Women Haters

Larry Gude

Strung Out

But it's not men. It's women.

The lowest common denominator, and it pisses me off more than you will ever know.

Larry Gude (my husband) talks so fondly his grandmother. She was smart enough to know that women rule the world and men (unless they're durhards) just do what the women say. And everything is fine.

And here go the women being stupid and letting some Neanderthal slap them around, ditch them, whatever. And they just friggin' take it!

If women were stronger, men would be better.

AND if men were stronger, women would be better.


...were stronger and ALL civilizations were male dominated.

Then, men got stronger and started deferring to the women and some societies started really flourishing because the women had always been strong enough to do the job. They just needed the men to be strong enough to defer. This started, in the modern sense, during our civil war.

Armies, until then, had always assumed a soldier was healthy. If he was hurt or sick, he was mostly on his own. When mothers sons and husband started dying in droves of light wounds, illness and malnutrition in the land of plenty, women went nuts and TOOK OVER the medical department of the army, formed the original sanitary commissions and did it all using the power of politics with men willing to let them fix problems that were beyond men to understand and grapple with effectively during a war. The seeds of female leadership, being part of leadership and being equals in terms of rights on a national scale were thus sown.

Now, women are systematically weakening themselves. There are no men forcing women to gang beat each other, tape it and share with the world how 'liberated' they are. There are no men forcing women to kill their unborn. Their are no men forcing women, with all these opportunities, to basically fall back on the one job women could do in ANY culture at any time; use their sex.

Women don't even need men to defer any more in the US. They control politics in this country because they are the majority.

It may not sound fair, but this is not yin and tang; it's not a 50/50 deal. It's on the women because men will still defer in this country to women who understand the one thing we need.

And it's not sex.


...Women are the ONLY reason we have civilization. Women and gay men. Same thing.

Wrong on beer. I have a wonderful book given me by my very civilized wife about the first colonists. The very first public buildings they built were breweries.


Sorry Geek........:killingme


So essentially all I missed was Tshow going off on another ranting tangent, Vrai sticking up for her, and Kain being the voice of reason to an unreasonable crowd.

That about sum it up?


Love is Blind
Why do women haters try to date? It is such a waste of our time when you guys meet us out and then talk down about women and what you think we 'all' want in life. We are all different ~ Let me give you some advice.

Approach the date with a clear, open mind. No preconceived notions about anything. Don't assume since you've dated a zillion other women that you know all there is to know about ALL women. Thanks for wasting my time! and I tried to pay for my own dinner! :whistle:

anyhow....good luck with your search for Mrs. Right ~

Okay, in defense of the Men, Women do it too!!! Plus, Men are not necessarily "Women Haters", they have had issues with women from their past and comparing is something we all do from time to time. Anyone who has had a dating life of some sort is gonna have some baggage. Some a little more than others. Now, let me give you some advice, don't get all up on your high horse and have these great expectations that nobody has had a dating life except for you. Chalk it up to a not so great date and press on.


New Member
So essentially all I missed was Tshow going off on another ranting tangent, Vrai sticking up for her, and Kain being the voice of reason to an unreasonable crowd.

That about sum it up?

For some reason, Kain being the voice of reason in a women hating thread when she think Drew Peterson is innocent doesn't mesh well with me, but hey, as the Forum Turns. :crazy:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Defending myself and my opinions is not 'acting like a lunatic'....I have standards, view points and the courage to express them. B@itch would have been nicer than lunatic. goosh~ I even told you I have PMS. It IS the 27th. do the math. If you're a good Christian, you'll forgive me...sooner or later. I'm not worried. I did provoke some thought in this one horse town though. I love doing that. sigh ~

Blaming anything on your PMS shows that you lack strength and self-control. And don't bother trying to tell me that I don't understand. My emotions are more unstable than yours will ever be, but you'll never see me using it as an excuse.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
So essentially all I missed was Tshow going off on another ranting tangent, Vrai sticking up for her, and Kain being the voice of reason to an unreasonable crowd.

That about sum it up?

If all you're summarizing is the first post and last page.


Blaming anything on your PMS shows that you lack strength and self-control. And don't bother trying to tell me that I don't understand. My emotions are more unstable than yours will ever be, but you'll never see me using it as an excuse.

:yeahthat:...that is such a played out tune........


...if it's played out or not, PMS is a biological reality. Sure, some may over play it and some may suffer very little from it, but it is a change in their bodies and it is real.

I understand that Larry, but women tend to use it to the extreme..

You also know there is male menopause, too......


Soul Probe
...if it's played out or not, PMS is a biological reality. Sure, some may over play it and some may suffer very little from it, but it is a change in their bodies and it is real.

I think the point was, "I'm being a bitch because of PMS" is a lame excuse for lack of control of one's behavior, and if one knows they're PMSing, even more so.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I understand that Larry, but women tend to use it to the extreme..

You also know there is male menopause, too......

...is no male menopause!

Women don't tend to use it to the extreme, SOME women do and not very many at that. I think most try to deny it and refuse to admit it, but, it's real.


Love is Blind
No, I've actually reached age 32 without children and started my own business at age 29 I didn't lay around like a breeding machine like a lot of women.

See, now your "tooting" your own horn. Nobody cares that you started your own business and you "think your all that". I'm 43 and I don't have children because I chose to not have children. If that is the lifestyle some women choose, thats fine. If you honestly think some man is gonna bend down and your :buttkiss:, you are so highly mistaken. There should be a mutual respect and just because you think your all of that, doesn't mean everybody else is going to as well.


New Member
I am NOT giving him a break. for what? He's done some pretty big mouthing off at me and I'm all that I say I am.

I am worth the wait
I am worth the time
I am worth the effort
I am worth the investment
I am worth the emotional investment
I am a giver
I am loyal
but when you tick me off...........watch out!

and let me see people mistreating their kids ~ I WILL say something
That's the difference between you and I sunshine. You say something, I do something!


...is no male menopause!
Women don't tend to use it to the extreme, SOME women do and not very many at that. I think most try to deny it and refuse to admit it, but, it's real.


When testosterone levels drop in men, a lot of stuff happens, both Physical and mental........


New Member
Defending myself and my opinions is not 'acting like a lunatic'....I have standards, view points and the courage to express them. B@itch would have been nicer than lunatic. goosh~ I even told you I have PMS. It IS the 27th. do the math. If you're a good Christian, you'll forgive me...sooner or later. I'm not worried. I did provoke some thought in this one horse town though. I love doing that. sigh ~

That's your problem. You think you are better than those who have already been there! You take money from these people who have these children that you say you love. I take no money to take care of my children, nor does my wife. We are giving of our children and make sacrafices for them. This is why you have no exeperience because you don't know what that is like! You are truley unstable.


...what? I have yet to see something 'wrong' with an older male because his testosterone level dropped. What are the symptoms?

You don't notice all those Red Corvettes out there.............:lol:

Seriously, I'll PM you a book title that covers Male Depression.