Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth

  • I have one

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • I have two

    Votes: 5 8.6%
  • I have three

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • I have four

    Votes: 5 8.6%
  • Yes, I have had one or all of them removed

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • No, I have never had them removed

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters


Nice lady!
Vixen said:
Sad case isn't it?

I'm not laughing at you but with you. I've already read a load of that stuff over the years. One night, well morning, I noticed the sun coming out and hadn't even been to bed on a work night. :yikes: You get lost in it.
I've done that many a night. I don't know why but once I start I've got to read every single thing I can find about it. :yikes:

If you go to that Maryland missing site it is pretty cool...lists them by county. I was surprised how many we have missing in Southern Maryland.


It is amazing that there are many who have been missing for 20-50 years and no clue where they are. Like those 2 sisters, the not ever knowing has to be hard to live with. :ohwell: Even if they are found dead, it brings closure.


Routinely Derailed
I still have 'em all! The doc wanted to pull them when I joined the navy and I talked him out of it. According to my last exam, they're all healthy, too.

I have a canine tooth that is sideways inside my upper jaw (i.e., my skull) inside the gum. Aside from having an ugly gap there, it has caused me no problems and so it will stay just as it is.


New Member
All 4 of mine were taken out at the same time. I think my bottom ones started coming in and they were really bothering me. The top ones were not showing, but they went ahead and yanked them anyway. They didn't put me totally asleep b/c of a medical condition I have. I woke up slightly when they put in the novacaine and woke up again when they were working on one of the bottom teeth. All and all it wasn't too bad of an experience. They gave me some good drugs. I took one right when I got home. I went to take another but didn't eat enough and got sick. Took Advil after that and it work just fine.

Just make sure you see a good dentist. I would recommend getting put to sleep, but only b/c I don't think I would have made it through it if I was awake. I'm a wimp when it comes to the dentist :ohwell:


If its coming in sideways they call that "impacted".

I had one slightly impacted and the other fully impacted. I had all four pulled at once. Just novacaine shots.

It really depends on how good your dentist is as to how long it takes him/her to remove it.

The Navy did mine, they were pretty good at it. I had to get stitches where the two impacted ones were, which they had to break up in peices and cut some of my gum to get all the way out, the other two just healed up on their own.

It's really not that painful after the novacain wears off. They gave me Percocet but it didnt do anything so I took some ibuprofen and that worked. It was more of a throbbing sensation and I felt like I had been punched in the jaw a couple times from all the yanking they did on the teeth.


I only had 3 come in, all impacted. I was knocked out for the surgery and about an hour after I woke up, I was yacking blood. :eek:uch: :faint: I was all jacked up for like 3 or 4 days after.


No Longer the Kid
I have 4, my top 2 have came in, and are growin inline just fine, but my bottom 2 are cuttin gums now, but they are commin in at an angle towards the front of my mouth, so they want me to get all 4 taken out... but why should I get out all 4, if only 2 are gonna be problems?


curiouser and curiouser
Softballkid said:
I have 4, my top 2 have came in, and are growin inline just fine, but my bottom 2 are cuttin gums now, but they are commin in at an angle towards the front of my mouth, so they want me to get all 4 taken out... but why should I get out all 4, if only 2 are gonna be problems?
Because eventually all four will need to go. Ask any dentist why, and they'll give you a list of problems wisdom teeth can cause in the future. If you're going to be getting 2 removed, you might as well go for all four. That way you won't risk getting a cavity or something in one sometime down the road.


Nickel said:
Because eventually all four will need to go. Ask any dentist why, and they'll give you a list of problems wisdom teeth can cause in the future. If you're going to be getting 2 removed, you might as well go for all four. That way you won't risk getting a cavity or something in one sometime down the road.
:yeahthat: Just get em all done at once. Why put yourself through the pain twice?


No Longer the Kid
I kinda thought they just wanted more money or something.... but I see what yall are saying.... I remember when my sister had it done, she couldn eat anything....but my buddy got his done, and that night was eatin a hamburger in stuff...haha... Do any of the wisdon teeth puller people in St. Marys take Detal Dentel ?


Time for a nap
I was the oral surgeon's dream ($$$$).

I had eight, yes EIGHT, wisdom teeth (2 top/2 bottom on each side). The oral surgeon had "never seen anything like this" and had to do TWO surgeries to remove them all (they couldn't keep me under long enough to do eight at once).

After the first surgery, I took the pain meds and ralphed all over my father and my comforter. After the second surgery, I took only Tylenol and did just fine. Make sure you use the warm water/salt gargle in order to prevent dry rot and you'll be fine.

Take it from a "seasoned" professional!


Enjoying the ride!!!!
meangirl said:
Yes, I am addicted. :lol: You know it's bad when you start reading the transcripts. heh Right now I'm reading about the Lyon sisters who disappeared from Wheaton MD in 1975...still no trace of them...

I remember those 2 sisters. I was just a kid, and we lived in Landover, my mom was afraid to let us go anywhere. My grandmother still will sometimes say "I wonder what happended to those 2 littler girls"

I cant imagaine not knowing. Terrible


professional daydreamer
CityGrl said:
Dry socket, whatever. The place where the tooth used to be...

That would be a dry socket. Dry rot is what you get when you haven't been laid in a long time.


In your head
CityGrl said:
I had eight, yes EIGHT, wisdom teeth (2 top/2 bottom on each side). The oral surgeon had "never seen anything like this" and had to do TWO surgeries to remove them all (they couldn't keep me under long enough to do eight at once).
Tell the truth, your Mammy and Pappy were brother and sister, weren't they? :killingme