15 Year Old Shot at Solomons Landing


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
im done with this thread. way too emotional for me.

I'd like to close out with this comment.

Anyone who thinks this 66 year old wackjob was "RIGHT" for shooting a child for riding a skateboard, deserves the same fate that this child has had.

I sincerely hope, some of you who feel this way either seriously reconsider your opinion, or hopefully the next time you cut someone off, or maybe drive to slowly in the left lane on RT 4, maybe you will be lucky enough to run into a wackjob like that guy, who will pull out a gun and "just try to scare you".

perhaps we need more wackjobs like this guy to cleanse the world of stupid people like yourselves.
If they (or I)were punks looking for trouble then they would deserve it also. One last question before you leave, why did you find it necessary to reduce what this "child" did from being a young terrorist in training, to a youngster out riding a skateboard?


Ubi bene ibi patria
im done with this thread. way too emotional for me.

I'd like to close out with this comment.

Anyone who thinks this 66 year old wackjob was "RIGHT" for shooting a child for riding a skateboard, deserves the same fate that this child has had.

I sincerely hope, some of you who feel this way either seriously reconsider your opinion, or hopefully the next time you cut someone off, or maybe drive to slowly in the left lane on RT 4, maybe you will be lucky enough to run into a wackjob like that guy, who will pull out a gun and "just try to scare you".

perhaps we need more wackjobs like this guy to cleanse the world of stupid people like yourselves.

One problem here is that many of the posters who are condoning the senior's actions are just as drifty as he.


New Member
Exactly! Next time... it might not be skateboarders who push the already mentally unstable grumpy ole Mr. So and so, past his hot headed breaking point. IT MIGHT BE YOU! OR ANYONE POSTING HERE! Maybe ole Mr. So and So doesn't like your cat sneaking out of your house and coming down his street, or maybe he thinks you cut him off, maybe he mistakes your hello wave for the rigid digit.... and then fires on YOU!

Very scary. Even more scary that people post here that they think his response was reasonable - to fire on people because they pissed him off. I know people post crazy things on here just to provoke a reaction... but many of the posters here in support of Armiger firing a weapon seem serious. That IS scary.

Hey you are a great advocate for the young innocents just wanting to have a little fun.:sarcasm:
Maybe next time it could be your grandfather or grandmother being terrorized by some local punks. Knocking on their door, yelling at them, threatening to run them over with skateboards. Setting fires just for fun.
But that's ok because they have lived a long happy life and they are living in a nice place. After working all their lives they shouldn't be able to retire in a nice peaceful community. Don't worry about their blood pressure, don't worry about them afraid to go out and get groceries because they just don't want to encounter punks because their nerves just can't take anymore harrassment that day. HOWS THAT FOR SCARY???


New Member
Oh...so how do you know this?? Are you his doctor?? I haven't seen this written anywhere.

Because Armiger retreated into his home.... not to defend himself in his home, but to grab his gun and go after some young whipper snappers. A reasonable man would have retreated into his home and called the police who apparently were already near there because the responding officer heard the gun shot.

Anyone who can so easily lose their temper to the point of intentionally making a trip inside their home to grab a gun and then going after another person to fire the gun at them simply because they were angry (not threatened) has no self-control and is emotionally unstable and dangerous.

But apparently, there are a lot of people on this forum lacking reason too.


New Member
i would love to be on that jury. I would convict him and recommend maximum punishment allowed under the law.

lots of kids are arses and turn out to be respected and productive members of society, provided they don't get shot by an old man with a screw loose.

I hope I'm on the jury with you, cuz at the very least it would be a hung jury, because I'd never vote to convict. A little more fear injected into the attitudes of many young people around here and we'd all be a lot better off.


New Member
Hey you are a great advocate for the young innocents just wanting to have a little fun.:sarcasm:
Maybe next time it could be your grandfather or grandmother being terrorized by some local punks. Knocking on their door, yelling at them, threatening to run them over with skateboards. Setting fires just for fun.
But that's ok because they have lived a long happy life and they are living in a nice place. After working all their lives they shouldn't be able to retire in a nice peaceful community. Don't worry about their blood pressure, don't worry about them afraid to go out and get groceries because they just don't want to encounter punks because their nerves just can't take anymore harrassment that day. HOWS THAT FOR SCARY???


...and maybe they really do feel threatened by these foul-mouthed, nasty kids. Yeah, they're "just" bagging on doors and cussing out the old people today, but what happens when they encounter one of these residents alone and need some running around money. They're sure to think twice if they think Granny's packin' !! And I hope they all are!!
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New Member
Well... one thing makes me feel safer... all the crazies in Southern MD are here posting on this forum.... not grabbing their guns and shooting people.... well... except for Armiger.


Active Member
:yahoo: Well thank God somebody finally put those kids in their place. I will even defend Mr. Arminger in court. I know of at least 3 teens on skateboards who are a terrible problem and menace to the public at Solomons and Lusby, on residenial and commercial properties. Don't those teens have a home? Don't their parents even care? Well I bet they do now after one being shot at! OR MAYBE NOT. I have tenants at Solomons who have called the cops on them many times. I've seen the cops stop them all in parking lots for harrassing people. I'm proud of Mr. Arminger.

I was listening to the radio this morning when "residents" called in saying the same thing, how these boys have continually harassed the people who live there but calling the cops apparently didn't do anything but make the kids more determined.

I've known two very nice elderly men who turned nasty when they were continually harassed over an extended period of time, so I can understand how Mr. Arminger "lost it". The saddest part is that apparently there were many opportunities that could have stopped it, preventing the continued harassment and finally the shooting...

Considering all the people claiming to call these kids in, it makes one wonder how many calls actually went into the Sheriffs Dept.



happy to be living
Because Armiger retreated into his home.... not to defend himself in his home, but to grab his gun and go after some young whipper snappers. A reasonable man would have retreated into his home and called the police who apparently were already near there because the responding officer heard the gun shot.

Anyone who can so easily lose their temper to the point of intentionally making a trip inside their home to grab a gun and then going after another person to fire the gun at them simply because they were angry (not threatened) has no self-control and is emotionally unstable and dangerous.

But apparently, there are a lot of people on this forum lacking reason too.

How many times do you think this man tried to "reason" with these little pukestains? How many times do you think other people in the complex tried to talk to these foul mouthed brats only to be told to F off? These kids have been a problem for a number of years in this complex as well as
all over Solomons Island. I am glad someone had the nerve to stand up to them.
Shooting the kid may not have been the answer but a combination of frustration and anger pushed the guy over the edge.
I was listening to the radio this morning when "residents" called in saying the same thing, how these boys have continually harassed the people who live there but calling the cops apparently didn't do anything but make the kids more determined.

I've known two very nice elderly men who turned nasty when they were continually harassed over an extended period of time, so I can understand how Mr. Arminger "lost it". The saddest part is that apparently there were many opportunities that could have stopped it, preventing the continued harassment and finally the shooting...

Considering all the people claiming to call these kids in, it makes one wonder how many calls actually went into the Sheriffs Dept.

:yeahthat: It's disgusting that people are willing to dismiss the kids as just a nuisance when there are many who live there and have come forward stating their fears and concerns... many of whom were concerned enough to call the police time and time again. I do not condone what that man did, but I do have sympathy for him that he was pushed over the edge and felt he had no recourse other than to take matters into his own hands.


New Member
How many times do you think this man tried to "reason" with these little pukestains? How many times do you think other people in the complex tried to talk to these foul mouthed brats only to be told to F off? These kids have been a problem for a number of years in this complex as well as
all over Solomons Island. I am glad someone had the nerve to stand up to them.
Shooting the kid may not have been the answer but a combination of frustration and anger pushed the guy over the edge.

Posters talk about making up excuses for the teens... but plenty of people are making excuses for Armiger. I've had many people piss me off to a great degree many times in my life... but I have NEVER grabbed my gun and went after someone firing my weapon at them. That would be insane. There are reasonable ways to deal with a situation like this... without grabbing a gun and firing it when there is no immediate threat and the police are close enough to hear that gun shot.


New Member
The Madman

If you argue with a madman, it is extremely probable that you will get the worst of it; for in many ways his mind moves all the quicker for not being delayed by the things that go with good judgment. He is not hampered by a sense of humour or by charity, or by the dumb certainties of experience. He is the more logical for losing certain sane affections. Indeed, the common phrase for insanity is in this respect a misleading one. The madman is not the man who has lost his reason. The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason. -- Chesterton


happy to be living
Posters talk about making up excuses for the teens... but plenty of people are making excuses for Armiger. I've had many people piss me off to a great degree many times in my life... but I have NEVER grabbed my gun and went after someone firing my weapon at them. That would be insane. There are reasonable ways to deal with a situation like this... without grabbing a gun and firing it when there is no immediate threat and the police are close enough to hear that gun shot.

I agree that shooting at the kid wasn't the right thing to do. And plenty of people have pissed me off and I haven't shot them. We all have our breaking points, though, and it sounds like this guy found his.

We may never know what else was happening in his life at the time of this incident. He may have just found out a loved one had a terminal disease. He may have been having a flashback from Viet Nam. He may have had other stressors in his life that contributed to his emotional state of mind that day.


New Member
I agree that shooting at the kid wasn't the right thing to do. And plenty of people have pissed me off and I haven't shot them. We all have our breaking points, though, and it sounds like this guy found his.

We may never know what else was happening in his life at the time of this incident. He may have just found out a loved one had a terminal disease. He may have been having a flashback from Viet Nam. He may have had other stressors in his life that contributed to his emotional state of mind that day.

blah blah blah -----NO EXCUSE!!!!!!!


Posters talk about making up excuses for the teens... but plenty of people are making excuses for Armiger. I've had many people piss me off to a great degree many times in my life... but I have NEVER grabbed my gun and went after someone firing my weapon at them. That would be insane. There are reasonable ways to deal with a situation like this... without grabbing a gun and firing it when there is no immediate threat and the police are close enough to hear that gun shot.
I really don't think there are all that many on here that would really grab a gun and start shooting, not unless the little punks starting shooting first. And don't be stupid enough to believe they wouldn't. Fifteen years old? Yep, there are plenty of them running around with guns and no brains. But most on here have heard and seen too many instances that young punks like this go after the old and get away with hurting them, robbing them, or killing them. It happens and you know it. Quit defending these types, they really aren't worth it. I used to think that kids like this were worth salvaging. Lived too many years to know it's not worth trying anymore.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
I'm not 100% sure but the kid may have been shot on the road in front of Solomons Landing..

The person fired the shotgun from within the confines of the gated community, but I believe the kid was hit on the road that parallels Rte 4 there, or I guess he could have been shot inside the community and hobbled across the street too..

That is what the news is reporting, he was already outside the gate with his back to the Clint Eastwood wannabe.