Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth

  • I have one

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • I have two

    Votes: 5 8.6%
  • I have three

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • I have four

    Votes: 5 8.6%
  • Yes, I have had one or all of them removed

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • No, I have never had them removed

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters


New Member
BS Gal said:
It's not supposed to hurt. My suggestion to you is to join the Marines. They'll pull them out the first week.

Also, StarCat, though I really like you, do you ever have a day go by when there isnt' something going on with you????
not really, if I posted about all the stuff that was wrong with me, you guys would feel sorry for me and I dont want that :huggy:


off the shelf
StarCat said:
I'm lucky, this is the ONLY one that I have. I have had X-Rays done, a few times and this is the only one to ever show up. It showed up under my gums, about 7 years ago and is just now coming in. I hate to have it removed because I hate doctors, dentists, pain, and all that kinda stuff lol. I am going to have to though because it hurts really bad. Should I wait til it comes in further though, or let them cut it out, I would think letting it come in more would be easier and less painful, but I'm not sure :frown:

If your in pain right now take a regular asprin and put it inside your mouth between your gum and where your tooth is growing in and let it melt....taste is nasty, but it usually works better than orajel(or the like)....

Had 2 of mine growing in side-ways....Dentist pulled all 4 at the same time....drove to Southern CA the next afternoon :yay:


curiouser and curiouser
StarCat said:
I think the main reason it hurts right now is because its breaking through the gums. Or is it not supposed to hurt, at all?
It's not supposed to hurt at all. Mine never did. Believe me, I worked for a dentist and have seen some jacked up teeth caused by letting a small fixable problem progress to far. If it hurts, it needs to be removed. Sunflower is right, the pain will only get worse. Wisdom teeth never stop "growing". It will always give you problems.

When I was a teenager, no wisdom teeth showed in my X-rays. By the time I was 21 three of them had grown in. Just because they don't show up in an X-ray doesn't mean they won't ever grow in.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
StarCat said:
what I dont know cant kill me
Go to the dentist and get it pulled. No reason to suffer if it is hurting you. And don't wait. It will just get worse. They'll give you good drugs, also.


24/7 Single Dad
StarCat said:
I was just wondering what experiences other people had with their wisdom teeth
Had all three of mine removed at the same time, Navy doctor. Got a few shots of novocain, they yanked them out, I went home. Little sore for a few days till the empty sockets healed up.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
StarCat said:
what I dont know cant kill me
You may be able to hook up with someone that will pull all your teeth. Think of the boyfriends you would have then!!!! :howdy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
StarCat said:
I'm curious, because I am in an incredible amount of pain right now.
Suck it up, lightweight. I had mine out when I was pregnant with my daughter, and nothing but topical anasthetic because I was afraid the novocaine would give her dain bramage. Little did I know....but at least I have a clean conscience that it wasn't me that turned her stupid. :yay:


Get put to sleep. :ohwell:

I don't mean to come across as a big baby, but getting my 4 wisdom teeth pulled was nothing compared to getting 1 single molar removed. They accidentally fractured my jaw when they pulled the molar, which sounds painful but it wasn’t the pain that bothered me, it was the sensitivity to cold and the pressure under my eye a few days later that irked me.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
That was only my suggestion for you. :jet:

I told Star via PM that she should get the novocaine.
I think I need earmuffs or something too because if I were to hear my jaw breaking, I would die :dead: I like the idea of "almost asleep"


curiouser and curiouser
StarCat said:
I think I need earmuffs or something too because if I were to hear my jaw breaking, I would die :dead: I like the idea of "almost asleep"
If that's the case don't open your eyes either. I can't imagine it's a pretty picture to see someone above you going at your mouth with all their might and sweat percolating on their face. :lol:


vraiblonde said:
Suck it up, lightweight. I had mine out when I was pregnant with my daughter, and nothing but topical anasthetic because I was afraid the novocaine would give her dain bramage. Little did I know....but at least I have a clean conscience that it wasn't me that turned her stupid. :yay:
Oh yea, I pulled all 4 of mine with a rusty pair of pliars in a dark cave by the light of a small candle.

Not really :biggrin: