Why women don't like you "nice guys"

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Everyone has issues. You just choose which ones you'll live with.

I once had a discussion with a friend who was encouraging me to date, and I was telling him they were all messed up.

"What about xxx?"
"Are you kidding? She's a slob. And there's that hypoglycemia thing"
"How about xxx?"
"She's nuttier than a fruitcake and she talks constantly".
"How about...."
"Larry (no ####, that was his name), it doesn't matter WHO you mention, I'm gonna find something wrong with them"

"Then, it isn't THEM, is it?"

Really made me think, and I still think about that conversation. It's made me realize when I am angry at the world, the world isn't going to change, but I can EASILY change how I react to it.

More evidence, if any were needed, that we're all better off when we listen to what Larry is ACTUALLY saying.



RBF expert
See this is why you aren't weird, and just for those thoughts alone I would date you.

Even though I proudly admit I'm a cat-lover, I like a man who doesn't care for cats. But is still willing to put up with them, at least for my sake :love:

That's what my dad does :lol: He can't stand them, but my mom truely adores them so he lets her have one or two. Every once in awhile you'll even catch him scratchin' their heads... :love:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's made me realize when I am angry at the world, the world isn't going to change, but I can EASILY change how I react to it.

Well, I'm not angry at the world and I'm certainly not going to react to it by getting in a relationship with it. :lol:

I'm okay with not putting up with drinking problems and commitment issues and small children and womanizers and crazy exes and pigs and....fill in the blank. They're fine to hang out with occasionally but I don't want that in my life. So yes, it's me - I don't want to deal with people who irritate me and have lifestyle incompatibilities. There's nothing wrong with that.

I'm happy as a solo act. I would like to get a boyfriend but he's going to have to be the right boyfriend, not just some guy I dragged in off the street. I try not to do stupid things to mess up my happy place.


Jus Chillin...
:nono: You don't hate cats, you shouldn't hate any animal really. The cat probably wasn't properly trained how to use scratching pads that are designed for cats. How many women have you dated that you discovered have cats?

No, I hate cats. I love dogs, hell, birds are fine.. fish.. ferrets, etc... but I do not do cats! Now a tiger, or something cool in the 'feline' world, I could handle...

And while I was with them, 3. Now people I know with them, a good amount :lol:

See this is why you aren't weird, and just for those thoughts alone I would date you.

I'm sure there are other reasons :smoochy:

Even though I proudly admit I'm a cat-lover, I like a man who doesn't care for cats. But is still willing to put up with them, at least for my sake :love:

That's what my dad does :lol: He can't stand them, but my mom truely adores them so he lets her have one or two. Every once in awhile you'll even catch him scratchin' their heads... :love:

As long as they stay away, I'm good... something about them arching their backs at my legs makes me think they are about to liquid squirt out the pooper or something... I dunno... :lol:


Jus Chillin...

hollyrock, are you spiderman? Do you know batman? cuz I saw him at a blue crabs game :drool:

I may know him :wink:

Well yeah...there are...But that would be a huge plus :love:

Yessum :lol:
:faint: Good god, what cats have you come across?

:lmao: I'm just saying, cats are friggin weird... I will never own a cat!

I would consider a guy with a cat but any guy with a freaking bird is OUT. That is just weird and there's something wrong with a man who would keep a bird as a pet.


I wouldn't own a bird, but I'd prefer a bird over a cat, jus saying :lol:
:nono: You don't hate cats, you shouldn't hate any animal really. The cat probably wasn't properly trained how to use scratching pads that are designed for cats. How many women have you dated that you discovered have cats?

My ex had a cat.

I was never so happy as they day they both walked out the door together.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I suppose that makes some sort of sense. Cat 'guys' tend to be emotionally steady, no highs, no lows, deliberate, absolutely non-needy and organized and have a plan.


Ah, but Tilted has a cat and I think of him as stable. Of course that could just be his internet character...

Birds, on the other hand....there's simply no excuse for that. Keeping poultry as livestock is one thing, but a bird in a cage (with a freaking NAME!) is just ghey, and so is putting out feeders to attract the verminous little #### machines.