Why women don't like you "nice guys"


Jus Chillin...

Ah, but Tilted has a cat and I think of him as stable. Of course that could just be his internet character...

Birds, on the other hand....there's simply no excuse for that. Keeping poultry as livestock is one thing, but a bird in a cage (with a freaking NAME!) is just ghey, and so is putting out feeders to attract the verminous little #### machines.

:roflmao: I told my kids the store was out of bird food one time, and what does my daughter do next time she talks to my parents... tells them they were out of food... what shows up the next day at my house... a big ass bag of food :banghead: grandparents can be the devil sometime :lol:

so the next logical question is, do the suits go home with the superhero

I have no clue what you are talking about :coffee:


New Member

Ah, but Tilted has a cat and I think of him as stable. Of course that could just be his internet character...

Birds, on the other hand....there's simply no excuse for that. Keeping poultry as livestock is one thing, but a bird in a cage (with a freaking NAME!) is just ghey, and so is putting out feeders to attract the verminous little #### machines.

I know a woman who names her fish...


b*tch rocket
I like nice guys. :shrug: I no longer find anything attractive about a "bad boy" or d-bag. I figure a man my age should have grown out of that crap at this point, if he hasn't, he never will and why in the world would I want to spend a minute around that? Even casually?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I like nice guys. :shrug: I no longer find anything attractive about a "bad boy" or d-bag. I figure a man my age should have grown out of that crap at this point, if he hasn't, he never will and why in the world would I want to spend a minute around that? Even casually?

Ah, you missed my point. "Nice guy" was in quotes for a reason. They are not nice guys at all - they are idiots and social misfits who, when women run away screaming, console themselves by saying that "women just don't like nice guys."

And drunkard dude is not a douche at all - he's very sweet. If he didn't have a drinking problem I'd take him off the market right now. As it stands, we have fun and I don't have to put up with his shenanigans. Same with all the rest of them - great guys with a deal-breaker that I'm not willing to overlook just so I can say I have a boyfriend.


You women have too many rules for guys.....no guys with cats, no guys with fish, none with birds, dogs are OK, nice guys finish last, but some are OK with nice guys, bad boys you're tired of, but some like them. This is the reason we men just get so :confused: and just want to :banghead:



You women have too many rules for guys.....no guys with cats, no guys with fish, none with birds, dogs are OK, nice guys finish last, but some are OK with nice guys, bad boys you're tired of, but some like them. This is the reason we men just get so :confused: and just want to :banghead:


We never claimed to be easy. :coffee:

Well, some of us do. :ohwell: