
Well-Known Member
Darwin wins again:

I see negros riding dirt bike and ATV's on the street all the time its only a matter of time until 1or2 get killed from their stupidy. why cant they just obey the law I guess its in the blood to break the law get in trouble and do it again on a daily basis and then wonder why they get in trouble


Well-Known Member
My daughter has had her car since 2017 and been rear ended 5 times. All but one time she was at a complete stop at a red light for a decent length of time before she got hit, so not because she did a sudden stop. The other time she was at the stop sign at the exit to get onto Solomons from 4 and the guy behind her thought she would roll thru rather than stop and tapped her. She also got intentionally t-boned in a parking lot while at a complete stop because the car who hit her got impatient when she couldn't move out of his way because another car stopped suddenly in front of her to turn and was waiting for traffic. It's like she has targets all over her car! If she could afford it she'd get a new one.
Does her car have good, bright brake lights and turn signals? We have a 2003 Explorer and one of the reasons I like it is that it has good break and turn signal lights.


Honorary SMIB
Does her car have good, bright brake lights and turn signals? We have a 2003 Explorer and one of the reasons I like it is that it has good break and turn signal lights.
Well, you got one out of two.

It's not the brake lights or turn signals many times but the driver is distracted by whatever (I won't say the default of a cell phone). I've been hit several times and couple of times was because the car that hit me was a piece of crap in which the brakes were only a concept and not an actuality.


Well-Known Member
Does her car have good, bright brake lights and turn signals? We have a 2003 Explorer and one of the reasons I like it is that it has good break and turn signal lights.
Yes, it does. They go across practically the whole back of the car. She bought the car brand new in 2017. Luckily, none of the times were really hard impact and, with the exception of the douche that hit her on purpose, everyone admitted their fault and insurance took care of the damages.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday on the road in front of the gym in L'town (area of poppa johns & pet store) some chic coming out of the gym (I think) just walked right out in front of us and never looked up, never checked up, NOTHING staring at that damn phone. I told hubby we should have laid on the horn and hopefully scared her back into reality but we didn't.
That's routine in today's World. In Wally World I witness people walking through the store with their head screwed in to their phone. It seems everywhere you look people are using their phone as if it is a compass. Others push their shopping cart right in to your path in Wally World without looking. I fear the probably drive the same way.

For other people, if they get a call they stop and almost freeze in place. No matter where they are. It is up to you to try to find a way to get around them.


Well-Known Member
That's routine in today's World. In Wally World I witness people walking through the store with their head screwed in to their phone. It seems everywhere you look people are using their phone as if it is a compass. Others push their shopping cart right in to your path in Wally World without looking. I fear the probably drive the same way.

For other people, if they get a call they stop and almost freeze in place. No matter where they are. It is up to you to try to find a way to get around them.
I heard about the bad accident in Ridge on the 30th. Single car off the road and flipped. Trooper 7 landed on the Chruch parking lot. I saw the aftermath of where the car dug in to the ground. There's a pretty significant drop off from the road where it happened. I am not sure why there is not a rail there. Had there been one, he may not have been injured as much.


happy to be living
After a recent10 day trip to upstate NY and I traveled A LOT when I was there, I only saw a couple fender benders and luckily avoided being in any of them.
I entered Calvert Co and at Ward Rd, there was a five car accident at a traffic light.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

After a recent10 day trip to upstate NY and I traveled A LOT when I was there, I only saw a couple fender benders and luckily avoided being in any of them.
I entered Calvert Co and at Ward Rd, there was a five car accident at a traffic light.

It's your fault. Ya jinxed it. :eyebrow:


Well-Known Member
Enforcement. With officers. Points on licences, fines in excess of 100 or 200 dollars. Ticket failure to yield. Ticket cell phone drivers. Far more crashes from those things than speeding or red lights.
Can't say I've ever heard of a ticket to yield except in the case of an accident.


Power with Control
Can't say I've ever heard of a ticket to yield except in the case of an accident.

Well, if they are not willing to cite cell phone drivers then no, you wont see them doing FTY either. Its about hours spent vs citations generated and getting "heads in cars" to find the "real" dirtbags. The hours/citations metrics are used to support enforcement grant money. So citations that take more time to find and cite are not efficient in the first prime goal, grant money generation. And if you are spending an hour or two getting say 5 or so cell and fail to yield cases, 2 of which are going to court since they are "hearsay" offenses, you are not supporting either reason to do enforcement.

Its not about safety, it never has been.


Active Member
2 points:

1) are we going to enforce dead tags anytime soon? No?????
2) Sheriff Shortsheet and his staff may have caused a minor problem. Deputies yearly evaluations now include number of complaints made about a Deputy that preceding year. THE MAGIC NUMBER TO GET ONE PASSED OVER for promotion is 5 complaints. REGARDLESS OF THE VALIDITY, KIND OF COMPLAINT AND CIRCUMSTANCES.
Scenario: A Deputy gives a fine upstanding dirtball a speeding/no license in possession violation at 3am in the hood. Oh! he didn't wish the violator "happy motoring" so Johnny Jerk complains. Its investigated and no corrective action is needed, but still remains on the Deputys record.

So.......why stop anybody? Yeah, that's an exaggeration , but the rules are the same.
1. We shoudn't have tags in the first place. You like tags? maybe we should all wear barcodes and GPS transponders that always report our locations to the govt.
2. Hmm so maybe we can avoid getting tickets over BS if we use social media to find people who want to complain.. If a cop knows you run "" and you solicit complaints so he knows ticketing you might mean he doens't get a promotion, he would probably tread lightly.. coudl it be a check and balance against BS tickets like 5 over or failure to complete a stop at an empty intersection at 3 am..

either way i'm of the opinion that i don't want fine officers on the side of the road doing BS traffic stops.. I'd rather they be looking for dangerous people and patrolling creating a presence in the community keeping it safer. One of the great travesties is when an officers job is to do traffic on the side of the highway and gets hit, all because the state wants the revenue. People dont sign up to be officers to be road pirates for the govt. When my tags expire I think i'm not going to renew and instead use that money to donate to the officers fund, and if i get stopped, tell them that's how i feel and if they still want to give me a ticket oh well.
I would rather the families of deceased officers get financial help if they need it than the filthy politicians take in more money to be wasted or stolen by crooks in office.


Well-Known Member
What about the ones that have to do 100 mph thru a damn parking lot!!! Idiots!!!!! Our street is the same way, there are always kids playing and riding bikes and these jerkwagons have to do 50 going thru there just so they can slam on the brakes into the parking spot!!
Shame the parking lots here are so flat, you have to really shove an empty cart hard to get it in front of these people.


Well-Known Member
Can't say I've ever heard of a ticket to yield except in the case of an accident.
But isn't it more productive to ticket before accidents happen? How many need to get hurt or die before you think it's ok to ticket for failure to yield, speeding, running red lights, etc.?


Well-Known Member
Accidents keep piling up. I guess it has become something we accept as part of the risk. Last Thursday on 235 I was headed North bound in the St. James area. A car came head on in my lane. I got out of the way barely in time. Most people don't survive head ons. Later on and in to the evening on the way home, I observed at least ten vehicles going across the white line and on to the shoulder and back. A guy was driving down the shoulder instead of the road. He eventually came back on the road. Everywhere you turn, you hear on the radio, on line News, the Enterprise and the County Times and even every now and then the Washington D.C. TV stations about a single vehicle that went off of the road in Southern Maryland and hit a tree, a car or a house. Usually folks do not survive these type of accidents..

I was driving home yesterday. I looked in my rear view mirror and noticed someone behind me going off of the road but thankfully pulled back on to the road just in time.