15 Year Old Shot at Solomons Landing


Well-Known Member
Do you live in Solomon's or Lusby? Have you had any interaction with this community action group made up cherubic little angels?

These kids aren't just in Solomon's or Lusby. When I was living in Piney Point, a group of kids; I don't know exactly how many; were wandering the neighborhood at 3 a.m.. They were standing on my dEck and looking in the windows. I had fallen asleep with the T.V. on so, I guess they saw the flickering in the dark and took a look. THEN one of them lets's out a BLOOD-CURDLING scream. Woke ME up; and that's saying something. I turned on the light and I hear scrambling off the dEck.

Tell ME that's not a reason to put 'the fear of God (and S&W) into these delinquents.


Well-Known Member
im done with this thread. way too emotional for me.

I'd like to close out with this comment.

Anyone who thinks this 66 year old wackjob was "RIGHT" for shooting a child for riding a skateboard, deserves the same fate that this child has had.

I sincerely hope, some of you who feel this way either seriously reconsider your opinion, or hopefully the next time you cut someone off, or maybe drive to slowly in the left lane on RT 4, maybe you will be lucky enough to run into a wackjob like that guy, who will pull out a gun and "just try to scare you".

perhaps we need more wackjobs like this guy to cleanse the world of stupid people like yourselves.

I'm going to continue down the middle of the road in this discussion, and argue with you, as well as the "Shoot 'em up" side... Maybe I can piss everybody off! :lmao:

No one said the kids got shot for riding skateboards. They got shot because they had a history of antagonizing, and possibly threatening, residents of a neighborhood - where they were trespassing. They weren't just out for some fresh air and exercise, they were out to piss people off. And maybe even hurt someone, we don't know. As I said before, just because someone is under 18, doesn't mean they can't be dangerous.

It sounds to me like you've never been outnumbered by a group of thug teenagers harassing you in your own neighborhood. I have, and it's not a comfortable feeling.

I still think that the gun was NOT warranted in this scenario, but who knows - Maybe it was.


New Member
these "punks" are being stereotyped here because they ride skateboards and dress a little different.

I love the comments such as how they were destroying private property on the video at giant. what was damaged? NOTHING.

The boys in that video are just tiny little kids. When I was that age, they would have been considered nerds.

If they were bigger, and a little older, that 66 year old man wouldn't even have confronted them. That guy was a bully.

Whatever jail time he receives should be enough to make it a life sentence at his age, so at least the world will be a safer place.

so it doesnt matter if there are "no skateboard, no bikes" signs at ALL of these places??? you go sit on that brand new EMPLOYEE's park bench at Giant and tell me if you dont see damage to that bench from those boards slamming on them??


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
so it doesnt matter if there are "no skateboard, no bikes" signs at ALL of these places??? you go sit on that brand new EMPLOYEE's park bench at Giant and tell me if you dont see damage to that bench from those boards slamming on them??

:yeahthat: TY. I just got to the end and was going to say pretty much the same thing.



I could be more sympathetic to the guy if he had used rock salt or some other less than lethat projectile in the shotgun. These punks weren't a threat to his life or his property, so going the lethal route was a bit over the top, and unfortunately for him, he will probably be paying for his rash decision for the rest of his life.

I've had several interactions with this group of hoodlums and being an ex-one percent club biker with arms sleaved up in tattoos they have usually been very respectful. If I had been an old man and my abilities to use my fists were mightely diminished by age, even a group of teenagers can be intimidating, and rightfully so... but you have to deal with them while they are a threat, not when they are retreating!

If he would have shot the kid while the kid was on his doorstep I would be 100% behind him. As it is, I can only shake my head.

And yes, the punks parents are just as much to blame.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm not 100% sure but the kid may have been shot on the road in front of Solomons Landing..

But if he hadn't been inside the community in the first place, where he had no business being, this wouldn't have happened.


New Member
if that is what he was doing i would be 100% behind him, he wasn't, he shot at a kid who was fleeing his property. There is a big difference.

and yes, people who act recklessly with their guns are fodder for gun grabbibng politicians, i know its hard to beleive. :bigwhoop:

does anybody know what this kid's last remarks were as he was "fleeing the property"?...after being pepper sprayed? or what any of these other kids said as they were leaving? keep in mind they had been terrorizing this neighborhood for 2 years...I doubt he said I'm sorry, this will never happen again. I was shot in the azz with rock salt as a kid...Then whomped by my old man...then made to apologize to the farmer for what I had done...Then made to provide free labor for the rest of the summer to that farmer...On the farm at 5 AM & off at 7 PM...I learned both a valuable lesson due to my actions and respect for my elders...shooting at these kids in my opinion was justifiable & honestly, we need more of it. maybe that will get a point across to parents....Kids get the treatment they get for a reason.


New Member
moments after the 11pm news aired again..... a FB status by one of the kids involved on monday...

I" hope this whole situation gives calvert the f***** wake up call they need, WE NEED A D**N PARK!" "seriously, i've been stopped by the cops, and everytime I say "there's no park down here to ride at" now my bro's getting shot, it's f****** bullsh*t. I'm gonna build a park, yous guys can help if you want."


Bead mumbler
moments after the 11pm news aired again..... a FB status by one of the kids involved on monday...

I" hope this whole situation gives calvert the f***** wake up call they need, WE NEED A D**N PARK!" "seriously, i've been stopped by the cops, and everytime I say "there's no park down here to ride at" now my bro's getting shot, it's f****** bullsh*t. I'm gonna build a park, yous guys can help if you want."

Yep, pillars of the community.


Not taking sides at all, but we have a skate park in our neighborhood which sits next to a basketball court and soccer field. This is where all the kids hang out. Not problems, no vandalism. Once in a great while you may hear about a fight and once I heard that a kid was flown out due to a fall from a skateboard. It really is nice to have a place for the kids to go. Like I said, I'm not taking sides, but if this kid does build his park and his friends help, not only would it give them something to do to keep out of trouble, but they may take pride in their work and take care of what they build. I know, in a perfect world.


New Member
Well I am not about to sit my freedom loving ass in prison doing a 3-5 stint for dusting up some worhtless punk with a shotgun to make a point, especially when there are dozens of other alternatives to solve the problem that don't involve hauling out a cannon.

and there's the problem Pete...But don't you fret lil buddy!! I'm willing to take that stand for you. If it would wake up today's youth & make them show YOU some respect, i most definitely would sacrifice my freedoms for those that don't have the mettle to stand up for what is morally right... you're welcome in advance...


happy to be living
I could be more sympathetic to the guy if he had used rock salt or some other less than lethat projectile in the shotgun. These punks weren't a threat to his life or his property, so going the lethal route was a bit over the top, and unfortunately for him, he will probably be paying for his rash decision for the rest of his life.

I've had several interactions with this group of hoodlums and being an ex-one percent club biker with arms sleaved up in tattoos they have usually been very respectful. If I had been an old man and my abilities to use my fists were mightely diminished by age, even a group of teenagers can be intimidating, and rightfully so... but you have to deal with them while they are a threat, not when they are retreating!

If he would have shot the kid while the kid was on his doorstep I would be 100% behind him. As it is, I can only shake my head.

And yes, the punks parents are just as much to blame.

These kids were videotaped starting a fire at the entrance to the community. Personally, I would be concerned if they were harrassing me- I think I would be in fear of fire.
I would love to hear the other side of the story. The guy that shot at them and the other neighbors accounts of what has been happenning for the last couple years.


New Member
Some kids were alledgedlyvideotaped starting a fire at the entrance to the community. Personally, I would be concerned if they were harrassing me- I think I would be in fear of fire.
I would love to hear the other side of the story. The guy that shot at them and the other neighbors accounts of what has been happenning for the last couple years.

If they were the same kids they should be easy to identify in the tape and easy to charge and convict.


New Member
Not taking sides at all, but we have a skate park in our neighborhood which sits next to a basketball court and soccer field. This is where all the kids hang out. Not problems, no vandalism. Once in a great while you may hear about a fight and once I heard that a kid was flown out due to a fall from a skateboard. It really is nice to have a place for the kids to go. Like I said, I'm not taking sides, but if this kid does build his park and his friends help, not only would it give them something to do to keep out of trouble, but they may take pride in their work and take care of what they build. I know, in a perfect world.

a 15 or 16 yr old builidng a park would be nice, however, getting suspended from school continually (per his FB posts), doesnt exactly equal out to a good education, in order to get a good paying job to fund that park... i just dont get where they think just because a place has nice trick spots or cool benches to jump up/off of, it gives them a RIGHT to step foot on the property. that would be like me saying well, my neighbors have the absolute BEST flat yard and well, my yard is all hilly, so how could i possibly MAKE my kids play in their own yard... just go on over to that neighbors house and hit those baseballs and tear up their SOD front yard with your cleats. DUH! that aint happening... they play in what the most level space and then we get in the car and go to a ballfield. parents that KNOW their kids are out taking over private property or riding where there are posted NO BOARDS/NO BIKES should be held accountable. And do not even get me started on the foul language that i have personally told them to watch their mouths in the presence of my child.... my 6 yr old didnt need to hear the F-bomb walking out of Giant...or Woodburns. SERIOUSLY? they looked at me like who are YOU? disgusting. but until momma and daddy quit defending their trespassing because they NEED a place to ride...it wont change. if they pave their dirt or gravel driveway and their kids can ride their boards and bikes on their own property -- just like i did when i moved in and had a gravel driveway!!!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
These kids were videotaped starting a fire at the entrance to the community. Personally, I would be concerned if they were harrassing me- I think I would be in fear of fire.
I would love to hear the other side of the story. The guy that shot at them and the other neighbors accounts of what has been happenning for the last couple years.

Especially after that really bad fire that happened over there all those years ago.


New Member
Especially after that really bad fire that happened over there all those years ago.

that was 1998... those kids were just little guys back then...NO WAY they were the ones that started that fire... improperly discarded cigarette in the mulch started that fire anyways.


Active Member
these "punks" are being stereotyped here because they ride skateboards and dress a little different.

I love the comments such as how they were destroying private property on the video at giant. what was damaged? NOTHING.

The boys in that video are just tiny little kids. When I was that age, they would have been considered nerds.

If they were bigger, and a little older, that 66 year old man wouldn't even have confronted them. That guy was a bully.

Whatever jail time he receives should be enough to make it a life sentence at his age, so at least the world will be a safer place.

What video did you see RPM? They aren't kiddies...they are teens! And yes they have done damage to property and people. And I can only speak for my property at Solomons....using the sidewalk bench for ramp and yes there is actual damage. Flying past the store fronts & knocking over displays and merchandise. Running into people and then cursing as if it's the victim's fault and not even caring that they may have injured someone.

But you know, this is NOT about skateboards or bikes...it is about the boys BAD BEHAVIOR. And didn't just happen this week. Now I think residents and business owners have been more then patient and tolerant. It is pitiful that it came to this...the kid is now facing the consequences of his own actions. But I doubt he's even got a clue.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
that was 1998... those kids were just little guys back then...NO WAY they were the ones that started that fire... improperly discarded cigarette in the mulch started that fire anyways.

I know that. But any residents that may have been living there at that time would remember it and be a bit gun shy about another fire. Pardon the pun.