I must apologize. . . . I got such a great response looking for a lawyer that I thought this would be a great place to come back to find a back up when that one lawyer was all booked up. Reading a few previous posts before deciding to actually make one - I was a little nervous that I would be completely bashed but was pleasantly suprised by the overwhelming display of support from a group of people who did not even know me.
I guess it's kinda obvious now that my biggest problem is trusting too much and I'm afraid I've done it once again. I trusted that I could, again, get actual support here - but instead all I've gotten has been people leaving me such nasty comments and actually implying that I could be lying about what I'm saying. (Wth a few exceptions - thank you!) I don't doubt that it happens. . . .but I can't believe people would lie about these things. . . .as I certainly have not lied to you.
And to the one really arrogant and ignorant man - I'm not really believing that you are campaiging. . . if you really are, just stop now and save your money. You mentioned moving into subsidized housing. . . . . maybe I sound un-educated to you - but I work for a Fortune 500 company and would never qualify for subsidized housing, rather I foot the bill for many others. You are guessing that I am an 18 year old woman with a 6 month old, well I am also not a young mom with a newborn child. . . .
And to Geek. . . I'm not sure how I ever gave you the impression that I had a screw missing?? Perhaps because I married and had a child with the wrong man?? Maybe because I've found the strength to not him keep dragging me down?? Either way. . . .I'm not sure that qualifies me as being short a screw.