You Were All Such Great Help Before. . .


American Beauty
PREMO Member
IrishGal said:
Thanks for the ear-worm guys... now I've got that song stuck in my head. And before you ask, yeah the echo from all the other empty space is a wee bit irritating. :lmao:

Now I gotta find SOMETHING else to sing to get rid of it... :razz:

Bye Bye Miss American Pie. :yay:


Well-Known Member
IrishGal said:
Thanks for the ear-worm guys... now I've got that song stuck in my head. And before you ask, yeah the echo from all the other empty space is a wee bit irritating. :lmao:

Now I gotta find SOMETHING else to sing to get rid of it... :razz:
AAAAAA Macarana!


Bookseller Lady
Pete said:
No they are not, they are rare and when they do happen they are sensationalized and actually much different situations than what has been described here.

I get so tired of the bullchit, "I have lived with this man for XX years and now we are breaking up and I am terrified he is going to do something dastardly" stories, and the posturing to take away or inhibit him from his child like all of a sudden he is a danger and/or not worthy/capable.

You all need to grow the hell up and face facts. You are separating for whatever reason. It is his child JUST AS MUCH as it is yours. People do not turn into Jeffery Dahlmer all of a sudden one Tuesday afternoon. If he already beats your ass regularly or occasionally by all means go and get an order, if he doesn't or hasn't or even hinted he intends to beat your ass or kidnap your kid be an adult and work it out. Simply because you are at odds does not mean he is going to kidnap the kid or harm you.

Well, we don't know his full history from her posts either. I guess more info is needed. She mentioned his and his family's problems with alcohol and his reaction when he "found out she knew". People do rash things in these situatuions. It may be in everyones interest for her to, as I said, "go visit her mother" for a bit and let things cool down. Custody and visitation will be decided by the courts based on their assesment of the parents behavior.


New Member
I must apologize. . . . I got such a great response looking for a lawyer that I thought this would be a great place to come back to find a back up when that one lawyer was all booked up. Reading a few previous posts before deciding to actually make one - I was a little nervous that I would be completely bashed but was pleasantly suprised by the overwhelming display of support from a group of people who did not even know me.

I guess it's kinda obvious now that my biggest problem is trusting too much and I'm afraid I've done it once again. I trusted that I could, again, get actual support here - but instead all I've gotten has been people leaving me such nasty comments and actually implying that I could be lying about what I'm saying. (Wth a few exceptions - thank you!) I don't doubt that it happens. . . .but I can't believe people would lie about these things. . . .as I certainly have not lied to you.

And to the one really arrogant and ignorant man - I'm not really believing that you are campaiging. . . if you really are, just stop now and save your money. You mentioned moving into subsidized housing. . . . . maybe I sound un-educated to you - but I work for a Fortune 500 company and would never qualify for subsidized housing, rather I foot the bill for many others. You are guessing that I am an 18 year old woman with a 6 month old, well I am also not a young mom with a newborn child. . . .

And to Geek. . . I'm not sure how I ever gave you the impression that I had a screw missing?? Perhaps because I married and had a child with the wrong man?? Maybe because I've found the strength to not him keep dragging me down?? Either way. . . .I'm not sure that qualifies me as being short a screw.


vegmom said:
Well, we don't know his full history from her posts either. I guess more info is needed. She mentioned his and his family's problems with alcohol and his reaction when he "found out she knew". People do rash things in these situatuions. It may be in everyones interest for her to, as I said, "go visit her mother" for a bit and let things cool down. Custody and visitation will be decided by the courts based on their assesment of the parents behavior.
No we don't know shiat. There is a bunch of assuming going on based on sketchy details from one side and the immediate conclusion is to march into court and get a protection order against the "bad bad man" :jameo:


Bookseller Lady
We don't know his side of the story, but cheating on your wife and slacking off the AA meetings doesn't bode well for ones character.

And the "I'm afraid of him now" and "but I don't want to get in trouble" combo is one often seen when women are afraid to act.


New Member
Pete said:
No we don't know shiat. There is a bunch of assuming going on based on sketchy details from one side and the immediate conclusion is to march into court and get a protection order against the "bad bad man" :jameo:

I never said I wanted a protection order! I even admitted that I was not physically afraid of him. He has never laid a hand on me - and I never claimed that he did. All I wanted was a good divorce lawyer who would not allow my daughter to have to stay in an unhealthy environment. I never claimed her father to be unhealthy, just that he didn't know how to be a father.


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
No we don't know shiat. There is a bunch of assuming going on based on sketchy details from one side and the immediate conclusion is to march into court and get a protection order against the "bad bad man" :jameo:
"the big bad scary man" (who hasn't done anything to his wife or kids, if you believe what the poster has written)


24/7 Single Dad
vegmom said:
We don't know his side of the story, but cheating on your wife and slacking off the AA meetings doesn't bode well for ones character.

And the "I'm afraid of him now" and "but I don't want to get in trouble" combo is one often seen when women are afraid to act.
The only fear expressed was that he'd grab HIS daughter while living in an unhealthy enviroment, not that he'd smack any body around.


New Member
LostAngel said:
I must apologize. . . . I got such a great response looking for a lawyer that I thought this would be a great place to come back to find a back up when that one lawyer was all booked up. Reading a few previous posts before deciding to actually make one - I was a little nervous that I would be completely bashed but was pleasantly suprised by the overwhelming display of support from a group of people who did not even know me.

I guess it's kinda obvious now that my biggest problem is trusting too much and I'm afraid I've done it once again. I trusted that I could, again, get actual support here - but instead all I've gotten has been people leaving me such nasty comments and actually implying that I could be lying about what I'm saying. (Wth a few exceptions - thank you!) I don't doubt that it happens. . . .but I can't believe people would lie about these things. . . .as I certainly have not lied to you.

And to the one really arrogant and ignorant man - I'm not really believing that you are campaiging. . . if you really are, just stop now and save your money. You mentioned moving into subsidized housing. . . . . maybe I sound un-educated to you - but I work for a Fortune 500 company and would never qualify for subsidized housing, rather I foot the bill for many others. You are guessing that I am an 18 year old woman with a 6 month old, well I am also not a young mom with a newborn child. . . .

And to Geek. . . I'm not sure how I ever gave you the impression that I had a screw missing?? Perhaps because I married and had a child with the wrong man?? Maybe because I've found the strength to not him keep dragging me down?? Either way. . . .I'm not sure that qualifies me as being short a screw.

The story about the "fake" you e mailing your husband and setting up a meeting is the one that made me feel for your child. All the distrust flying around, the drug addicts and drunks in the picture leads me to believe you needed to get your child out of that situation sooner.
LostAngel said:
I must apologize. . . . I got such a great response looking for a lawyer that I thought this would be a great place to come back to find a back up when that one lawyer was all booked up. Reading a few previous posts before deciding to actually make one - I was a little nervous that I would be completely bashed but was pleasantly suprised by the overwhelming display of support from a group of people who did not even know me.

I guess it's kinda obvious now that my biggest problem is trusting too much and I'm afraid I've done it once again. I trusted that I could, again, get actual support here - but instead all I've gotten has been people leaving me such nasty comments and actually implying that I could be lying about what I'm saying. (Wth a few exceptions - thank you!) I don't doubt that it happens. . . .but I can't believe people would lie about these things. . . .as I certainly have not lied to you.

And to the one really arrogant and ignorant man - I'm not really believing that you are campaiging. . . if you really are, just stop now and save your money. You mentioned moving into subsidized housing. . . . . maybe I sound un-educated to you - but I work for a Fortune 500 company and would never qualify for subsidized housing, rather I foot the bill for many others. You are guessing that I am an 18 year old woman with a 6 month old, well I am also not a young mom with a newborn child. . . .

And to Geek. . . I'm not sure how I ever gave you the impression that I had a screw missing?? Perhaps because I married and had a child with the wrong man?? Maybe because I've found the strength to not him keep dragging me down?? Either way. . . .I'm not sure that qualifies me as being short a screw.
This place can be a wealth of information and can get you thinking outside the box. You have to take the posts and sift out the ones that don't fit your situation. Foremost... you must take JPC's post for entertainment value rather than try to make sense of them. That's what the rest of us do!

Hang in there.


Bookseller Lady
LostAngel said:
I never said I wanted a protection order! I even admitted that I was not physically afraid of him. He has never laid a hand on me - and I never claimed that he did. All I wanted was a good divorce lawyer who would not allow my daughter to have to stay in an unhealthy environment. I never claimed her father to be unhealthy, just that he didn't know how to be a father.

OK- it was not too clear from your first couple of posts. You had said something about being afraid of him, which would make anyone who has dealt with battered women before shout "get out! get out!".

Has he threatened you at all or is he just being a generic arse?
vegmom said:
OK- it was not too clear from your first couple of posts. You had said something about being afraid of him, which would make anyone who has dealt with battered women before shout "get out! get out!".

Has he threatened you at all or is he just being a generic arse?
This has already been covered... Do you read for content? :banghead:


24/7 Single Dad
LostAngel said:
...And to the one really arrogant and ignorant man - I'm not really believing that you are campaiging. . . if you really are, just stop now and save your money.
:lol: He's running for the "special" congress.

You know, the one where everybody is declared a winner and gets a medal on a pretty ribbon just for running.


Bookseller Lady
kwillia said:
This has already been covered... Do you read for content? :banghead:

I've spent so much energy in this thread defending earlier comments who knows! :jameo:

I agree if she is not afraid of him physically harming her than they should take some time to cool off and playing games like the fake out profile won't accomplish anything. But she initially said "I am afraid of him now". I stated that if she feared for her safety then get out, and I was not the only one to post this type of opinion. It was later she stated she was not in fear of physical harm. You still have to be careful in these emotionally charged situations because people can fly off the handle, and she does mention his history with alcohol.