15 Year Old Shot at Solomons Landing


Hot Flash
I watched the video with the heathens laughing and still vandalizing property. Nobody deserves that and those kinds of trash need to be extinct.

If my kid did that I would hope the shot went to the head.

Society today disgusts me.


New Member
I hope I'm on the jury with you, cuz at the very least it would be a hung jury, because I'd never vote to convict. A little more fear injected into the attitudes of many young people around here and we'd all be a lot better off.

cant believe im still reading this but i have to respond to this.

What message does it send to these kids if this guy isn't punished for shooting at them, and hitting one of them?

I'm sure you will come with the idea that they will learn their lesson and not do stuff like this again, etc.

What about the idea that there are repercussions for your actions? A gun is NOT the answer to dealing with disrespectful skateboarders.


New Member
I really don't think there are all that many on here that would really grab a gun and start shooting, not unless the little punks starting shooting first. And don't be stupid enough to believe they wouldn't. Fifteen years old? Yep, there are plenty of them running around with guns and no brains. But most on here have heard and seen too many instances that young punks like this go after the old and get away with hurting them, robbing them, or killing them. It happens and you know it. Quit defending these types, they really aren't worth it. I used to think that kids like this were worth salvaging. Lived too many years to know it's not worth trying anymore.

you are unfairly stereotyping these kids as hardcore criminals. beating up old people and robbing them??? I didn't see anything about these boys doing that.


Nothing to see here
Because Armiger retreated into his home.... not to defend himself in his home, but to grab his gun and go after some young whipper snappers. A reasonable man would have retreated into his home and called the police who apparently were already near there because the responding officer heard the gun shot.

Anyone who can so easily lose their temper to the point of intentionally making a trip inside their home to grab a gun and then going after another person to fire the gun at them simply because they were angry (not threatened) has no self-control and is emotionally unstable and dangerous.

But apparently, there are a lot of people on this forum lacking reason too.

Hmmm..but teens harassing elderly folks CONTINUALLY are emotionally stable and reasonable? They weren't a known problem?? And what do you make of all the FB chatter afterwards?? Upstanding young folk, right?? Ya know, you are every bit as sorry as the people on the other end of this argument with your judgements...You ever think of that?? :killingme


Hot Flash
you are unfairly stereotyping these kids as hardcore criminals. beating up old people and robbing them??? I didn't see anything about these boys doing that.

They are nasty kids and should be shot. :jet:

Have you read the articles, watched the video? If this was my son in the video I would kill him myself.


Well-Known Member
seriously, come on now... Mr. Armiger was PUSHED to the point.... they are BRAGGING...
These punks have no respect, ... they're not gonna get any respect, not from me.
Mr. Armiger should get probation, just like these punks will/have.


New Member
Maybe CREresident would like to invite them over. :shrug:

I hope they all end up on her doorstep. These kids have harassed people and destroyed property all over the Solomons area. The Sheriff's office have been called so many times about them that the callers are on ignore up there. They are all over the boardwalk endangering walkers. Their profanity is heard by everyone.

So Mrs. CREresident invite the delinquents for dinner and keep them up in your neighborhood!


i think we can all agree this would have never happened if these kids' parents were held accountable for their actions long, long ago.


professional daydreamer
i think we can all agree this would have never happened if these kids' parents were held accountable for their actions long, long ago.

Parents aren't held accountable unless they're giving their kids a well deserved beating. Then the authorities will step in. :yay:


New Member
Wirelessly posted

dustin said:
i think we can all agree this would have never happened if these kids' parents were held accountable for their actions long, long ago.

Or if that man's parents were held accountable for his actions long, long ago...maybe he wouldn't have the idea that it's OK to shoot people when they're running away from you...


Animal Poor!
Parents aren't held accountable unless they're giving their kids a well deserved beating. Then the authorities will step in. :yay:

On the video, it says they HAVE to go on private property to get to the best trick places? Why don't their parents build them the "oh so desired" trick obstacles on their own property?


Animal Poor!
I agree that shooting at the kid wasn't the right thing to do. And plenty of people have pissed me off and I haven't shot them. We all have our breaking points, though, and it sounds like this guy found his.

We may never know what else was happening in his life at the time of this incident. He may have just found out a loved one had a terminal disease. He may have been having a flashback from Viet Nam. He may have had other stressors in his life that contributed to his emotional state of mind that day.

Shy-Anne is packing... isn't she? :killingme


I bowl overhand
Wirelessly posted

Or if that man's parents were held accountable for his actions long, long ago...maybe he wouldn't have the idea that it's OK to shoot people when they're running away from you...

Or if these kids weren't intentionally harassing this man and intentionally driving him to his breaking point so they could laugh at him maybe this wouldn't have happened. They targeted this old guy and went there for the sole purpose of harassing him and terrorizing him.

Now imagine how mad and angry you as a sane person would have to get before you went for a gun, and MAYBE you can put yourself in his shoes.


New Member
Wirelessly posted

itsbob said:
Wirelessly posted

Or if that man's parents were held accountable for his actions long, long ago...maybe he wouldn't have the idea that it's OK to shoot people when they're running away from you...

Or if these kids weren't intentionally harassing this man and intentionally driving him to his breaking point so they could laugh at him maybe this wouldn't have happened. They targeted this old guy and went there for the sole purpose of harassing him and terrorizing him.

Now imagine how mad and angry you as a sane person would have to get before you went for a gun, and MAYBE you can put yourself in his shoes.

I agree the kids seem like little spoiled brats! And I agree that one can only take so much...but seriously???!!! Dudes idea was to shoot them???!!!!!!!? Are people really OK with this??!!


I bowl overhand
Wirelessly posted

I agree the kids seem like little spoiled brats! And I agree that one can only take so much...but seriously???!!! Dudes idea was to shoot them???!!!!!!!? Are people really OK with this??!!

Remember this wasn't a single event. It took these kids a long time and a lot of harassing to get him to this point. It's not like they called him a bad name in passing.

They even brag about Casey fighting the old man on landing 7 in the past so they were obviously not above fighting with an old man. Remember you aren't dealing with the 95% of kids that would never think about doing this, but the real low % of kids that find joy in terrorizing individual and entire neighborhoods.


Animal Poor!
Remember this wasn't a single event. It took these kids a long time and a lot of harassing to get him to this point. It's not like they called him a bad name in passing.

They even brag about Casey fighting the old man on landing 7 in the past so they were obviously not above fighting with an old man. Remember you aren't dealing with the 95% of kids that would never think about doing this, but the real low % of kids that find joy in terrorizing individual and entire neighborhoods.

Don't forget about "pack mentality" with these punks.. one does something and the others want to best and up the others in the pack to improve their rank with their actions and words.