5th graders with..........


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by kwillia
At least there is a 14 year old boy alive and able to hug his father and thank him for being brave enough to tell him "no".
Kwill, when was this? What heppened?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
That's why we former bad girls are so much stricter on our kids than the nicey-nice parents. We KNOW what they'll do if we don't curb them. :lol:
True dat!

Serious, though, once I got older I really resented my mother for letting me run wild. Instead of being cool, I started realizing that she just plain didn't want to be bothered raising a kid. I should milk this more with her and maybe get some stuff out of it but oh well. :lol: [/QUOTE]

My case was different. Parents split when I was 7, lived with Mom until 12 and ran away to Dad's. Got away with everything.

I was the one that finally steered myself in the right direction at about 17-18. Luckily I was never arrested, hurt seriously or ended up a drug addicted unwed Mother.

I count my blessings and the right decisions I made and have learned that one must count on themself in order to make the right decisions in a lot of cases.
(that was phrased strange...)
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American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Kwill, when was this? What heppened?
I think she is referring to the news story from NC(?) in the last week or so, I'm sure she'll find it for you.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
Chasey's girl and mine are the best of buds, however I believe the were both suffering from some form of 6 year old PMS this past weekend, they were both in rare beyotch form. :lol:
I have seen them in action a couple of times :lol: I do recall that yours and mine doing quite well the last time they were together as well. :biggrin:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I have a deformed belly-button, not something you'd want to accent with a piercing. I'm suddenly thankful for the first time, that my 11-mo old daughter seems to have inherited it from me. :biggrin:


Originally posted by CMC122
OMG!!!!!! I hadn't even thought about thongs!!! My husband would die.

I worked in an OBGYN's office for a while and we had an 11 year old who got pregnant having sex on the playground!

In 1988 when we moved to Southern Maryland my youngest daughter was 12 years old and in the 6th grade I think.. But seemed like everyday she would come home talking about someone she knew was either pregnant, wanting to get pregnant, trying to get pregnant or already had a baby.. It took me about a week to ask her where she finding these people who are talking about having babies and such? She told me at her school.. It was her classmates who was doing all the talking. She was going to Leonardtown Middle School then and I was wondering what they were teaching there?

Now don't get me wrong because I really liked the people there in St Mary's County and really enjoyed the area, but looking back I think the move to Southern Maryland was the worse mistake I had ever made in my life due to the effect it had on all four of my children considering two were raised there.

Now I know I'm going to be getting some feed back on this one, but it is the truth.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hate to tell you this, Zu, but it wasn't Southern Maryland that turned your kids bad. The same stuff is going on all over the country - babies having babies, drugs, yadda yadda.

But I can understand how some parents might want to blame the neighbors or something else when their kid takes a bad path.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Hate to tell you this, Zu, but it wasn't Southern Maryland that turned your kids bad. The same stuff is going on all over the country - babies having babies, drugs, yadda yadda.

But I can understand how some parents might want to blame the neighbors or something else when their kid takes a bad path.

Yeah, unfortunately you are right. I mean, I'm not blaming Southern Maryland (SM) for the problems I've had from my children as teens, but the exposure they had to the students whose parents failed to control was a larger part of the problem I would have rather my children avoid.. I can see the steady decline of morals in the US. Even in the tiny villiage where I was raised in Southern WVa. as well as the entire area morals is a thing of the past. It took longer for Southern WVa to be subjected to such a decline, but it is there none-the-less.

Sure would like to turn the clock back 30 years.. You know compared to what I ave gone through with my children, my parents, God rest both their souls, had it made with me.

I fear to imagine what my children are going through trying to raise my grandkids. I even tried to get my youngest daughter to send my grandbabies to the Greek Orthodox School in Winston-Salem, but my words simply go into one ear and out the other and not even slow down in between.

This area where I live, not far from Winston-Salem, NC is not as bad as my children encountered in SM from 88-91. I have a neice and nephew one in Middle School and the other still in Elm. School I watch during the Summer months they do not have school. The way they talk about their schools the only problem they have is the ocassional fight. I only wish I had moved down here for good 30 years ago.

Unfortunately I do not see any change coming soon. But I'm all for sending the ACLU to Mars the next launch to explore the Planet. Only when the Teachers in the Public School Systems are respected and they bring back the BOE (Paddle) will things change.


My daughters were 15 when they got their belly buttons pierced, but were in high school. I have never seen what the enticement or fascination is.I see absolutely NO reason for a 5th grader to have her belly button pierced or to have more than one hole in each ear. I tell my kids with age comes privilege. You have to be mature enough for certain privileges. Kids want to grow up way too soon these days and alot of parents let them. A few years from no both kids and parents will regret it.


What I can't believe is that a "professional" piercer would actually pierce a 5th grader or younger! 5th graders are what? 12-13 years old? Even with parental consent, to me, that is crazy!


Go Braves!
Originally posted by Jameo
What I can't believe is that a "professional" piercer would actually pierce a 5th grader or younger! 5th graders are what? 12-13 years old? Even with parental consent, to me, that is crazy!

try 10 and 11 years old!!


Indy Bound
Ok I will be the first to admit that I am not a parent yet, but I dont see why any girl under 18 needs a belly button peircing. My mother would have killed me if I did that. Why consent to your kids flaunting their bare skin? The only reason to get one is to show off your stomach and body, and I would not want my teenage daughter drawing any more sexual attention to herself.

I thought there was a dress code in schools that wouldn't let you have your stomach hanging out, so why get one at all unless she is taking her shirt off for someone? I also would never let my teenage female get her tongue peirced either. I see that all the time. My opinion is that its gross for teenagers to promote the meaning of a tounge ring. If an adult wants to, then so be it, but children should not. I saw a 13 year old girl the other day with a bolt in her tongue. I just thought I wonder if she knew what it was really for? At 13 I would have thought that was the grossest thing in the world. I could be wrong but this is just my opinion. It may change someday when I have kids.


Yo Gabba Gabba
As the child of a dental hygenist....tongue rings were not even a thought allowed to enter our heads. They're terrible for your teeth...


Originally posted by jeneisen
Ok I will be the first to admit that I am not a parent yet, but I dont see why any girl under 18 needs a belly button peircing.
I was an extremely naughty girl in High school so, needless to say.... I totally agree with you. No sex peircings for my babies. :biggrin:


Asperger's Poster Child
From what my parents have told me about their upbringing, there was a double standard 40 or so years ago. Apparently there was nothing wrong with boys going buck wild (or whatever the slang was in 1960) while "good" girls were the ones that saved themselves for marriage.

In fact, my grandparents absolutely refused to let my mother get her ears pierced. So as a consequence, my sister wasn't allowed to until she moved out of the house. Then, when my mother was in her early 40s, she went back home for a visit and saw that my grandmother had gotten ear piercings. When she got home, I think she went to the jewelry store the next day.

Why is it even possible for 11- and 12-year-olds to get pregnant? Some scientists believe that the phytoestrogens in hair care products are causing early puberty in girls, especially in the hair relaxers used by black women. :)offtopic: but my black sister-in-law laughed when I asked why black women don't let their hair grow out like Bob Marley, instead of straightening their hair to make it look "white".)

As a father of two very young girls, I would like to know why parents focus so much on their girls' sexual activities and not their boys'. Is it simply because they're more vulnerable because they can get pregnant?

My goal is to raise my daughters to have self-esteem. That way, their BS detectors will go off when some horny loser claims he won't love them if they won't give up the booty.


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by Tonio
From what my parents have told me about their upbringing, there was a double standard 40 or so years ago. Apparently there was nothing wrong with boys going buck wild (or whatever the slang was in 1960) while "good" girls were the ones that saved themselves for marriage.

I think a lot of people still have this mentality!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
I would like to know why parents focus so much on their girls' sexual activities and not their boys'. Is it simply because they're more vulnerable because they can get pregnant?
Mostly that but it's also a societal thing. There's a certain virtue we want our young women to have that we don't require from our young men. Even though our mainstream media is trying to tear the image of women apart, portraying them as nothing more than sex toys, traditionalists (like Larry and me) still see young women as future Mommies who will shape the next generation.

But, make no mistake, if my son had come home with a tongue piercing, we'd have ripped it right out of his head for him.


Be about it
Originally posted by RoseRed
Right now the fight is to make her stay in bed at bedtime. Tonights trump card was, no sleepover with Mac on Friday if you get out of bed once more. She's still there... :lol:

I just saw this.

That kid of yours had betta act right...I've already planned me a date for Friday night!! :wink:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
There's a certain virtue we want our young women to have that we don't require from our young men.

That's part of my question. Why wouldn't we want to require that virtue from young men? Why have two different standards of virtue? Our sons will be fathers someday. The role of fathers may be different than that of mothers, but it's no less important.

When the media portrays women as nothing but sex toys, that affects boys as well as girls. Shouldn't responsible parents bring up their sons to see females as human beings and to treat them with respect?


Be about it
Originally posted by RoseRed
(I feel some gray hairs coming on...) :lol:

For real, lol!!

Mac has a good friend who is very dominant, just like she is. Both of them beg and beg to get together, and when they do I end up being the regulator for 1/2 the time. Why they like each other so much is beyond me!! She has another bud who is passive, and they get along SUPER.