Why women don't like you "nice guys"


It's not the "bad boy" the women are attracted too. It's the self esteem, strength, and commanding nature of the bad boys that the women like. They just have not found a nice guy that has those qualities too.

No woman wants a mewling, inept, groveling, submissive male that has given up his ability to think for himself just to kiss your ass as a partner. I know I don’t.

It is hot when they take charge at the right time. But they have to know when to back down too.


Well-Known Member
It's not the "bad boy" the women are attracted too. It's the self esteem, strength, and commanding nature of the bad boys that the women like. They just have not found a nice guy that has those qualities too.

My older sister was very explicit about her interests. Nice guys were boring. She dated a guy for years. Her daughters LOVED him. He was kind to her and treated her well. She didn't want to be treated well - she wanted excitement. So she dumped him.

I know that confidence attracts women, but so does false confidence if the women are already interested. I've seen cocky idiots who have absolutely nothing going for them except maybe looks and a nice car. One of them dated my *younger* sister. He lived with me for a while. Guy simply could NOT stay at a job; he'd sleep in, get fired, start a new job next week, run up debt. But my sister loved him and was willing to support him herself.

Until she woke one day. And moved on to the next bad boy. The rich one.
No woman wants a mewling, inept, groveling, submissive male that has given up his ability to think for himself just to kiss your ass as a partner. I know I don’t.
Yet that's how Mom's today are raising their boys. They aren't letting them rough house, they can't play outside and explore, they aren't made to do chores or learn how to fix things or do things for themselves, they aren't expected to get jobs until they become adults, they are coddled and not made to respect their elders, etc.

There is no way a coddled, protected from the world boy is going to grow up and know how to be a man. :ohwell:


Registered User
It is hot when they take charge at the right time. But they have to know when to back down too.

Oh Yes It Is! Sexy sexy sexy. Mine learned a long time ago where the "I'm gonna shut up now because I'm not winning this one" line is drawn. I have also learned where this line is...lmao:whistle:


Registered User
Yet that's how Mom's today are raising their boys. They aren't letting them rough house, they can't play outside and explore, they aren't made to do chores or learn how to fix things or do things for themselves, they aren't expected to get jobs until they become adults, they are coddled and not made to respect their elders, etc.

There is no way a coddled, protected from the world boy is going to grow up and know how to be a man. :ohwell:

Not all true. I'm a Mom. I have a Son. He does everything mentioned above and then some. Except get a job, school is his job and will be as long as the majority of his classes are AP classes. He grads next year, then off to college, then he may get a job.
Not all true. I'm a Mom. I have a Son. He does everything mentioned above and then some. Except get a job, school is his job and will be as long as the majority of his classes are AP classes. He grads next year, then off to college, then he may get a job.

It was a generalization. BTW, my AP kid worked her junior and senior year and kept up with her AP classes. She's starting college this year with 43 credits. AP classes shouldn't be a reason to stop him from getting a part time job.


RBF expert
Yet that's how Mom's today are raising their boys. They aren't letting them rough house, they can't play outside and explore, they aren't made to do chores or learn how to fix things or do things for themselves, they aren't expected to get jobs until they become adults, they are coddled and not made to respect their elders, etc.

There is no way a coddled, protected from the world boy is going to grow up and know how to be a man. :ohwell:


This is why I hope I end up with boys one day. I feel like I'd be much better at making sure my boy grew up to be a good mix bc I hate seeing these little boys being coddled in to pansies. "But he's my widdle boy" yea well in 20 years, he's gonna be a widdle man, still living in your basement.


New Member

This is why I hope I end up with boys one day. I feel like I'd be much better at making sure my boy grew up to be a good mix bc I hate seeing these little boys being coddled in to pansies. "But he's my widdle boy" yea well in 20 years, he's gonna be a widdle man, still living in your basement posting to somd everything he can cut and paste from huff post.

you forgot the last part - I fixedit :buddies:


Registered User
It was a generalization. BTW, my AP kid worked her junior and senior year and kept up with her AP classes. She's starting college this year with 43 credits. AP classes shouldn't be a reason to stop him from getting a part time job.

That is awesome!! Grats to her!!

I won't let my son get a job right now. Bit of selfishness on my part but I'm mom and I'm paying the bills so I can make that call if I want. He works during the summer but not during school.


RBF expert
It was a generalization. BTW, my AP kid worked her junior and senior year and kept up with her AP classes. She's starting college this year with 43 credits. AP classes shouldn't be a reason to stop him from getting a part time job.

kept a job since I was 14, had honors classes all the way :yay:
both younger brothers got jobs at 16...one is at the Naval Academy right now, the other got a football scholarship, and still has a job. :yay:

Now, my mama definitely coddled them a little...but they certainly know how to function as real men today. And they got their big sis to tell them how to treat their ladies :whistle:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And like the song, everybody plays the fool. Sooner or later - *you're* the "nice girl". You're the one who really wants it to work. He's the one who could walk away and not give a crap. You're the one who cries, even though you're sure it won't happen.

Damn it sucks.

Bah. As long as it's not major, like a marriage or something, it's even fun to wallow in a "broken" heart. I tend not to like guys who don't like me for very long. It's fun to chase after them, but if they give me too much runaround I lose interest. After I wallow for a bit, that is.

Why, Fabio??? Why don't you want me???? :cds:
Now, my mama definitely coddled them a little...but they certainly know how to function as real men today. And they got their big sis to tell them how to treat their ladies :whistle:
I coddle my son to some extent too. There is nothing more precious than the mother/son bond. But we are also supposed to let them skin their knees and do things that may not be 100% safe, and they should be taught to pick their battles and defend themselves when necessary, they should be made to do chores and figure out how things work and how they break... etc.

In general, our society frowns upon those things now... heck, there was even an attempt to put laws into place that would prevent kids from helping their parents out on a farm below the age of 14.