Why Newtown victim Noah Pozner had an open coffin


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PsyOps said:
I'd think most would be grief-stricken, not mentally ill. There's a difference.

As far as her wanting others to be in as much pain as she is in.....who freaking does that?

Someone that wants to use it for an agenda. I can't help but believe that someone got to her - perhaps even paid her off to do this. I mean if she's insane enough to do this, couldn't equally be just as insane to be bought off to become a mouthpiece for the anti-gun crowd?

You are seriously disturbed. Just because you can't imagine you doing it doenst mean she is mentally ill or was put up to it-even paid.

Her son was murdered. He way of dealing with it was to not allow him to go facelessly into the grave. If your price of freedom is too much for you to even think about looking at, how do you think it made that mother feel?

I watched my parents bury a murdered child, just like this woman, they didn't chose it and they wouldn't wish it on anyone else. We had an open casket for a family viewing and closed for the main viewing. We all needed to see her even though her wounds were obvious. That's how we chose to handle it.


New Member
Someone that wants to use it for an agenda. I can't help but believe that someone got to her - perhaps even paid her off to do this. I mean if she's insane enough to do this, couldn't equally be just as insane to be bought off to become a mouthpiece for the anti-gun crowd?

Paid off? No way


Lem Putt
Why is reading in context for comprehension so difficult for some people?

Because he's obtuse?

Actually, I think he just wants to be an a-hole. If Aps said that the mom was blaming Lanza, he'd be arguing that she's clearly blaming the gun. It's not about facts or making sense for him, it's all about arguing. Which is kind of stupid since he is really bad at it.


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MMDad said:
vraiblonde said:
Why is reading in context for comprehension so difficult for some people?

Because he's obtuse?

Actually, I think he just wants to be an a-hole. If Aps said that the mom was blaming Lanza, he'd be arguing that she's clearly blaming the gun. It's not about facts or making sense for him, it's all about arguing. Which is kind of stupid since he is really bad at it.

Maybe you can point to where the mother talked about blaming anything or anyone? While you are at it maybe you can come up with the rest if the conversation between the gov and the mom so we can analyze the context :bigwhoop:
"Blaming the gun" is just the strawman aps chooses to attack.
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Lem Putt

You have a negative IQ, don't you?

All you do is argue minutiae, latching on to something and refusing to let go in the face of overwhelming evidence.

Go ahead and argue with Aps and Psy. I'm not going to play your juvenile little game.


Wirelessly posted

You are seriously disturbed. Just because you can't imagine you doing it doenst mean she is mentally ill or was put up to it-even paid.

Her son was murdered. He way of dealing with it was to not allow him to go facelessly into the grave. If your price of freedom is too much for you to even think about looking at, how do you think it made that mother feel?

I watched my parents bury a murdered child, just like this woman, they didn't chose it and they wouldn't wish it on anyone else. We had an open casket for a family viewing and closed for the main viewing. We all needed to see her even though her wounds were obvious. That's how we chose to handle it.

It seems you’re the only one allowed to express YOUR opinion; even though you don’t know s**t about why this mother decided to do this. It’s my opinion on the matter and just thoughts about some possibilities. There are things that don’t make sense about it to me (and obviously a few others) and just because you don’t see this doesn’t mean I’m not entitled to my opinion.

You don’t know anymore about what was in this mother’s mind when she decided to do this than anyone else. Your opinion could be just as wrong; yet because mine doesn’t jive with yours you choose to call me disturbed. Because of your inability to comprehend so many things and people see you as the resident TOG, I happen to think you’re a bit disturbed.

This wouldn’t be the first time in our society that someone used the death of their child for political reasons; and that person was nothing more than a pawn for the anti-war left; and that name has already been brought up. This gun control issues is very contentious and people that are bent on banning guns will do anything and use anyone they get their hands on to justify their agenda.


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MMDad said:

You have a negative IQ, don't you?

All you do is argue minutiae, latching on to something and refusing to let go in the face of overwhelming evidence.

Go ahead and argue with Aps and Psy. I'm not going to play your juvenile little game.

Meh, yet another person who talks a bunch of crap they can't back up then stomps off :bigwhoop:


24/7 Single Dad


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PsyOps said:
Wirelessly posted

You are seriously disturbed. Just because you can't imagine you doing it doenst mean she is mentally ill or was put up to it-even paid.

Her son was murdered. He way of dealing with it was to not allow him to go facelessly into the grave. If your price of freedom is too much for you to even think about looking at, how do you think it made that mother feel?

I watched my parents bury a murdered child, just like this woman, they didn't chose it and they wouldn't wish it on anyone else. We had an open casket for a family viewing and closed for the main viewing. We all needed to see her even though her wounds were obvious. That's how we chose to handle it.

It seems you’re the only one allowed to express YOUR opinion; even though you don’t know s**t about why this mother decided to do this. It’s my opinion on the matter and just thoughts about some possibilities. There are things that don’t make sense about it to me (and obviously a few others) and just because you don’t see this doesn’t mean I’m not entitled to my opinion.

You don’t know anymore about what was in this mother’s mind when she decided to do this than anyone else. Your opinion could be just as wrong; yet because mine doesn’t jive with yours you choose to call me disturbed. Because of your inability to comprehend so many things and people see you as the resident TOG, I happen to think you’re a bit disturbed.

This wouldn’t be the first time in our society that someone used the death of their child for political reasons; and that person was nothing more than a pawn for the anti-war left; and that name has already been brought up. This gun control issues is very contentious and people that are bent on banning guns will do anything and use anyone they get their hands on to justify their agenda.

My opinion is based on personal experience and the woman's words/actions. Yours is based on a conspiracy you have pulled from your ass.

Tells us more about this conspiracy theory of yours :sad:


My opinion is based on personal experience and the woman's words/actions. Yours is based on a conspiracy you have pulled from your ass.

Tells us more about this conspiracy theory of yours :sad:

I realize it’s impossible for someone like you to understand that anyone else could have possibly experienced what you have. You don't know the first damn thing about me and my experiences. Who's pulling what out of their ass now?


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PsyOps said:
My opinion is based on personal experience and the woman's words/actions. Yours is based on a conspiracy you have pulled from your ass.

Tells us more about this conspiracy theory of yours :sad:

I realize it’s impossible for someone like you to understand that anyone else could have possibly experienced what you have. You don't know the first damn thing about me and my experiences. Who's pulling what out of their ass now?

A little touchy aren't ya?

tell me all about it, and explain how it supports your opinion of a conspiracy while you are at it.


A little touchy aren't ya?

tell me all about it, and explain how it supports your opinion of a conspiracy while you are at it.

I don't even know you and there is nothing in my personal life that is any of your business and that I have the smallest of desire to share.

The fact that you're going to sit there tell us what we don't know and then tells us that you do know because of some sort of personal experience rather than actual facts explains just how desperate you are to win a debate.

And you have a very hard time accepting that there are other OPINIONS out there than your own; which makes you a very self-absorbed person.
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PsyOps said:
A little touchy aren't ya?

tell me all about it, and explain how it supports your opinion of a conspiracy while you are at it.

I don't even know you and there is nothing in my personal life that is any of your business and that I have the smallest of desire to share.

The fact that you're going to sit there tell us what we don't know and then tells us that you do know because of some sort of personal experience rather than actual facts explains just how desperate you are to win a debate.

And you have a very hard time accepting that there are other OPINIONS out there than your own; which makes you a very self-absorbed person.

So the conspiracy theory of yours isn't supported by your personal experiences?

The irony is that you are telling all of us that this bereaved mother can't have the opinion that it is appropriate for her murdered child to have an open casket. You insist that she would have to be insane or better yet paid off to have such an opinion.


No Use for Donk Twits
Wirelessly posted

So the conspiracy theory of yours isn't supported by your personal experiences?

The irony is that you are telling all of us that this bereaved mother can't have the opinion that it is appropriate for her murdered child to have an open casket. You insist that she would have to be insane or better yet paid off to have such an opinion.

I've lost a young son. Having said that, having lost a son doesn't make me all knowing just what this mother was thinking. We all handle grief in different ways (as did my wife and I). There weren't any conspiracy theories, just as there aren't any in this case. You like to throw that term, conspiracy theory, out there to discredit any opinion other than your own. All of us handle grief in different ways, especially between the time of death and the time of burial or cremation. Do you really understand the five stages of grief?

Sometimes your politics undermine your common sense knowledge of human behavior.


mama to two
If this was a set up, conspiracy, or an agenda; we may never know. This mother was no part of that, and in no way would exploit her dead child in a coffin. She was trying to validate his life, the best way she could. Why should she hide that beautiful child, away. She wanted the world to see what insanity has done, and let her child be with his family for the last time, physically. Heartbreaking.
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cwo_ghwebb said:
Wirelessly posted

So the conspiracy theory of yours isn't supported by your personal experiences?

The irony is that you are telling all of us that this bereaved mother can't have the opinion that it is appropriate for her murdered child to have an open casket. You insist that she would have to be insane or better yet paid off to have such an opinion.

I've lost a young son. Having said that, having lost a son doesn't make me all knowing just what this mother was thinking. We all handle grief in different ways (as did my wife and I). There weren't any conspiracy theories, just as there aren't any in this case. You like to throw that term, conspiracy theory, out there to discredit any opinion other than your own. All of us handle grief in different ways, especially between the time of death and the time of burial or cremation. Do you really understand the five stages of grief?

Sometimes your politics undermine your common sense knowledge of human behavior.

I do understand grief and I am not the one claiming that someone "got to" that mother or that she was paid to do what she did.


New Member
We're done! :doh:

thats about like saying "with all due respect" and then insulting someone. And since you want to get technical, i never told you you couldn't have an opinion, i told you that you were disturbed and a conspiracist. :yay:


No Use for Donk Twits
If this was a set up, conspiracy, or an agenda; we may never know. This mother was no part of that, and in no way would exploit her dead child in a coffin. She was trying to validate his life, the best way she could. Why should she hide that beautiful child, away. She wanted the world to see what insanity has done, and let her child be with his family for the last time, physically. Heartbreaking.

Exactly! But some on here seem to think they DO know. Dragging in the governor for what reason? We had a private viewing of my son for the family. Public viewing was closed casket. We didn't exploit his death, as tragic as it was.

Bringing in strangers to prove a point never crossed our mind. I didn't have the governor view his body. Cripe, in NY, they would have banned cars due to the accident.

My wife and I still have three beautiful children, and they lived through the earlier experience and (thankfully) can think on their own. And they're not DONKS!

Great kids!