15 Year Old Shot at Solomons Landing


I love Texas Road House
Like I said elsewhere...we do not know how he treated the kids from the start or how it all began. Why would you piss off a bunch of hoodlums if you know they will keep coming back? Tons of maybes... but I do not think shooting kids is the answer.

It doesn't matter what he said. He had the right to be nasty to them. They were trespassing on private property.


I love Texas Road House
And IMO, firing a shotgun is attempted murder unless your safety is in clear and present danger.*

You do realize that there are other ways of dealing with unruly teenagers besides firearms?

would it be ok if the old guy had bean bag rounds for his shotgun?


New Member
Are you blaming the kid who got shot? No matter what kind of havoc these kids were reaking, that does NOT give this man the right to take the law into his own hands. They were in no way posing a threat to him, he was just annoyed with them. What would you say about this had the kid died from his gunshot? He should rot in jail!!

How do you know this? :shrug: Is that what your son told you? :lol: Great friends you let him have. You must be so proud! Quick maybe if you get your sons fb p/w you can delete his friends list and remove any association from all of those fine upstanding young gentlemen. :killingme
Yes the shotgun was a little extreme BUT maybe you should read some of the comments that those hoodlums have made and are making now. They are so proud that they have been on the news!


I bowl overhand
I think you really need to get a grip on this one. No one is advocating backing down - they are saying that murdering minors over harassment is overkill. And IMO, firing a shotgun is attempted murder unless your safety is in clear and present danger.*

You do realize that there are other ways of dealing with unruly teenagers besides firearms?

*Had one of them pulled a knife or gun on the guy, then all bets are off. Fire at will. Minor status carries no weight with me if my life, or the life of a family member, is in danger.

Nobody is saying what Mr Arminger did was right, but that there may have been extenuating curcumstances that yes, he didn't do the right thing, but the history between him and this group of kids may give us a reason as to WHY he did it.

So the question would be, you're a 66 year old man, you're outnumbered by a group of unruly kids that have fought you in the past.. They are cussing at you, threatening you... What would YOU do?

You've already called the cops several times, you've tried to kick them off of your property.. and yet they keep coming back to "pick on the old guy at Solomons Landing"...

What would YOU do?


I bowl overhand
How do you know this? :shrug: Is that what your son told you? :lol: Great friends you let him have. You must be so proud! Quick maybe if you get your sons fb p/w you can delete his friends list and remove any association from all of those fine upstanding young gentlemen. :killingme
Yes the shotgun was a little extreme BUT maybe you should read some of the comments that those hoodlums have made and are making now. They are so proud that they have been on the news!

Did she feel outnumbered, threatened.. and leave?
Like I said elsewhere...we do not know how he treated the kids from the start or how it all began. Why would you piss off a bunch of hoodlums if you know they will keep coming back? Tons of maybes... but I do not think shooting kids is the answer.

Nope, I have had talks with some of mine. Mostly about the language they were using in the street while shooting hoops. Told them this was a family neighborhood and little kids and the rest of us didn't want to hear it. I got a "whatever" and then after a "say again?" from me, a "yessir". Seemed to work well. Also worked with the rap crap they were playing loud. Plus I had my BA dogs with me. :lol:


I bowl overhand
Do you go out and scream, threaten and shoot at kids on your property or do you talk to them first?

Well, seeing how we know they (a group of more than 5) fought with Mr Arminger in the past, and they (a group of more than 5)were going out of their way to go pick on him that night..

I don't know how you would expect him to act.


New Member
Nobody is saying what Mr Arminger did was right, but that there may have been extenuating curcumstances that yes, he didn't do the right thing, but the history between him and this group of kids may give us a reason as to WHY he did it.

So the question would be, you're a 66 year old man, you're outnumbered by a group of unruly kids that have fought you in the past.. They are cussing at you, threatening you... What would YOU do?

You've already called the cops several times, you've tried to kick them off of your property.. and yet they keep coming back to "pick on the old guy at Solomons Landing"...

What would YOU do?

OP should have enabled voting, because i think that many are saying exactly that.

I am sure that the police took the extenuating curcumstances into account when they charged him (attempted murder doesn't seem out of line for shooting someone), and the jury will be able to as well if it goes that far.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Well, seeing how we know they (a group of more than 5) fought with Mr Arminger in the past, and they (a group of more than 5)were going out of their way to go pick on him that night..

I don't know how you would expect him to act.

describe 'fight'. Physical or screaming match?


Well-Known Member
Nobody is saying what Mr Arminger did was right, but that there may have been extenuating curcumstances that yes, he didn't do the right thing, but the history between him and this group of kids may give us a reason as to WHY he did it.

So the question would be, you're a 66 year old man, you're outnumbered by a group of unruly kids that have fought you in the past.. They are cussing at you, threatening you... What would YOU do?

You've already called the cops several times, you've tried to kick them off of your property.. and yet they keep coming back to "pick on the old guy at Solomons Landing"...

What would YOU do?

I'm just trying to take a reasoned approach to this. Looks like we've got two camps forming in this thread, as usual - Either "They're just kids!" or "Kill 'em all!" And I'm not going to jump on either bandwagon.

I agree that older teenagers can pose just as much a threat to your safety as somebody who is 18 or older. There are situations where firing a gun would be necessary. And I mentioned as much in my response.

I don't know any of the people involved in this incident, but on the face of it, it appears that the shotgun was overkill in this situation. Maybe I'm wrong - maybe Mr. Arminger had exhausted all his other options. The fact that the teenager was hit on the backside doesn't help his case, though. :shrug:

Edited to add: I also don't mean to imply any sympathy for the kid, either. I think they should have made him pick out the shot himself. Maybe give him a bullet to bite, but that's it.