyone to celebrate it. You can celebrate my birthday for all I care, just don't call it Larry's birthday when it isn't.

Yes I am. I'm saying it shouldn't matter to you what the holiday is called. You can celebrate Christmas on July 1st if you want. You're getting upset over petty stuff like the name of the day.


why not?

christians did.

that said, I really don't care how religions celebrate their holidays.

I like christmas no matter its origins .... it (generally) brings out the best in people.

What if they kill more Indians and take their land?