15 Year Old Shot at Solomons Landing


Active Member
15-Year-Old Skateboard Shooting Victim, Family Speak Out About Incident

Mr Burroughs, you could have lost your son because he was trespassing and antagonizing people. You could have lost your son because you aren't parenting.

THANK YOU mAlice...you just said it all. I just saw that news report. Poor little innocent looking Scottie laying in a hospital bed. And his father's comments (without a tear in his eye) that he could of lost his son. Yep if he was being a parent then his son wouldn't be the community terrorist, and maybe even worse in the future.


Active Member
On the video, it says they HAVE to go on private property to get to the best trick places? Why don't their parents build them the "oh so desired" trick obstacles on their own property?

That's all bull. St. Pauls church in Lusby built a skateboarding ramp for kids. Those boys don't want anything so structured. They like running wild.


I really don't think there are all that many on here that would really grab a gun and start shooting, not unless the little punks starting shooting first. And don't be stupid enough to believe they wouldn't. Fifteen years old? Yep, there are plenty of them running around with guns and no brains. But most on here have heard and seen too many instances that young punks like this go after the old and get away with hurting them, robbing them, or killing them. It happens and you know it. Quit defending these types, they really aren't worth it. I used to think that kids like this were worth salvaging. Lived too many years to know it's not worth trying anymore.

you are unfairly stereotyping these kids as hardcore criminals. beating up old people and robbing them??? I didn't see anything about these boys doing that.
"young punks like these" "these types" Do you have trouble with reading comprehension too? As far as stereotyping these kids? You'd better wake up and look around this world. In the past 20 years the gangs and crime have migrated from DC down to here. And don't sit there and tell me how these kids are good kids. :bs:
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Obama destroyed America
Wirelessly posted
I agree the kids seem like little spoiled brats! And I agree that one can only take so much...but seriously???!!! Dudes idea was to shoot them???!!!!!!!? Are people really OK with this??!!
These punks are why animals eat their young.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
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Scott Burroughs Sr. said his son Scotty is in the hospital with a titanium rod that extends from his hip to his knee

Well, I think it's pretty safe to say he won't be skateboarding anytime soon.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
15-Year-Old Skateboard Shooting Victim, Family Speak Out About Incident

Mr Burroughs, you could have lost your son because he was trespassing and antagonizing people. You could have lost your son because you aren't parenting.

Exactly. The man is an idiot.

My kids know I'd kick their asses if they did stuff like this. And I'm 98% sure there's no way they *would* because I didn't wait until they were 15 to start parenting them. I normally know where they are all the time. And when I'm not home or they're out - they have to stay in touch with me. I know who their friends are, where they will be, how long they're going to be out & how they're getting home.

They know I'm in charge and when they forget - I remind them. :biggrin: I can honestly say MY 15 yo is leagues ahead of these little punks.


New Member
these "punks" are being stereotyped here because they ride skateboards and dress a little different.

I love the comments such as how they were destroying private property on the video at giant. what was damaged? NOTHING.

The boys in that video are just tiny little kids. When I was that age, they would have been considered nerds.

If they were bigger, and a little older, that 66 year old man wouldn't even have confronted them. That guy was a bully.

Whatever jail time he receives should be enough to make it a life sentence at his age, so at least the world will be a safer place.


professional daydreamer
these "punks" are being stereotyped here because they ride skateboards and dress a little different.

Oh, please. They're punks. It has nothing to do with riding a skateboard and dressing different. When I was growing up, everyone had a skateboard and a surf board, but we didn't go around antagonizing old people. We didn't trespass onto private property, and we didn't treat our elders with disprespect. As for the property in the video, I'll betcha' dollars to donuts there's a sign there somewhere that says 'no skateboarding'.


I bowl overhand
these "punks" are being stereotyped here because they ride skateboards and dress a little different.

I love the comments such as how they were destroying private property on the video at giant. what was damaged? NOTHING.

The boys in that video are just tiny little kids. When I was that age, they would have been considered nerds.

If they were bigger, and a little older, that 66 year old man wouldn't even have confronted them. That guy was a bully.

Whatever jail time he receives should be enough to make it a life sentence at his age, so at least the world will be a safer place.

That old bully didn't go to he kids to harass and antagonize them. The kids went out of their way to intimidate and harass him. They were, afterall, at the old bullies house not one of the kid's houses, and it wasn't the first time they visited him. If the old guy was the bully and not the victim wouldn't the kids choose to stay away/


New Member
Oh, please. They're punks. It has nothing to do with riding a skateboard and dressing different. When I was growing up, everyone had a skateboard and a surf board, but we didn't go around antagonizing old people. We didn't trespass onto private property, and we didn't treat our elders with disprespect. As for the property in the video, I'll betcha' dollars to donuts there's a sign there somewhere that says 'no skateboarding'.

They might be punks, and they certainly deserve to be prosecuted for whatever crimes they actually comitted, But the charecterization that they are somehow akin to gangs is ridiculous. (general statement not pointed directly at you).


professional daydreamer
They might be punks, and they certainly deserve to be prosecuted for whatever crimes they actually comitted, But the charecterization that they are somehow akin to gangs is ridiculous. (general statement not pointed directly at you).

gang 1 (gng)
1. A group of criminals or hoodlums who band together for mutual protection and profit.
2. A group of adolescents who band together, especially a group of delinquents.
3. Informal A group of people who associate regularly on a social basis: The whole gang from the office went to a clambake.
4. A group of laborers organized together on one job or under one foreperson: a railroad gang.
5. A matched or coordinated set, as of tools: a gang of chisels.
a. A pack of wolves or wild dogs.
b. A herd, especially of buffalo or elk. See Synonyms at flock1.
v. ganged, gang·ing, gangs
To band together as a group or gang.
1. To arrange or assemble into a group, as for simultaneous operation or production: gang several pages onto one printing plate.
2. To attack as an organized group.
Phrasal Verb:
gang up
1. To join together in opposition or attack: The older children were always ganging up on the little ones.
2. To act together as a group: various agencies ganging up to combat the use of illicit drugs.

They are a 'gang'.


I bowl overhand
They might be punks, and they certainly deserve to be prosecuted for whatever crimes they actually comitted, But the charecterization that they are somehow akin to gangs is ridiculous. (general statement not pointed directly at you).

Do you live in Solomon's or Lusby? Have you had any interaction with this community action group made up cherubic little angels?


Resident PIA
Wirelessly posted

It doesn't matter what the kids were doing because they were not threatening bodily harm nor were they in the accused's home. He has no claim to self defense especially considering he'd already maced the kids and they were running away. Maybe the kids were doing somethimg they shouldn't have been doing, azzhole still shouldn't have shot at them.

What's scary about this mess is that now, instead of being able to say "that's just grumpy ole Mr. So-and-so, he'd never REALLY hurt anyone" we have to wonder what other disgruntled idiots would take a similar situation to this extreme. In all seriousness, I'm very concerned...
I would be too if my kids made it a habit to harrass people and vandalize their property.


New Member
Do you live in Solomon's or Lusby? Have you had any interaction with this community action group made up cherubic little angels?

yes and yes.
are the kids annoying? yes. a GANG in the sense that you folks are trying to paint them? no.